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Posts posted by shufon

  1. Also, yet another reason why I love buying beer in DC. The prices may suck but it's nice to be able to go into a store and buy Alpine IPAs on the east coast (not to mention Heady Topper, Surly Abrasive, etc all in the same location). Been drinking this for the past 2 nights:


  2. ^My bank had an insane response time.. I bought a metro card no problem with my card, got on the train, got off 10 minutes later and went to buy lunch and my card was frozen. Got a call from the bank while I was trying to buy lunch and they told me what was up. Literally caught it in like 5 minutes.

  3. someone stole my card number and bought flowers. flowers, ffs. there's also a mystery GOOGLECHK preapproval for a buck.

    i don't call cops but i did on the bank's advice. i hate waiting for this to resolve.

    Somebody stole my card number today and went shopping at Marshall's. Who steals a credit card number and then goes to Marshall's of all places?

  4. ^ that's at an investment bank?

    if so, it's not because they don't want free help, it's because they don't want you around

    don't give up yet though, aim lower at boutiques and network

    when something doesn't work out at first try again, if it still doesn't work out try harder and if it doesn't work out at all try something else

    Trying to get into boutiques isn't exactly aiming lower. I think it's actually the better way to go. Boutiques may not always have the resources of the big banks, and they certainly don't have the out of the box training programs that the big banks have, but you will most likely learn more and be allowed more flexibility. You also have a better chance at making an impact on the firm and proving to be valuable to the firm.

    @ohsnap-- investment firms expect you to be interested enough in the industry to have researched and somewhat figured out what you want to do within the industry. they want you to be able to talk about specifics in an interview and show that you've done enough of your own due diligence that they don't have to teach you everything. also, on a side note, be patient. do whatever is available for now, but if you're still interested in finance in the future, you know I've told you I'll take you on as an intern and show you the ropes once my firm is up and running.

  5. I remember posting a while back about having feelings for a girl for the first time in 4 years, and how I was concerned about things because we were moving to different cities. She just told me she hooked up with another guy last weekend and when I asked her why, she said she was drunk. What the fuck kind of excuse is that? I give up on this shit.

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