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Posts posted by shufon

  1. Yeah I passed on the whiskey as well. The liquor building was our last stop after the beer and wine so all I remember is the vodka flight, which was awesome. Everything after that (they gave us a free tasting of everything else) is pretty blurry, although I'm sure it was tasty, haha.

  2. Few things from the past week


    2011 Brute


    Double dry hopped Ruination (Citra and Centennial)


    Racer 5 and Ommegang Aphrodite


    Kuhnhenn American Barleywine (and Contra :D)


    Ithaca 13 and De Proef Monstre Rouge


    Greenport Canard Noir on cask (sour porter on cask dry hopped with Cascade.. was interesting to say the least)

  3. I finally mounted the TV in my living room a month after moving here. Plugged a coaxial cable in because apparently there are free channels in NYC or something? I have ~120 channels, of which about 25-30 are HD including HBO, Cinemax, Encore, and Showtime. This isn't normal, right?

  4. Met youkinorn and another friend at Rattle n Hum today for some Hill Farmstead beers.. drank Double Galaxy, Double Citra, Civil Disobedience batch 2 (awesome), Vera Mae, and Arthur. Also got these in a trade:


    100% Bourbon Barrel Cuir and Goose Island Imperial Brown Goose (woop :))

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