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Posts posted by Broark

  1. 29 minutes ago, Double 0 Soul said:

    I quite like to see dogs sprawled out in pubs, onder the tables or in front of the fire after a long Sunday morning walk but not in a swanky restaurant.

    Yeah that's totally fine in my book, usually here with the warmer weather it's out on a patio outside of a dive bar or casual restaurant.
    But when your dog is taking a dump inside the grocery store next to the produce...that's where my frustration comes from.
    Or if I'm going to a nice dinner and I'm greeted by a dog underneath the table next to me. 
    Owners should be able to read the room and know when it's inappropriate, but that seems to have gone out the window in recent years.

    A lot of businesses have started to put up signs that say if you have a service dog you need to have proper proof of accreditation.
    And if you actually have a real service dog then no worries, since they're generally a lot more well behaved because of that training.

  2. I've been fortunate enough to never have had any experiences like this, at our old apartment I had some choice words for a few neighbors who would walk around with their dogs off-leash which was against the rules. Our dog isn't always friendly, especially with larger off-leash dogs as she is smaller and probably felt intimidated. But I would just pick her up, yell at the owner to put their dog on a leash and walk away without incident.
    But one thing that has been really ridiculous lately related to dogs is people bringing them everywhere under the guise of being a service dog.
    Places such as the grocery store, nicer restaurants (inside, not on the patio) or any other business you might visit on a regular basis where a dog isn't really intended to be.
    This got 1000% worse since the pandemic, and I'm tired of it. The grocery store is the one that really pisses me off.

  3. @tooth we stopped by Verb Coffee while in Boulder, would’ve liked to spend more time in town as it seemed quite nice overall. 

    I think the most impressive thing I noticed while we were there was the lack of traffic (or just good city planning?). Coming from Austin, if you want to get across town we’re talking about a 30+ minute drive if you’re going north and south. While we were in Denver I think it never took more than ~15-20 minutes to get anywhere? Or maybe we just got lucky.

  4. 1 hour ago, obama said:

    Late to the game but why is this 43 pair so much more expensive than standard sc?  Anything special with it?

    SC is (seemingly) putting a lot more time and development into the materials and research behind these.
    Goal is making them as close to identical as possible to the vintage pairs they're based on.
    Check the catalog, they have some comparison photos there: https://bookshelf.wisebook4.jp/html/toyoenterprise/51863/
    This article also has comparison photos between the repros and originals: https://dig-it.media/clutch/article/799433/

  5. 4 minutes ago, Dr_Heech said:

    ¥42,000 which includes tax and free shipping but only in one wash, if l've understood correctly?

    Not b_F but that's correct! ¥42,000 is the tax excluded price for us abroad.
    BEARS offers free shipping internationally over ¥15,000.

  6. 14 hours ago, MJF9 said:

    Any news mate?

    I asked b_F for some help since he has ordered from BEARS in the past, I never got a response but seems like they will only be offering OW as he mentioned above.
    Guess it really doesn't make too much of a difference in the grand scheme of things, and it's nice that they do offer free shipping.
    Raw vs OW really isn't usually a big deal for me, but for whatever reason I wanted these raw. 🤷‍♂️
    I believe these should be available next month.

  7. This one is kind of tough, like 00 I've been fortunate enough to find a way to get most of what I'm after.
    Also, I feel like the subject is two-fold: to me sought after implies that you haven't been able to get you hands the pair in question, while you also mention a more "hall of fame" type of lineup. Regardless, happy to explore both!

    Brands I have worn:
    Freewheelers - XX variations: I know, I know, here I go again touting FW. I've yet to try the standard 47 and 51 offerings, but in the last two years I've been wearing the S601XX and 601XX-C versions and I've thoroughly enjoyed both denims. There are times where I get a little bored with the denim (not including the S war-era stuff, that was always great) but if you put the time into them they're well worth it. Great patterns, some of the most underrated (at least from the western contingent) repro jeans on the market currently.
    Ooe Yofukuten - OA variations: While the differences in each run might be subtle, the changes between each OA lot make them interesting enough for me to try. Every different variety that I've worn looks slightly different, with the exception of them all lightening up fairly quickly without much contrast. Some of the best constructed pairs around, looking forward to the next war-era iteration since it's been some time since I've worn a pair of OAs.
    Roy - Cone variations: I own a lot of Roy, and a lot of black seed Cone specifically. While the black seed is one of my all time favorite denims, I feel like some of the earlier Cone that he used was even more special, like the original Cone Project jeans or the SF01. I've been focusing on other brands lately, but I'll likely revisit some Roy soon, maybe I'll start wearing the RS04's I have stowed away. My raw LeRoy's with duck patch might be my most "prized" pair in my collection.

    Brands I haven't worn:
    45rpm - natural indigo: These have always intrigued me, mainly since they seem to fade very subtly over time. I had a pair of synthetic-dyed indigo jeans from them that I sold, they didn't really do anything for me but the natural indigo seems more interesting.
    Slash Overalls: One man brand from Japan, very similar to CSF when it comes to wonky construction and overall vibe. Very popular and hard to come by, some of the worn pairs I've seen on Instagram look great.
    Matin Montana jeans: These were pretty limited, released at the end of 2022. I wasn't able to get a pair, they pop up every now and then on Yahoo for exorbitant prices that I'm not willing to pay (which has evidently been making the Matin owner mad). Based off a vintage pair found near the Idaho / Montana border. I've seen a few worn pairs on Instagram that look nice.
    Sugar Cane Super Denim Collectibles: These haven't been released yet, but they've been discussed heavily in the SC thread. Newly developed denim for the 43 and 46 pairs, looking forward to trying both.

  8. 25 minutes ago, volvo240thebest said:

    He's a lovely guy, haven't seen yet the jeans in flesh. He did some very nice repairs on my tcb jeans in the past. I'm tempted to get a pair just to give him some support, but I need to loose some timber first...

    Super nice guy, my Instagram interactions with him were great. If you ever do make it to his shop to collect a pair try to snap some pics.

    P.S. Hope you’re well!

  9. 4 minutes ago, MJF9 said:

    Do we know who's going to be stocking the 43s / 46s?  Those who do friends shipping to the UK are of interest 

    I think the usual suspects will be stocking heavily, but I admittedly don't have as many SC connections as some other brands.
    I might try to buy from PSA or Hinoya, or whoever offers the raw versions. Not sure if they do any modifications to the documents or not.

  10. I'm very tempted by both the 43 and 46 jeans, wish they had tabs but seems those are long gone when it comes to SC.
    Based on the fit descriptions seems like the 46 will be quite close to the 47, which I do not own. And the 43 will be a bit wider which is nice.
    Guess we'll see what happens once they're available! Do I need them? Absolutely not, but do I want them? That's an entirely different question.

    Personally have very little interest in the jackets, I have my FW S506XX and that scratches the itch for me.

  11. I actually can't comment much on the '47, despite having a bunch of FW I still have yet to wear the '47 or '51...
    My understanding is that they are still produced somewhat regularly (at least annually) and are offered o/w and raw with raw generally being less readily available since most of the JP market prefer o/w.

    It's easy to forget the classics when they're always pushing new stuff, I plan to try the '47 once I get through a couple other pairs in the queue. No idea when that might be!

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