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Posts posted by soepom

  1. diewhitegirls - thanks for the link. i've saved it under "foodporn" :)

    ate out with tweeds, generic (uhm the food i mean!) but satisfying:





    i know what it looks like ^ and whilst it's no secret that i can out-eat many boys, he had a smaller meal compared to mine only because he was going home for a second round of steamboat dinner... which he failed to photograph *glares at tweeds disapprovingly*

  2. waywt1103bkb4.jpg

    what are you and tweedles getting married? is this the trad attire for a singapore wedding or engagement party?

    no lah. the costumes were for the next project i'm doing. but yes, the outfit wouldn't have been too far off from the very traditional chinese wedding oufit, though few people really wear those anymore.

  3. on behalf of my mum, thanks for all the praise for the novelty food! the dinner was definitely the highlight of the halloween festivities...

    i've decided that luncheons have to be lighter from now on. i cannot go on sizing up on my jeans indefinitely. which reminds me: please spread the word to anyone you know who might wanna get a tiny pair of grey april colourdrives:


    chicken rice - i ate only half the rice though...


    fresh young coconut

    okay, the problem with light luncheons... is that you crave something later into the day...


    apple ginger iced tea, chocolate chip cookie

  4. lunch at home:


    it's halloween and i didn't need a costume 'cos i'm already evil - i told mum i'm having friends over for dinner and demanded she made a halloween themed dinner.

    actually, i lie. my mum wanted to make a halloween themed dinner, and demanded i invited some friends over.


    the macabre meal


    severed chicken carcass roast, deep fried paper ingot offerings, bloody mash



    toxic (green pea) soup


    cocktail fingers


    dessert was konyaku jelly eyeballs

    lights out!


  5. well...short people have low centres of gravities...and i'm short so...

    actually, there's a vid of me sliding down the thing and saying "ass burn" at the end of it. but i'll leave it to tweeds to decide whether i shalt be mortified on the internets.

  6. ^ thanks beatle! that was my first attempt at making a gif. i wanna grow up to be like ordo!

    actually, i think i wanna be reincarnated to be like ordo. doubt i'll get there in this lifetime...

    i think rirawin only has one suit - but man, that's a great pic. he looks like he's having an orgasm mid-flight

  7. that buffet looks awesome soepom, you make me wanna visit singapore just so I can stuff my face

    yes, you should. rirawin can attest to it. (incidentally, bolognaise looks really good.)

    What's the deal with food in Singapore? Does Soepom just go all out every night, or is food cheaper there or what? Every post is profound.

    well. i do have to eat out often because of work - but my regular workplace provides free gourmet food, it's a nice perk. food at home is thanks to mum, who loves to cook and enjoys having people praise her cooking on the internets.

    that said, if you're living alone, it's definitely cheaper to eat out. comparatively inexpensive: $3sgd gets you a single-dish meal at hawker centres/food courts. $7sgd for a fast food value meal. $15 - 40sgd at a pasta place/mid range restaurant. the buffet you saw me post cost around $88+++sgd (but without champagne freeflow). something for every budget. we have restaurants with really really fine dining. but i've not had the opportunity experience that just yet.


    lunch at home:


    fried vermicelli

    dinner at work:


    aglio olio


    bbq king prawn


    spinach with garlic


    warm chocolate torte with vanilla ice cream

  8. 1001st Post


    congrats ordo! when you hinted that you were doing something for your 1000th post, i told tweeds it's gonna be some massive thing with everyone in it, like a where's wally thing. and i was right! (sort of) but this way exceeds my expectations! too fuckin awesome.

  9. ^^ thanks jeepster - it was such a treat to see them today - didn't actually think they'd bring the orangutans down to the wedding venue. i love animals.

    sid i don't understand - are you saying you ate your doggie?

    oh well...at least it's well garnished...

  10. cheep and family were among the guests!


    i know it's a lot of photos but please indulge me - they were too cute:


    they eat better fruits than i do


    mummy orangutan fed her young one dragonfruit with pink flesh...

    ...and look what happened!


    i was so in love.

  11. buffet lunch:


    great variety of fresh seafood - had several helpings of this...


    other assorted cold dishes and roast beef


    assorted sashimi

    there was a whole selection of other stuff such as northern indian cuisine, dimsum, chinese food, pizzas and gratins etc which i just tried here and there from my other family member's plates and didn't manage to photograph.

    the dessert section was pretty cool too:





    and on top of all this, there was free flow champagne! whoo!

  12. food's looking good y'all.

    MoreFire, i'm outta rep for you, but what you're whipping up just keeps lookin' better and better.

    diewhitegirls, you NEED to pictures of that fabled apple pie. if we don't see it, it didn't happen. :)

    tg breakfast outdoors just feels like such a happy thing! i shall attempt it...someday...

    backinthetrees, how's the spaetzle? you need to share!!!!!!!!

    mis - rape leaf is some next level shitz.

    wEstSide - FUCK YOU NIGGA!!!! xoxoxoxo

    ahem. so. yes.

    dinner last night:


    eggplant yoghurt


    crispy chicken with spice rice

  13. ^ those ingredients sound good. anything with shrooms spinach and cheese sits well with me!

    i made the only thing i know how to for lunch today, for me and tweedles - and suffice to say it is nothing of my mother's standard. though fairly edible.


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