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Posts posted by okisan

  1. Sitting right here in Glasgow in my Caribous! 


    Saw someone in London with an awesome worn pair on one time.

    Could have been me.... if it was 2013. Otherwise i'm in Sydney Australia.

  2. I urge anyone on the fence with Ande's work to just stop dithering and get on board. There's nothing like a 'bench made' pair of jeans, and i've been sorely let down by most other brands out there since owning Ande's... true. There are a lot of heritage & prestigious brands out there whose construction is sloppy and hastily slapped together, but it sells by the bucket load because the brand has history & cred. Fuck history, choose quality. Buy Ande...

  3. And rather selfishly I was hoping these would stay under the radar.........I have 3 pairs of vintage cut, one icon (doesn't suit me at all) and a pair of the Rodeo on their way. Cost is about $350-$450 depending on the type, lead time is about 10 weeks minimum. Great guy, passionate about what he does and superb workmanship, great design ideas as well. Not sure how he can continue to sell direct if he is going to sell through a US retailer as is rumoured, but guess it would have to end up like a Roy style operation, making them in batches then releasing them through the outlet.


    they'll be distinguished as two individual lines, one as his bench made line, the retail line being factory made to his (demanding) specs. they'll be quite different from each other in the end, but both still awesome.

  4. All politicians are idiots. Which nation can boast a leader that they can be truly proud of? We have to wait for them to be dead first, before we can recognise their 'greatness'.

    As an Italian you have much more than just espresso heritage to be proud of!

    EDIT: Persol sunglasses. Best in the world!


    Meanwhile, this is the guy that's in charge of my country




    Needless to say he's not doing a great job.

  5. oh man, how was it?? they're gonna be in cincinnati on the 24th of next month. it's a 3 hour drive, but i would love to go.

    edit: John, the more i think about it, the more i think a 32 would be the way to go. my 1955-uhr's are borderline too big. i've washed them numerous times so they never really have a chance to stretch out, but i'm sure i could have went with a 33 in those and been fine. but, we'll see. i still have some time to think it over (read: still waiting on my w2 lol).


    it was good, though they weren't as full on or brutal as the last few times i've seen them. that said the opening track was over 40 minutes long...

  6. This is me and the (much younger) nipper getting an esresso, and babycino, from three world champs: Michael Phillips, world champion barista, 2010 and in the middle, Stephen Morrissey Ireland's best barista, world champion 2008, and Gwilym Davies, 2012 .world champion.


    I think Gwuilym might have recommended the ROK, previously known as the Presso. I've tried it, it's better than a conventional stovetop. Would make a good backup, especially for when me and nipper go camping in the volvo.




    used to get my morning hits from Gwilym's coffee cart in Clerkenwell when i lived in London. i forgot the street name but it was west of Old Street tube. good guy

  7. wow, thanks for the response guys. very helpful indeed. i've been to Japan 3 times before but never made it down this way so this 1st hand info is helping rather than people who just piss & moan on trip advisor...

  8. actually, i should have asked what areas in Kyoto are good to stay in terms of access to 'stuff'.

    unfortunately though it's going to be a quick visit as the Japan trip overall is a short one & i have commitments in Tokyo also.

  9. I'm sure i'll get slaughtered for starting a new thread but whatever...


    I'm going to be in Japan this March and trying to pick between staying in Osaka or Kyoto. Osaka has more denim heritage but i'm not necessarily fussed about denim shops for the sake of this trip as i'll also be in Tokyo, just interested to know which of the two is overall a better place to stay according to people i trust in this forum.


    Opinions at the ready people...

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