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Posts posted by shufon

  1. whole foods delivers? you got people picking up and delivering your wine, now your groceries. do americans EVER have to leave their homes?

    Just started getting my laundry/dry cleaning picked up and delivered. Just for you funkdoobi <3

    Also, 1st world problem.. some stocks didn't drop low enough today for my orders to get filled so now I'm stuck with more cash than I want sitting in the account over the weekend.

  2. ^Good beer, better than Peeper, not as good as Zoe. They're all awesome though. Oh, I found De Came Oude Lambiek for $32 at my beer store today, didn't have anything to carry bottles with and I was walking though. Gonna go back and pick up a couple soon.

  3. Lmao I decided to keep the beer at home. I almost bought a cooler out of Daniel Boulud's wine cellar (0) but it couldn't fit into my car :\

    edit: and to answer your question, no, since I'm working from home I actually don't think I'd ever have to leave the house if I didn't want to.

  4. I heard 07 is drinking well right now but it was a lot more bourbon-y and didn't have the chocolate flavor of 08/09/10. 08/09 are incredible in my opinion and 10 needs to mellow out a little bit, it's still too hot. I have a hookup for 09 (bombers or 12oz's) I can put you in touch with if you want some.

  5. I've heard Blushing Monk is overrated.. think it's only getting as much attention as it is because it's limited and from Founders.

    @ren if you want the other 2 sisters (Madame Rose, Lolita) let me know. Those and Juliet are still all over the shelves in NY.

    @Layne - Been storing the beers in ~60 degrees and no light. That won't be possible in my new apartment so I think I'm about to buy a 110 bottle wine cooler I found or rent space from a wine cellaring facility.

    edit: the 110 bottle cooler won't be big enough so I'll be annoying my roommates with a shelf taken up in the fridge too, haha.

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