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Posts posted by aho

  1. ^Yeah man, also in Chicago and I'm always surprised at how few people are wearing masks (they're presumably "exercising"). Worst is when you're at the grocery store and people get up in your grill, but I guess the pandemic has ended "socially" in many people's minds here or they just DGAF anymore. Good to remember that wearing a mask is a courtesy to others first and foremost regardless of whether or not you believe in their efficacy etc. Hell, might be a good excuse to finally post a fit pic on here since I won't have to show my face :laugh2:

  2. Love you sufu!

    In simpler terms, "Chinese" is a group of people who can be scapegoated/attacked, whereas you could just call it "Wuhan Virus" if "Covid" is too hard, since the geography is separated from the actual group of people. @dau the socio-political environment is different all over the world no doubt, but particularly here in the states, and a number of other places where Asian communities live and aren't the majority, Asians are being discriminated against and physically attacked whether or not they're ethnic Chinese or not, encouraged by words like this. It's irrational, yes, but it does happen.

    Said I wouldn't derail, and sorry to see the conversation turn this way when our hobbies should be outlets lol :X

  3. ^Just skimmed through, honestly it's not a bad list for someone just getting into the hobby! I imagine a lot of us started through those brands with high impact fades, etc. but found our own niches over time. I might even add 45rpm in there; I usually recommend them for someone who just wants a solid pair of jeans (or maybe a Full Count).

  4. Hmm honestly a year from now is a long time to wait. If it materializes I'll be checking back in, but I'd love to participate in something that starts relatively soon-ish. 

    Not to step on any toes, but I still think Rebuilt would make for an awesome contest, and he can churn out custom pairs within quick time (took two weeks for me to order and receive, with custom inseam and leg opening to boot). Or Ooe. Always down for Ooe. ;D

  5. 11 hours ago, Duodequinquagesimus said:

    I was wondering if you knew another brand like G-Shock 

    Realistically a G-Shock will do the job better than anything else really. That said, Marathon, Damasko, and Sinn make pretty rugged watches as well in more "traditional" analog form if that's what you seek

  6. Much appreciated @SuperJackle; Indeed I'm on the small wrist size but have been debating between this (within the next year), or an Exp (within next few years). I'm looking forward to seeing what new models Tudor will release this year though, which may change my mind (smaller Pelagos please!). Rumor is July for novelties, at least for Rolex.

  7. Have been considering a BB36 for years; How has the design on the 41 been for you with time? Pretty no non-sense watch that can wear with anything and not look out of place, but still rugged enough as a daily. Keep talking myself into it...

  8. Nothing wrong with a G-Shock of course, love it.

    "Military" is broad; Completely depends on era, etc. but plenty of brands from Seiko, Sinn, to Rolex have made watches for military issue since before WWII and through modern day. But for sure, G-Shock is what you'll see most likely these days. (Aside from the enthusiasts on the forums etc. who will show themselves wearing Rolex GMT's flying fighter jets etc.)

    As for the topic at hand, Sub and Uniqlo denim shirt. :tongue:


  9. ^Still kicking myself for snoozing on those...

    Interesting you mention the indigo holding, I find my latest pair (recent batch of 02's from a couple months ago) to be fast faders! Not sure if they're diff fabric though

  10. ^haha yeah I DMed Jeremy as soon as you wrote about a pair of 02's...No further details unfortunately, but here's hoping! In the meantime, some quasi updates on the 02's I'm wearing now:


    Love the patch

    My ONLY qualm (and it's nitpicking really) is I wish the S&S branded rivets were stamped on the backside as well; They're currently plain, which goes against the aesthetic IMO

  11. How does one size on 0105 and 1101? Sorry for this type of post, been out of the game a while...


    I take a 38” in Ooe and WH, but almost seems like FC size larger based on measurement charts? Can anyone confirm if I should buy 36 or 38?

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