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Posts posted by shufon

  1. ^Lmao. You still down to try Rumpkin? I think I'm gonna head down on Sunday and see what's up.

    Oh and I liked Punkin the first time I had it back in 08 but the last few times I've tried it I haven't been able to get past the clove. I'm not huge into pumpkin beers though.

  2. I read 7 chapters of a probability textbook this weekend, worked ~150-200 problems from the book, memorized numerous formulas, etc etc in preparation for a midterm today. I'm currently expecting my grade on the midterm to be between 40-60.

    I got this test back this morning and my grade was a 46. I finally got a chance to sit down and look through it about 20 minutes ago and it is ridiculous how much the graders (who are probably younger than me) overlook or just completely misgrade. I got 20 points on one problem (full credit), then it was marked to 10, and finally it was marked to 3. And I did it correctly and have the right answer. These people are idiots. My grade is supposed to be a 73, which is actually an A.

    I hate having to waste time fretting over trying to get points back on a fucking exam when I have more important things that I need to do.

  3. @scientifick - Have you had 120 before? It's pretty gross in my opinion. If you really want to try it though, post an ISO thread on beeradvocate. You can probably land a couple bottles with good NC locals.

    edit: nevermind, talk to islandboi.

  4. I read 7 chapters of a probability textbook this weekend, worked ~150-200 problems from the book, memorized numerous formulas, etc etc in preparation for a midterm today. I'm currently expecting my grade on the midterm to be between 40-60. I fucking hate school, and I hate the fact that I pay a fucking lot of money just to be "taught" by a person who doesn't give two shits about me. I also hate that I get some arbitrary fucking letter grade supposedly representing my abilities in a subject, when in reality it just represents how well I take tests. And while I'm on that subject, how the fuck does a test reflect what is done in the real world at all? When am I going to be bombarded with 5 high level probability problems, each focused on a different theory/topic, and be given 1 hour to complete them? I fucking hate tests.

    And to top it all off, I pay all this money and go through this shit just to get a god damned school's name on my resume.


    Fuck. I needed to get that out.

  5. Got a growler of Hill Farmstead Abner from a friend tonight and drank it with youkinorn. Was an awesome IPA, possibly the best one I've had from HF yet. Youkinorn opened his bottle of Parabola after that. Reminded me of BCBS after aging it 2-3 years. Good stuff :D


  6. Got a 5th CBS tonight, *might* score a 6th one tomorrow morning. Just opened up a bottle, this is from my tumblr:


    Really though, this beer is delicious. The mouthfeel is the best part to me, incredibly thick and creamy. Coffee is very prominent up front with a really biting espresso bitterness. Aftertaste is all dark chocolate with a little bit of sugary maple syrup that lingers. Throughout all of it is a nice warm bourbon overtone. Can’t wait till this thing warms up as I heard it only gets better.

    Not sure if any beer could ever live up to the insanity that this thing has caused, but it's pretty damn good.

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