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Posts posted by mandel9000

  1. 26 minutes ago, alvin_cheong said:

    Simon, the 1101 you bought the same as your 1001?

    I have the 1000xx in size 29 and went for a 30 in the 1101, but that was based on thigh measurements. Apart from the different fit, the top block feels like the same size. 

    ...and that was not what you asked about, I just realised, but someone might find that info useful so I'll post anyway.  

  2. I did, yeah. At least once a month, sometimes more often. I remember being clumsy and spilling food on these twice in the beginning. 

    The inseam is now 30.75"/78 cm and the leg opening is 7.25"/18,5 cm, otherwise the measurements are more or less like yours.  


    On 24.1.2017 at 10:51 PM, Cucoo said:

    I'll be flying into Fort Worth for a 3 week vacation in the USA in May. Cities along our planned round trip route along Route 66, through Nevada and New Mexico include FW/Dallas, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Phoenix, Tucson and then back to Texas for San Antonio, Austin and Houston.

    Any stores a denimhead shouldn't miss?

    I did almost the same trip a couple of years ago and first of all I envy you. Second, I think my favorite stop along the way was Santa Fe, and I wish we could've stayed there a little longer. The vintage stores were excellent. Can't remember names but one carried western boots by the thousands and I think another one was just called Santa Fe. 

  4. 6 hours ago, holio cornolio said:

    (I had to slacken the cinch off a little mandel, you must have been rattling around in these jeans!!)

    Well... I filled out the seat area more, I guess. Great to see that the jeans arrived safely in Britain, fit is excellent!

    (Missed opportunity on my part: photos of old Volvos. A lot of them here right next to Sweden.) 

  5. Long time no see! I lost my phone on the first night of Eurosonic (and even more critical: I forgot my passport for the first time in my life, but I actually managed to get to Groningen and back without ever showing ID. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing though...:blink:)

    All in all I just took three photos of men above 6'9" standing right in front of me blocking the stage at shows. Dutch people are so tall it's quite extraordinary, the only place where I feel short at 5'10".  


    Anyway, the jeans have been washed and are on their way to Holio as we speak. Sorry about the low frequency of posts at the end of my leg, but I look very much forward to follow the next participants!




  6. I just started a new workout regime a month ago, not as a new year's resolution but more of an intention to be a little healthier. It's mostly bodyweight and kettlebell excercises, really hard stuff sometimes, and judging by soreness (the good kind, not where it really hurts) it's working really well. I went there this morning (just had to brag about that) and afterwords I felt so energized that I decided to bring the camera along for a little walk in Oslo. 

    The city is divided by a river, Akerselva, running from the north to the south. The westside has been the most affluent, the east is more working class, with more immigration during the last decades. I live in the east, in one of four high-rises built in 1964. Apart from those there's the Hotel Plaza and the equallly tall one next to it, the Norwegian post office headquarters. Both can be viewed a few posts above, in the sunset. 

    Then, a few years ago in a very controversial political desicion, they started extensive construction on the waterfront. Controversial because thousands of people lost their fjord view, and because Oslo has always taken some pride in the small town feel of the place, it doesn't really look like a capital city. The so-called barcode house finance consultants of some kind, it's PWC, Deloitte, the Norwegian bank etc. Here they are seen from my side of town, across the train tracks that run behind them: IMG_4920.jpg

    Just to the right from my position here, at the beginning of the bridge and squeezed in between a busy street and the train station is Maaemo, Norway's only restaurant with three Michelin stars. I have never eaten there, but I will when I get rich.


    Here's the barcode seen from the fjord, with the Opera to the left and the new Munch museum in the middle (the big dark grey thing under construction). The vertical opening on the wall is actually there to get the biggest artworks inside by crane, then it's going to be closed.


    This was opened a couple of years ago and is very popular (and packed!) in summer. A group of people from work go running and then for a dip here, even in winter. I'm too fond of comfort and warmth, my last swim was in October. 





  7. I don't think they'll stretch to 36", but 34" is probably possible. Plenty of room for longjohns (plural) underneath, but the longjohns are too much in the office and I prefer not to change at the start and end of the workday. 

    Here are - finally - some pictures. 

    My modest wear on the cinch: 

    Roping is very good: 

    Notes from the quiz: 
    We came in third and were only three people, happy with that. 

  8. It's -10 degrees celsius here - no weather for the tour jeans that let in cold air so easily through their large leg openings. Had to be two layers today, first one wool, second one heavy denim. Looking through my storage unit the other day I found a Carhartt down jacket from around 1998 that I had totally forgotten about, one of the first things I bought when I started university ages ago, which actually looks quite cool and also came in very handy in these freezing conditions. The charger for the camera arrives tomorrow morning, so more photos then. Now I'm going to one of my favorite pasttimes: A music quiz. 

