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Posts posted by soepom

  1. yes, blew the power on my cpu. harddisk was affected too. i was completely handicapped without the use of a computer last night.

    so, it's fixed and i now have a life again.

    whizkit - was that the okinawan restaurant at tanglin shopping centre - next time you're there, you have to have to try the ox tongue steak. but i heard on the grapevine that they've changed chefs so it's not as good as it used to be though.

    plongin - not bad eh! can cook pasta! next time, cook for auntie jo ya

    MoreFire - what is that ^ and did you make it yourself?

  2. i hoped that you were/are rich because, if this isn't so alotta members' fantasies would be ruined. we see the gourmet food, an abundance of new peices, etc, and i for one would love for this jet-set fantasy to be real...

    yep, i figured it was the food that was giving the illusion of wealth, but yeah, eating here is comparatively cheaper. not to mention it's a cultural thing, i think over here, people are possibly more willing to spend $50 on a meal, than on a shirt.

    and it is easy to forget, that there's an abundance of decent looking women's wear you can get for cheap. i don't have that many expensive pieces really. strangely, it's hard to find well-cut clothes for men here at proleteriat pricing.

    anyway there is nothing wrong with spending your parents money.

    i absolutely agree.

    i think appreciating familial finances is not mutually exclusive with being a respectable human being.

    how much does cabfare cost in singapore. how much does the meter start at?

    well it's probably not expensive at all compared to places such as tokyo or NY, the meter starts at $2.40SGD and there's 50% extra surcharge past midnight. I get home past midnight almost every night, and it's around $18 (around $12USD) on average. but it all adds up. especially when you consider you can have a hawker meal at only $2USD. that said, cabbing is still cheaper than owning a car here.

  3. i don't remember what brand it is i've got at home, but in general a steamer is great especially if you're a klutz like i am. hardly any chance you'd ever wreck even delicate garments with it. and it's also a lot less tiring and faster to use than conventional irons once you get the hang of it.

    that said, it is true that it's hard to get the same crisp pressed look as you would with an iron.

  4. scandinavian dinner with superfriends (dslr pics by tweeds):


    swedish meat dumpling soup, cream of cauliflower


    fried oyster






    "best friends platter": oyster shots, liver pate with bacon and mushrooms, smoked salmon rolled with mashed egg yolk, curry herring, cheese, fresh water shrimps, roast beef topped with remoulade sauce

    (i tried an oyster shot - oyster, tomatoes and vodka, for the first time. it's been more than a decade since i last attempted raw oyster. i think there'll be more to come...)


    scandinavian roast pork with crackling skin


    melting chocolate torte with vanilla ice cream

  5. i really hope soepom is rich.

    i really hope so too...

    but why would you say so?

    in truth, i live at home with a mum who loves to cook, work at a place that entitles me to free drinks and gourmet food, which also requires me to dress up (and thus legitimises my splurging on clothes...).

    so yes, apart from insurance, insane midnight cab fares and trivial domestic bills, the rest of my income is disposable - that said, i'm a working musician, and that can be financially challenging just about anywhere in the world. i'm not complaining though. i love my job.

    my spending habits have gotten more...relaxed... after i went through a real low period. i realised that if i can manage expenditure on things that bring me some joy even if just on a superficial, material level, that's better than scrooging on yourself and feeling unncessarily miserable in addition to a whole lot of other depressing circumstances which cannot be improved with money.

    when i was schooling i survived on a monthly allowance of less than $250usd although to be fair my mum would pay for most big ticket items.

    though my take on this getting money from parents thing is - if you're fortunate and your parents are able to support you financially in some way or other, and that's their way of showing their concern for you, sure why not... so long as it's not squandered senselessly.

    but remember that whatever you take in turn obliges you to them. be it spending time with them, taking care of them in their old age, putting up with their shit, or abiding by their rules.

    there's no end to envying others for their wealth, talent, looks, wardrobe, dick size, photochop skills, hot date, good health etc. what you make with what you got means more than what you've got per se. so if you're funded by parents, and can buy expensive shit, then at least do that money justice by putting together decent ensembles.

  6. mis - seriously, was the greentea bread + ice cream + honeydew milk combo any good. cos it sounds to me like it just might actually work. i dunno. fries with soft serve ice cream definitely works for me though. strange how so many have done the same thing quite spontaneously.

    lunch at home:


    dinner at work (just for 1 night):


    i guess my hands were even shakier than usual - they said i couldn't eat till after my sets at midnight... oxtail stew was excellent so it was worth the wait though.

  7. and i just want to put it out there that soemom is my hero :)

    heh, soemom! brill. that's what her userid should be.

    妈,你应该把你的 userid 换成这个 "soemom". 不要做 lurker 了! 以后干脆自己上载食物的照片!

    tg - that's a cool meal you did for your mum. the pork roll thing looks like it'll go well with the refreshing taste of mandarin.

    Soepom you sure it's not just your jeans stretching out? :D

    damn you for bursting my bubble. booyah!

    whizkit - heh today's your turn to eat at tcc! food's decent but deceptively pricey for what i remembered to be a plebeian coffee franchise.

  8. rirawin - i seem to have lost a teeny weeny bit of all that weight i put on from your trip here, and bangkok. just a leetle bit. either that or sizing up on my jeans is doing my self-esteem alot of good.

    your diet looks good though. i could happily live on salad and salmon on crackers, but probably 4 times the portion you're having.

    Raskol - i work at a restaurant/club. love the place.

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