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Posts posted by shufon

  1. Was hanging out with assistant brewmaster of Sierra Nevada for a couple of hours tonight and had no idea. Very cool guy. Apparently I was at an event for beer industry professionals but I didn't know for most of the time I was there. Drank a lot of Hill Farmstead Amarillo with him while talking beer :o

  2. @blm14 - thanks for all the info. I'm assuming our slow speed is due to our router and/or cable modem. When I tested the speed last night I was the only person home, so I know it's not that somebody else is hogging bandwidth. I'll go down to the TW office on 96th when I get a chance and return the modem to see if that helps any. Otherwise I'll just be on campus whenever I need to use the internet intensively.

  3. It was ok but definitely nothing worth seeking out. Oak came through slightly, bourbon was there even less.. the nose definitely had a little bourbon in it but I couldn't really taste it. None of the overly hoppy flavor of Storm King though which was nice (in my opinion, although I know some people are into it).

  4. Hit up a small Kuhnhenn event this afternoon, six taps going. Nothing crazy but still some good brews.. American Barleywine, Mayhem (strong Belgian dark ale), Lunar Eclipse (black IPA), Solar Eclipse (18% RIS), Stollen Christmas Ale (tasted like German stollen cake? was weird) and Penetration Porter.


    Picked up growlers of Solar Eclipse, Penetration Porter, and the barleywine


    Here's the Solar Eclipse. This thing is sticky as shit, definitely one of the stickiest beers I've had. Nice balanced bittersweet taste and a surprisingly low alcohol presence. It burns my tongue just slightly but if I didn't know better I would assume this beer was 10-12%.


  5. That sucks ren. And Mike, you have me bummed out about the 10 now, but we'll see, definitely going to buy a bottle to at least try it. Also, I heard similar things about the Hanssens.. people saying it is completely undrinkable.

    Regardless, it'll be a good time :)

  6. I'm not looking forward to the crowd, but I'm pretty pumped about it. Spuyten is having Zwanze 2010 in bottles as well as the 2011 on tap. More excited about the 10 than I am the 11 honestly.

    edit: just found an official list.. this looks pretty sick :)

    On Tap:

    1. Cantillon Zwanze 2011 (NOT TAPPED UNTIL 3pm)

    2. Cantillon Kriek

    3. Cantillon Rose de Gambrinus

    4. Tilquain a L'Ancienne Oude Gueuze

    5. Allagash/New Belgium Vrienden

    6. De La Senne Taras Boulba

    In Cask:

    Hanssens Oude Kriek (In Firkin!)

    In Bottle:

    Cantillon Zwanze 2010

    Tilquain a L'Ancienne Oude Gueuze

    De Oude Cam Oude Lambick

    Hanssens Experimental Raspberry, Cassis and Scarenbecca

    Cascade Kriek

    Avery Brabant and Depuceleuse

    Two Brothers Askew

    Victory Wild Devil 2008

    Lover Beer Beer Bera

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