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Posts posted by soepom

  1. alright just added photos of the aprils as well though i'm sure most of you already know what they'd look like.

    measurements for waists up on 1st post as well.

    as for shipping, i can't be certain as i don't send out parcels that often but i've asked around and the recommended estimate is USD$24 worldwide.

    heh thanks Felix, yah I don't mind the extra weight, so long as it's evenly distributed. unfortunately i'm prone to thunder thighs. heh.

  2. i tried to walk more, and i tried watching what i was eating... but i realised i'm never going to get back to my previous size again - bought those jeans when i was in a particularly bad shape healthwise so i'm quite glad to be where i am now.

    i really want to sell these and size up so my friends can stop listening to me whine about how i'm too fat for my skinnies. it's annoying to hear shit like that. ;)

    so anyways, spread the word please? thanks guys.

  3. big dog or small bear? i like this picture. nice one, mr. rirawin.

    it's a wooden poodle, handmade by some guys we met here. it's got little wheels below its paws, but was kinda hard to drag it on the asphalt...

  4. so.

    i've put on weight. all that eating finally caught up with me.

    thus was wondering if any of you boys have girlfriends/friends/sisters/mothers/skinny boyfriends who'd be interested in buying my sz 24 april 77s. I have it in gris (grey)

    the number of times they've appeared on wawyts, is pretty much the number of times they've been worn... which isn't all that much...

    looking to get around USD$80 for the aprils


  5. she learned from superfuture.


    Is the school system in Singapore that good

    see above.

    english is like one of the main language there man. i bet she can get down with some hardcore singlish though.


    I was dead awful at CS and halflife. my first time playing and was totally pwned. i may not speak fobby, but i sure scream like one.

    you guys need to start playing Ultima Online (if anyone is on it, i'm on the pacific shard, though it's been a year since I've logged in). I'm not great at it, but at least I've got a 6 year headstart...

  6. whoa whizkit i'm not so sure about the mum vs mum cookout thing haha. don't wanna shed blood...

    cooking with a superfriend:


    salad, spinach fettucine al funghi with improvised sauce that turned out pretty good considering it was...improvised...

  7. jpgm i'll pm you my dates!

    whizkit the prawn noodles look great, with the pork slices and kangkong and all! authentic!

    lunch thanks to the mum:


    mutton with spring onions, wanton soup, breaded prawns, shanghai greens with goji berries, onion omelette

    dinner thanks to the workplace:


    really delicious porkloin with brown sauce, pineapple puree, potato chunks and brussel sprouts

  8. i really should have taken a pic... damn... my girlfriend and i made miso soup and spring rolls last night.... shit turned out great.

    yes you should've cheep! cooking-in-progress pics are always fun to see.

    MoreFire have the meals we've been seeing been prepared by you? If so, just want to say they look like tasty wholesome meals!

    mum was home. yay.



    and much the same...



    the vegetables were particularly delicious. it's all in the super sinful sauce (brought back specially from taiwan - handmade from shallots and purified pork oil.) ahhhhhhh. i dread to think of the day when we use up that precious bottle of sauce.

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