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Posts posted by okisan

  1. Some fit pics of my SR8 Cobras. They don't really do justice to the lustre this denim has:


    14050750713_58a3b61b19_s.jpg20140427_095526 by tizwiz78, on Flickr


    14007627826_c1ecb86093_s.jpg20140427_095206 by tizwiz78, on Flickr


    14050753583_a6b938529d_s.jpg20140427_095129 by tizwiz78, on Flickr


    I love the fit and I'm not sure whether to soak them or not. I'm not going for 'sick fades' and I don't want them to be uncomfortably tight.

    you'll be fine totally fine soaking those. just chuck them in a bucket or something for 20 minutes, in the same temp water you're likely to wash them in when you get round to it.

  2. @slowitchu - nice pick up. i've admired this one for a while now, but who needs two jackets when they take so long to wear in? i'd be ditching that patch on the back though, really throws off the whole aesthetic.

  3. Any ideas what the "black bear" will be? Jacket, shirt? Hoping for a type 3 jacket!



    Black denim jacket.

    Who's going for the 21ozers? There's a pair of Buffalos with my name on!


    my guess is a black/black denim rather than the black on offer already...


    nice to see the 21oz will be a relatively permanent addition to the range, rather than just a one off. wonder how it ages in comparison to IH's 21oz

  4. Just curious, has anyone ever experimented with any kind of differential soaking/shrinking, i.e., cold soaking first to remove starch and then after drying and assessing, hot soaking a specific part (as opposed to the whole jeans) to get more shrinkage in that area while leaving other parts as is?  


    many of us have. can't say it's ever really made that much difference in the long run as sooner or later your jeans are gonna get wet all over.

  5. HC-SF-21




    seeing as it's been a year now i figure it's time for a pic update. i haven't worn these exclusively over the last year but this is where they're at, and around 3-4 washes.. colour is fairly accurate bar the last shot











  6. from memory i think Kiya said SG used PBJ fabric for their first run, but since then it's all been SG's. i think also that PBJ now uses SG fabric after SG have used it first - i'm assuming some the Tenryo fabrics would fit this bill.

    at any rate, this new 51xx is all SG.

  7. no pics yet, but after a machine wash on 30 degrees (it may have been cold as i think the hot water is broken) they've shrunk an inch in the length and an inch in the waist.


    it's worth pointing out actually that Corlection's stock of Strike Gold jeans are all 34" in the leg rather than the usual 37" or whatever.. so if any of you short folk are after SG then i'd check them out.

  8. would be cheaper to buy from Japan, but it wouldn't be by that much in the end. it'd be worth paying the extra to get the proper service from BiG, and the option to send them back if they don't fit - you won't get this with ordering by proxy. 

  9. soooo, this happened today - 3109's




    i quit my job recently and it's customary for the collection plate to get passed around and a present bought with the results. i rigged the system and made sure i got store credit at Corlection in Sydney. i wandered in there today and tried these one just because, and ended up buying them.


    fit pics soon.



  10. pics as promised. apologies for the lame effort and my tired face (my daughter is back to waking up at 5am), best i could muster after getting home from work. this is a size 1, my other UES sweat is a 2. they seemed to be similar in size according to the chart so i went down a size. given ho much my other one stretched this will fit a bit better after a handful of wears.




    it's seriously nice, & for $100 less than the competition it's money very well spent. the cotton is super soft and actually really fucking warm, heavy too.
    if anyone's interested i can put up some detail shots later
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