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Posts posted by jbphoto23

  1. lol. so you're gonna buy the like 60$ attachment so you can transfer your photos over, which you'll be shooting in jpeg, just so you can view unprocessed pictures on your ipad.

    EDIT - I humbly apologize for my lack of respect and admit that I was wrong


    here are two reasons why you are incorrect sir.

    1. CR2 files CAN be viewed on the ipad, I just put one on and viewed it no problem.

    And with what I do (architectural), with the tripod in place for hours in one spot, checking for sharpness and consistency in white balance is extremely important. Go look at my website and tell me I shoot in Jpeg.

    2. Here's the link to the camera connection kit. $29

    The kit allows you to plug a flash card reader in and download directly from the flash card within seconds.


    so before you try and act tough, do your research.

  2. my parents hooked it up for my bday with a 64 gig + 3G.

    I do photography so this is nice to have my portfolio on, and to take it on shoots and see my exposures on a larger scale, rather than the small display on my 5D.

    p.s. Zombieville is the best game I've found so far.

  3. oh yeah, how could i forget about the axis lock knives. excellent locking systems for ambidextrous use!

    i second this! supposedly the strongest lock mechanism there is too..and most benchmades..the clip can be turned for left or right pocket carry.

    i love my presidio..its an axis

  4. i have so much work to do on my imperials and dry bones, but I went ahead and bought a pair of the 1105 anyways. they're coming saturday..so I'll get some fit pics and color-accurate detail photos up then. stoked.

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