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Everything posted by shredwin_206

  1. Anyone ever purchased from Brogue? Eyeing a Freewheelers piece.
  2. @vlad_III not necessarily. The just get really dirty with the work I do. They were clean a week ago and after a week look like this haha
  3. Looking for sizing advice on the 504xx denim pullover. Calling @MJF9 @Broark
  4. vintage bomber jacket Freewheelers 1922. Nicks builder pro
  5. Seems Duke isn’t the only one offloading his FW collection. I see a bunch of stuff from Smallrod on eBay. luckily it’s all too small for me
  6. Now y’all have me even more confused. I’ll just stick to thrashing all of the jeans equally. Hahaha
  7. I think the 37/42 are the same denim and the flagship denim is used for the 43/47/51 but that the 22 is something different? Idk. They don’t post any details at all really for the denims. Haha
  8. @Broark asked for a comparison of the 1922 denim so here are some shots. 1922 top, 1937 middle, wwii on the bottom.
  9. Gave the 1922 freewheelers a wash and dryer today. Looking like straight up vintage jeans 🔥
  10. Love the 13MWZ and always wanted a raw selvedge version. I’ll be grabbing the jeans at some point.
  11. runabout type 1 Freewheelers 1937 Nicks boots
  12. @AlientoyWorkmachinei really enjoy the proximity denim used for the brander type 1. the jeans I don’t love. I’ve washed a couple times now and they’ve gotten crazy soft. Almost pillow like. No crunch/starch to them. So they kind of are lifeless. the jacket is a LHT I think and the jeans are BT. FW will probably always be number one in my book. Just all their denim and details are always spot on. I like the OOE I have but the fit are just wonky for me. They seem to fit really weird in the top block/crotch. Feel like I’m bottoming out if that makes sense. Haha So I always grab my Freewheelers instead.
  13. runabout goods brander. hardenco x proximity x Hudson hill triple knee jeans nicks boots
  14. @Dr_Heech that vintage jacket is beautiful. Always preferred type 1 with a pocket flap but that might have changed me. Haha
  15. celebrated my birthday early (not until the 16th) hiked six miles around Mount Rainier in Washington
  16. @Duke Mantee wow brother. So many ace pieces
  17. @vlad_III what’s the name of that red tee? Really dig the boxier cut to it and how it’s faded!
  18. Wild fade comin in on the 1922! From where my jacket covers the top of my jeans while working! Amazing
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