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Everything posted by crownzip

  1. Eastman horsehide tanker boots breaking in nicely.
  2. 1942 FSA photos of Chicago and Northwestern workers rocking some nice denim.
  3. My old At The Front WWII russet service shoes are holding up well after a couple years wear.
  4. crownzip


    S1000XX wartime denim after almost two years of wear on and off with limited cold washing. Couldn't be happier with how hard wearing these are.
  5. WWII khakis / chinos are still out there at flea markets and vintage shops. Here's a pair I've worn for years.
  6. a couple photos from the 1940's .
  7. How fortunate am I that my new wife insisted I wear my old Cone Mills '44 501's on our wedding day.
  8. Went on Son of Stag website to check on the Lee Archive pieces. Kinda sucks that most sizes in many of the pieces are already sold out when they aren't even available until tomorrow.
  9. Looking forward to breaking in these LVC Japan 1944's.
  10. Hi Doc, Agree with you on the 2005 shirt pocket '44's. Also, the old LVC Japan '44's are quite exceptional. Curious, which brands are you digging these days for your WW2 fix?
  11. Thanks for this heads up. I wonder when the Son of Stag Lee Japan Archive stuff will be for sale and if sizing will be the same as the older Lee Archive Japan stuff.
  12. Yes, those are Gee's Bend quilts - thanks for posting. Years ago the Whitney Museum in NYC had an exhibit of their quilts. The ones made from old denim were insanely beautiful. https://www.betterworldbooks.com/product/detail/9780965376648?shipto=US&curcode=USD&gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwpuajBhBpEiwA_ZtfhXrgseedspnbeLWS50-WCnHgni6baHibbQtzQlZU8Tb5GFK5KmSJthoCMuYQAvD_BwE
  13. Hi Dr, Sure, here's a photo taken this spring with a heavy wool sweater underneath.
  14. I'm a sucker for Lee denim, so here's my 1960's Lee 191-LB blanket lined jacket. The Talon chain pocket zip is a cool detail I've always liked from these 60's era jackets. My sister re-enforced the sleeve ends and repaired a couple small holes with 60's era denim patches.
  15. Anybody else into Lee Japan repro denim? Here's a photo of my three year old '44 Lee repros that are just starting to look the part.
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