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Posts posted by soepom

  1. Hey can someone familiar with the German language translate the following for me please?

    I tried some online translators, but I'm not certain I understand ("A woman it understands herself as too enjoys as the words it sings, is that one it to love is valid")

    "Eine Frau die es versteht sich so zu genieß wie die worte die sie singt, ist jene die es zu lieben gilt"

  2. ^ yes, kit is god. (p/s keep the vibskov lah. nice leh)

    dinner on 6th Jan at Br**ks (doubt i'm returning to the place)


    fish and chips. fairly generous portion, and looks okay. but tastes pretty blah.


    the description was brownie topped with cheese sauce, so i had to try it. it was surprisingly palatable. but i wouldn't pay to eat it again.

    singapore is also home to too many restaurants/cafes like this one. belonging to that uncomfortable range of eateries that's between fast food and bistro food. and achieving neither the sinful artificial processed goodness of the former, nor the quality and simplicity/subtleties of the latter.

    dinner on 7th Jan at a new workplace:


    burger. twas pretty tasty. and fairly cheap for what it is (not that i had to pay for it) and the beer was cheap too! damn. pity the gig is only for this month. double damn that this is a members-only club so i can't be poppin' back for a cheap beer and a bite either.

  3. duckie - how terribly indecent of you to be posting pictures of sexy food outside of the what are you eating todai thread. bad duck. bad bad duck.

    sid - how quickly you have turned your back on your dear singaporean homo partners. going for a dutch one now?! tsk tsk. hoey wui mm wui sup-ple?

  4. ^ hmm, no one in my family makes kaya. few homes do it nowadays - we usually buy it from some reputable coffeeshop/bakery. apparently the ingredients are really simple, just eggs, sugar and coconut milk, but takes quite alot of skill to get it done right.

    where are you, paypal me and i'll send some over lah. haha.

  5. if i was tweedles i'd be pissed about her posting this pic

    aha. that's why you aint tweedles. and that's why my ass aint yours. :rolleyes:

    Soepom is trying to steal the SF meetup's thunder...

    shit. got found out.

    tbh the only thunder i got is be my thunder thighs.

    i really wanted to be at the SF meetup. i'd have fit the size 26s... just sayin...

    eryone neg rep soepom!

    tsk. shhhh.

  6. ah! i like this thread. some great words thrown up!


    my boss is forever using that word. I think I may get that tattooed somewhere on my body

    i love amalgamate too haha. there's was a point in my life when i said it all the time.


    myriad (have to use it properly though)

    those are my favs.

    i use these two really often as well. are you a social science student?

    here's some of mine:




    diametric opposite






    holistic/ comprehensive


    and of course for those who remember:


    use sparingly though. i think good academic writing is about communicating your ideas effectively and elegantly. the vocabulary is only impressive if you've organised your thoughts well.

  7. sidneylo sneaked up on us and paid for this ballin' farewell dinner:


    chilled bittergourd with honey dip


    vegetables with salted egg and century egg gravy


    crispy yam with duck


    house special braised tofu


    herbal bamboo prawns


    barbecued squid, so crispy chewy and smokey!


    special hinghwa fried vermicelli (superfine!)


    squirrel fish and slab of honey-baked pork

    after the dinner:


    sid's outie navel

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