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Posts posted by mandel9000

  1. On 21.9.2017 at 6:13 AM, propellerbeanie said:

    Here's a pic of mandel.

    Thanks for stepping in, propeller! I've been away for a while, but was actually thinking about taking full-fit pictures of a few of my favourite jeans. I think the 55s might be it for me at the moment, basically great on all counts. If I could change anything, not taking into account historical accuracy, I would make the rise 0.5" higher and the leg 0.5 slimmer. But that's no biggie, I love them just as they are. 

  2. On 19.9.2017 at 2:05 PM, blaewen_blue said:

    @mandel9000 I hope the 701/Norma work out for you! I tried them on on the weekend and sadly they didn't work out for me - they fit me but they uh, highlight things I'd rather minimise!

    Thanks! After a couple of delivery mishaps I picked the Normas up at the local post office today, and I must say I understand what you mean, @blaewen_blue. I don't think there are that many modern female bodies that can fill these jeans out in all the "right" places. Not even Marilyn Monroe had a waist-to-hip ratio that low. Extreme hourglass. Even so, I do like the roomy fit and find it very comfortable too, so I'm quite happy with the purchase. I'll try to post a few pics in the near future. 

  3. I caved and ordered the 701/Norma last week, was just notified that they are passing through customs as we speak. I hope they fit well, it'll be the first woman specific cut I've bought in a long time and quite different from my other jeans. I'll keep you posted!

  4. Agreed, @bartlebyyphonics. As much as I'd like to be an active participant and post regularly, and that others do so too, I also know that forced participation («this week you must post a picture doing [activity] in your jeans») has made me drop out of contests in the past. A good balance and somewhat shared expectations would be great. 

    Very excited to begin!

  5. Great! I'll await your review, @blaewen_blue. I fear that I might have to go custom though, a 72 cm inseam will probably be too short on me - and I normally prefer shorter lengths (aka the high-water look).

  6. 701s up in the webshop now. Trying to justify a purchase to myself, but between the contest jeans and the robot vacuum I just bought... We'll see. 

  7. 8 hours ago, bartlebyyphonics said:

    [to all: I will edit this post down once mandel9000 got the details to not block the waywt / outfit only flow]

    Got it, thanks! Much appreciated. 


    7 hours ago, volvo240thebest said:

    I have the very same pair

    6 hours ago, Foxy2 said:

    also a have a pair or two stuffed away somewhere...

    Funny, me too, in natural leather. Perhaps it's time to bring them down from the attic. 

  8. On 14.7.2017 at 3:29 AM, Iron Horse said:

    Self Edge measurements show the thigh on the 2014 is 11.75, up from 11.6 on the 2009, which looks better to me.

    Weird though, because the thigh measurement for a size 30 is 10.8" on the 2014 vs 11.2" on the 2009, according to the same tables. 

  9. Not very helpful fit-wise (a friggin horse is blocking the view), but this photo of my granddad (left) and his uncle is from 1929 and too good to not post. This is also the only thread where it’s somewhat relevant. 


    The horse is called Stella btw. Written on the back. 

  10. I wasn’t bothered by the suspender buttons on the tour jeans at all, but I didn’t wear a belt either, just tightened the cinch to the max to keep them from falling down. That was a size 32 though, a 30 will stay up on its own. 

    24 minutes ago, bartlebyyphonics said:

    the experience of mandel in relation to use of cinch on world tour is sought pls....

    The waist-to-hip ratio on most women makes it almost impossible for properly sized jeans to sag or fall down, so I can’t say that my experience is universal. Still, even though I’m arguing against my own proclamation of functionality above all, I do love a good cinch! 

  11. True, Volvo. I'm completely down with what you pro-button people are saying, and the authenticity argument is indeed compelling, but I'm absolutely positive that I'll never wear suspenders (<- famous last words, haha). 

    It's not that I don't like the look on others - I do - but I feel suspenders would push me into overtly retro territory, the costume-y feeling that someone referred to earlier. Also, I find the look a bit too masculine (a good thing for most men, I think, but not for me). Lastly I'm a big fan of functionality and buttons that won't be used have no function really.  

  12. Ok! I forgot yesterday but I'm in! Size 30, 30.5/78 cm inseam, no suspender buttons. Of course I'm interested in the t-shirt as well, patch looks great!

    (Oh, and Volvo, it's Birgitte. Not that big a difference but only old people are named Birgit here B))





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