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Posts posted by sushijerk

  1. I was at the train station and saw some guy bring some kittens in a pet carrier box, he put them down against the wall and just walked away. It broke my heart and I really wanted to do something, but I just went to work.

  2. The characters and sets look good but I just think there's a 0% chance of it telling the story the same way Moore wants to.

    I see this becoming a M. Night Shamlayn (sp?) type movie where it's all zomg twist ending!!! and not the character study Watchmen was. Alan Moore books just don't translate to movies like other properties do, because half the fun is the way he delineates a story and messes with timing/panel placement. You just can't film it because it's so exclusive to the comic medium.

    I actually really enjoyed the 300 movie but this is a totally different ballpark.

  3. Summer vacation in the 90s was great. In the morning turn on the TV you've got Widget, Samurai Pizza cats, Ronin Warriors, Captain Planet, and some other stuff on Nick.

    Anyone else remember that Peter Pan show that was on during the early afternoon on Fox? Once Disney afternoon came on all was right with the world. The Gummis, Duck Tales, Tailspin, and when those went to commercial you had Tiny Toons/Batman on Fox.

    I can go on and on about this shit because I immigrated to America in 92 and cartoons basically taught me English. Watching the shows that are out now makes me sad because the writing is so dumbed down and the animation so cheap. I'd watch old Animaniac clips on youtube and be amazed at how smart a lot of the writing was back then.

    Did anybody actually like the Garfield cartoon? I'd be watchin and thinking..."the fuck is this Orsen pig bs"

    Also I loved this early morning gem:


  4. What's the overall asian opinion on Sanda Oh? I find her to be one of the most horsefaced women I have ever encountered anywhere. The fact that every reviewer in Sideways was raving about how sexy Sandra Oh was in that movie was one of the first things that tipped me off to how wack white peoples' taste in asian women was.

  5. Seriously, I cannot understand that shit at all. When I used to live in Japan, I remembered watching some cartoon where this little dude would pull his pants down and shake his dick around in front of the mirror, like every single episode! Yet they have censored porn?! Does anyone know what show I'm talking about? There's also tons of little clocks and figurines of the dude, with his pants down.

    Oh, also.



    Crayon Shin-chan.

    Japanese porn is censored because of some obscenity law that got passed in the late 80s, and coincidentally the legal requirement to obscure genetalia is part of the reason so many of the porn chicks are not shaved.

  6. Their fashion board is fucking hilarious (not in the sense that they want it to be, either).

    I just checked it out and immediately recognized Lowrider posting there from his MJ vans. That's pretty sad.

  7. Whenever I ride the light rail to work, I always see this one sorta homeless looking, mentally challenged, black guy. The way he looks and talks is a bit "off" and he can't seem to control the volume of his voice. Everyday he gets on the train and pronounces to the entire car ( very loudly) that he is a photographer, a serious business man, that he is saving up for his camera, and that he is an artist for the duration of the ride. He's not asking for help/money or anything, it just seems like he can't stop himself from saying these things the same way people with tourrets can't stop cursing.

    The confession is that after almost a year of hearing this guy a couple of times a week, I just want to go up to him, tell to to shut up, and tell him in front of everyone else on the train that he will never be a photographer, that he will never be anything because he's just a fucking delusional bum with no medication.

    I also really really want to follow the guy and see where he goes every morning. He always has a ticket for the train and he obviously rides the 7:30 AM train for some job/obligation, yet I can't imagine where he could possibly work.

  8. what the fuck is the story about that milk pic? i wanna know. the "thing" freaks me out everytime..

    It was somebody's photography project. He took the puppet and then just made a series of pictures where it interacted in scenes with normal people. I'm not clear on the exact details but the other photos in the series, while also disturbing, seems less.....obscene.

  9. aw man, i used to be the biggest fucking nerd(comics, magic the gathering,etc) and so all my money went on comics, but i stopped suddenly and sold off a lot...i want to get into comics again, but i'm really lost because there are so many out there and i haven't even touched a comic book in 5 years...

    i mainly used to read gen13, witchblade, fathom, etc...anyone recommend me something good? i'm lookin for something a bit darker and it'd be nice if the series has ended or just started.

    What kind of dark? Like superheroes with an edge or genuinely occult/dark? Based on Gen13 and Witchblade I'd rec Stormwatch, and its follow-up The Authority. Both are by Warren Ellis who kind of writes dark stuff in general. He also writes Planetary which is a classic.

    Is Hellboy dark? I'm not sure. I really liked Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse for something that's more Victorian horror inspired.

  10. What's We3/WE3? Big Gaiman fan. But haven't been in a comicbook store in a spell. Actually recommended his New X Men in another thread. Probably the one Cotton's saying we should splice with this one.

    We3 was a short comic from Grant Morrison and Frank Quietly about a cat, a dog, and a rabbit who were turned into cyborg weapons by the US military. Good read, although it was heavy-handed on the "animals are innocent/experimentation is evil" angle.

  11. Anyone else here browse TED.com when they are bored? I've been watching a bunch of the videos in the talks section and many of them are pretty inpsiring. From Wikipedia:

    TED (Technology Entertainment Design) is an annual conference held in California and recently, semi-annually in other cities around the world. TED describes itself as a "group of remarkable people that gather to exchange ideas of incalculable value". Its lectures cover a broad set of topics including science, arts, politics, global issues, architecture, music and more.

    Videos from some of my favorite speakers (sry can't embed):

    Philippe Stark:


    Malcolm Gladwell:


    Evelyn Glennie:




    Was watching one from Seth Gordon about marketing and he came to a point where all I could think about was how relevent this was to the nature of Sufu (scroll to 3/4 of the way into his talk about "otaku") :


    Kind of like youtube except only geniuses are allowed to post video. Hopefully some of you guys will enjoy it as much as me.

  12. zomg insidertrading

    Right now I'm wondering if buying YHOO now would be smart. Some speculate that the deal at $31 is too cheap of a bid.. that leaves room for some profit if I buy long, right?

    I would advise against this. The morning after Yahoo posted earnings analysts were jumping over themselves to downgrade, and right after Microsoft makes a bid they're all saying a higher bid is likely...the lesson is that nobody knows anything.

    Think about your risk/reward. At this point you'd be getting in from around $28. Imho $31 is a huge bid ceiling because it's already a 50% premium over the current stock price ($18-19) plus you have to take into account that MSFT is the only bidder as nobody else has the cash/desire to touch Yahoo. A year ago companies were M&Aing each other like trading cards but that is no longer the case. Your potential is upside is limited to $3 whereas if Yahoo decides to reject the bid or if SEC/DOJ decides against or delays the buyout the stock will be straight back to $20 and under in a hurry.

    I happened to be at my desk pretty early on Friday and shorted Yhoo when it traded to mid 30s very early premarket and covered in the low 28s intraday for what in my mind was free monies.

    And Buffet does very little arbitrage trading. He's more known for successful value investing, as well as going all the way down with the ship when he believes he is right. Dude took massive positions in the previous incarnation of US airways and held it to $0. Ballsy.

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