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Posts posted by shufon

  1. ^Sit on those Black Ops for at least a year, that beer (especially the 2011) kinda sucks when it's fresh. After a year or two it's awesome though.

    Also, back to the whole website thing. BA forums go down -> BA users go to ratebeer -> ratebeer forums go down.

  2. ^Made me laugh.

    On the BA being a shitty site topic, I've been using ratebeer more and more in the last few weeks. Once I got past the layout and actually learned how to use it, I realized it's a much better site. There is a lot more trading going on and people are friendlier in general.

    Also, I need a fucking beer. I've been sick for a week and haven't had one since last Saturday.

  3. It was. Goose Island didn't wash the barrels used for Rare, stuck a barleywine in them, and out came King Henry.. it smells like a bourbon barrel stout with more dark fruit characteristics. Tons of toffee, vanilla, hints of oak, lots of fig, raisin, etc (but no vinous characteristics thankfully). Tastes the same, but with this sugary sweet Blowpop bubblegum thing going on. Aftertaste is all toffee/candied sugar with a little bitterness that lingers forever. And for 13.4% it's way too drinkable.

    My review makes it sound awesome, I know, but I guess I just expected to be more blown away by what everybody is calling the "Beer of 2011".

  4. ^I was going to prepay online and it ends up I was never even put into the system because of the errors on the ticket. Called to confirm this and the clerk said something about them not being able to file a ticket with errors in it.

  5. Where'd you get the Firestone 15? I got one bottle from Good Beer to make sure I got to try it, but it was $25 and I figured I can find more cheaper elsewhere. Also, if you look around you'll see Sorachi for $8.99 in a lot of places.

    Some unexpected surprises I've gotten in the last two days:



    First time having Hopslam. Can't believe this stuff is so highly rated.. it just tasted sweet and syrupy.

  6. I think Weyerbacher takes the cake when it comes to bad labels.

    Picked this up last night when I saw it at Blind Tiger:


    Hill Farmstead Fear & Trembling Bourbon/Cabernet blend. Tasted like bacon and dark fruits soaked in bourbon. Was pretty pleasant.

  7. From haterism:

    I just got pulled over getting off the interstate, along with like 8 other cars. Apparently you can't drive west in ANY lane on the interstate coming out of DC between 4-6:30pm. Otherwise you get a ticket for $187, which is what I got. For driving on an interstate that had no traffic. What the fuck Virginia.

    I have 3 first names for my first, middle, and last name. It confused the cop apparently and he wrote my name down wrong. He also got the state wrong on my license (I guess he got confused because I have a license from a different state than I live in, and I was driving in a different state altogether). Long story short, he couldn't file the paperwork and I got out of the ticket. Woop.


    And yeah, I'm gonna be a total asshole for the next 2 weeks. But I'm gonna indulge in something really big if I make it a month.

    No idea wtf tg is talking about either but yeah, you'll be a dick for a month or so. It happens. Once the cravings subside you'll move on and be fine.

  9. Can anyone give me tips/pointers on successfully quitting smoking? I smoke at least a pack a day, an I'm kinda sick of my lungs hurting every morning.

    I quit at the beginning of 2006 after unsuccessfully trying to ween myself from them for over a year. Only way I could do it was cold turkey. After about 3 weeks the cravings let up a lot. Didn't smoke a cig for years and here I am smoking daily again though as of the last two months. It sucks.

    edit: I was in your situation too, usually a pack to a pack and a half a day. Cold turkey is really the best way to go. One of the biggest motivators was noticing how much better I felt and how much better I could breath after just a few weeks.

  10. Did this last week. Van Winkle 10 year, 12 year reserve, Pappy Van Winkle 15 year, 20 year, and 23 year. 15 and 23 were my favorites by far. Had some Stagg after this too which was nice but a little too harsh after having the PVWs.


  11. I just got pulled over getting off the interstate, along with like 8 other cars. Apparently you can't drive west in ANY lane on the interstate coming out of DC between 4-6:30pm. Otherwise you get a ticket for $187, which is what I got. For driving on an interstate that had no traffic. What the fuck Virginia.

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