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Posts posted by mandel9000

  1. Aho, I absolutely love the three pleat jacket and wear it nearly all the time. A third layer for winter and second for summer, but I think it will need some really heavy wear... so I'll come back here Christmas 2017. Jeez, I hope next year is better than this one!

    Consensus is size up one, right?

  2. Sorry about the radio silence, I don't currently have a laptop that works and can't figure out to embed photos on the iPad, so for now the work computer is where it happens. 


    I've been busy with the indigo/shibory dye this weekend. I'll have to do some serious cleaning later, because - to paraphrase Arrested Development: I just blue myself and my bathroom. It's a real mess. 


    Anyways, no fit pics this time, but here's an update on the dyeing: 


    Some of the stuff I dyed. The fabric with different patterns will be made into pillows. 



    Nothing fancy here, just a couple of dips and a bit uneven, but I love this shirt and I couldn't wear it before because of the yellow-y beige colour that didn't look good on me at all. Now I have a useable shirt in a nice indigo. 



    How I wish these gloves were wearable. So pretty!



    I had to eat too, so I made a customised larb based on memory. I don't think the cucumber and carrot is supposed to be mixed in at this stage, but it turned out quite well and very tasty. 


    Tomorrow I leave for the north. Ufortunately it's going to rain the whole time according to the forecast, so no snow or northern lights, but I'm sure I can find something to photograph. 

  3. Just a few updates, I've been planning the office Christmas party for the last couple of days because the ones supposed to be in charge came down with the flu. 


    First, a sneak peak of the indigo/shibori project. Shoelaces dipped once and twice. 



    A bandana with pattern. It went back for another dip after this photo was taken. 



    From when I woke up yesterday morning. Last full moon of 2016. 



    I always go away for Christmas so I don't own many festive decorations, except for this:


  4. It makes my bathroom smell like a barn and it seeps through the door to the rest of the apartment, so I have to get all the dyeing done the next few days, can't live like this!  ;) + Afraid that the neighbours will think I have a dead body inside.

  5. Thanks for the nice comments! 


    Cuffs were sloppy, I just made them right there and then. I'm 5'10"/1,77m. I only need a single cuff if I wear a belt (not that uncomfortable and more in tune with my style than suspenders), double if I go without. 

  6. Haha, guys! Glad to live up to the stereotype.

    So, I collected the jeans yesterday afternoon and only had time to try them on before a birthday dinner with a more formal dresscode than loose jeans. I tightened the cinch a bit, but the fit is actually better than I expected. Totally workable with a belt. And they are so soft, almost like pajama pants. Fit pic to come, in the meantime here are a couple of snapshots from this morning:


    In the house!




    A grey day in Oslo. This is the view from my balcony.




    Terrorising the neighbours (not on a Sunday though). This one's dedicated to Volvo. 



    I'm one day behind because of the photo issues. Fit pics + more to come tomorrow when I remember to bring the camera to work. 

  7. The jeans have arrived!

    I have to collect at the post office though, and I just got home from work, exhausted and hung-over, so I might postpone until tomorrow morning if I don't experience a surge of energy after dinner. Very excited, it's about to begin!

  8. Funny, I have a Fuji X-100S that is eagerly awaiting the arrival of the jeans later this week (probably)! Thanks for your part, Paul T. It's been fun and interesting to follow, hope I can live up to it. 


    I live in Oslo but I'm going up north to my mum's for Christmas, so a good chance for lots and lots of snow!

  9. Haha, farce! ^ I hope I can live up to your expectations, Volvo.

    32" is certainly doable, shouldn't be too baggy either, and way better than having to drop out because I can't squeeze into the jeans, like the last time I signed up for a tour...ahem. I'm in!

  10. Not sure, I've avoided all measurements and scales since I had to stop exercising again because of knee issues, but I'll check later. I'm 5'10", close to 150 lbs and have a normal build, if that helps. My impression is that the TCB 606 is slightly undersized compared to other brands and fits I own. The size 30 is closer to a 29, and the 32 is really a 31. 

  11. I figured that much after seeing similarities in the photos here and there, @theravensnest/@blaewen! :D Looking forward to seeing more of the TCBs and your other jeans. Thanks for the kind words too!


    You're right about rise and other fit properties being very individual and dependent on height/body type. It takes a few trials and errors but I think I've finally found what works best for me. The funny thing is that what is often labeled anti-fit (for men), i.e. baggy in the seat and thighs, usually fits me like a glove when sized down. So one man's anti-fit is another woman's best fit, so to speak. 

  12. I machine washed the OYxSS collabo jeans for the first time yesterday (they have been soaked twice before). Shrinkage was minimal, seems they got most of it out with the first wash. Not that much to see yet, but man, I really love these jeans. 







    (I tripped while hiking and put the knee down on a rock.)

  13. Pretty loose and comfy in the top-block, thighs and knees, with a taper. Denim has lots of give, both the waist and thighs stretch out comfortably with some wear. 


    These were the measurements of my one-wash 30x32 when I got them: 


    Waist: 28.5"

    Inseam: 31.25"

    Rise: 11"

    Thigh: 11.5"

    Knee: 9"

    Leg opening: 7.25"


    After quite a few machine washes and tumble dries, with full shrinkage achieved, they are now: 


    Waist: 30" (easily stretched out when wet, will stretch further) 

    Inseam: 30.5"

    Rise: 10.75"

    Thigh: 11.5"

    Knee: 8.75"

    Leg opening: 7.25"

  14. Interesting. I have a lot 1000 from a few years back, a two year old lot 1101 and a newish lot 900 that I got on sale this spring. The fading properties seem to be very different on all three, the 1101 being the fastest fader with a clear margin and quite crinkly and textured. What denim would that be? 


    The 1000 is still quite dark with contrast in the faded areas, while the 900 seems a lot rougher to the touch and fades more like other brands I own. It's been washed only twice though. 

  15. I really like Norway, beautiful countryside. Where are you from? 


    Thanks, Bobbo! I'm from Tromsø originally and that's where the photos were taken, but I have lived in Oslo since I finished high school ages ago. 

  16. They use the standard Ooe hardware on those jeans, so you should be able to get a replacement.

    Thanks, Felonious! I found an old generic button going through my sewing kit and just replaced, figured that wear was more important than authenticity in this case.

    I'm visiting my hometown in the north of Norway and went hiking in jeans again, this time the Ooes. It drives my mother, the gear freak, crazy so it's a no-brainer really.


    And perhaps a little easier to make out the fit here. (Fun fact: As a kid I ski-jumped a few times in the smallest one to the left, until I ended up in the emergency room.)


    Edit: Hmmmm, some trouble with the images via phone, I'll edit later.

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