  9. 21 hours ago, Maynard Friedman said:

    the current (2016/17) demand for higher-waisted, fuller-thighed 'lifters jeans'

    I'm no lifter, but more options with a full(er) thigh is certainly good for us women who are into non-stretch unisex cuts. That said, most repro models (or vintage jeans) fit that bill. I haven't tried all the LVC 501 iterations but still quite a few, and they all fit more or less well except for the 1947, where the thighs were way too slim for me. Not to mention my grand failure in the Denime 66-tour, where measurements sounded good on paper but I just couldn't button them (although that was because of the seat being narrow, not the thigh). 

    In other news, I just bought a brand new triple-pleat blouse for cheap from someone who mis-sized. When I got it yesterday I didn't think it could possibly shrink down enough for a good fit, but a warm wash later it's perfect! The patch though...especially after shrinkage. I'm leaning toward getting rid of it - yay or nay?

  10. Alright peeps! Again, sorry about the lack of updates after the holidays, it's been a super boring week for me (in a good way too, caught up with a lot of stuff at work) so not that much to write home (or in this case, here) about. I do have some new pics on my camera that I'm going to post, but I just ran out of battery and left the charger at my mom's. She's assured me that it's in the mail now, so soon.

    In the meantime, here's one of my stupid but very cute cat, Snorre, since TCB is after all the cat brand.


    And the best we managed on new year's eve. I'm third from left (not wearing jeans, I'm afraid).


    So, who's getting the jeans after me? I'm going to Groningen in The Netherlands for Eurosonic next week, and after that I'll ship it on. If the next contestant can shoot me a pm with the address, that'd be great!

  11. An Oslo sunset viewed from my balcony beats the northern lights in my book.



    I think I'll join the 20s contest, I've gotten used to the wider fit now and I think a size 30" will be spot-on in the waist and hip, tighter but still relaxed. The denim is soooo comfortable and it actually feels a bit stretchy when pulled.

  12. I forgot to document the lutefisk, which is described this way on Wikipedia: Made from aged stockfish (air-dried whitefish) or dried/salted whitefish (klippfisk) and lye (lut). It is gelatinous in texture. Its name literally means "lye fish".

    I find it a little hard to eat, after half a portion or less I get overwhelmed by the above mentioned "gelatinous texture" and my knowledge about the process and I get a bit quesy.

    The day after (yesterday) we had my favorite christmas dish, pinnekjøtt, which is dried and smoked lamb that is steamed on twigs (or a modern equivalent) and served with mashed kohlrabi and potatoes. I was happy again!


    After eating and staying indoors mostly, we went on a long hike earlier today. This was the first day with enough snow for a while, and the ski trails had just been made, so we pissed off quite a few eager skiers by walking there. My mom got in an argument with a youngster training for something, and I got really embarrassed. I guess parents have a way of bringing that out, no matter one's age.


    I would have skied if I could, but I didn't bring any gear on the plane because it's a bit of a hassle and the forecast said it would rain the whole time.


    My mom walking a little ahead of me.


    This is the place where I played basketball for many years in my youth. Note that the name is written twice, first in Norwegian and below, a little smaller, in Sápmi, the language of the indigenous people here. Everything that is run by the government has to use both languages.


    Having a little fun in the jungle gym we passed on the way.



    This is the lake close to where I grew up. The mountain in the middle, Tromsdalstinden, is an iconic sight in Tromsø. I actually climbed it in September in my Ooe-Youfukutens. (Photo proof is in that thread.)


    The Northern Lights Observatory looks very cool!



    It's cold and clear tonight, good conditions for northern lights. I'll get on it if that happens!

  13. Haha, @Volvo, I really wish I was there.

    @Bobbo, I guess we're just a little more advanced in the potentially gross food department. But you have surströmming going for you, so I don't really know ;)


    I ventured outside today in that small daylight window around noon.

    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!










  14. Today we went to the "city centre" to buy the last gifts and some ingredients for upcoming dinners.

    It actually snowed a little this morning:


    30 minutes later, about 1:30pm, we got to the very happening downtown Tromsø and it was already dark.


    This used to be my favorite shop when I was a kid. All candy. Felt good to see that it's still going strong.


    We went to the fish market to get some lutefisk, more about that in a few days, and passed by the boats that either sell fresh fish (during the season) or take tourists out on whale safaris.


    At the fish market. Note the orange jacket with rephlex (or whatever it's called in English), lots of people wear them here because it's so dark.


    I briefly considered getting this dried cod to eat as a snack (an acquired taste, I must admit):


    But instead I settled on the raindeer stew. The photo is not very appealing, but it was excellent!


    My mom's cousin used to run the polar museum here. We stopped by and I snapped a photo of this photo of polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen. Really like the cut and assymetry of his jacket.


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