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Posts posted by soepom

  1. well tang, it's generally one of those legislations considered to be mala prohibita, rather than mala in se. like illegal parking or jaywalking. everyone does it, just don't get caught. so no, not much deviantisation there if it's hetero (re: post-natal scenario).

    and of course, because sexual activities belong to such a private domain, it is rarely ever policed in practice. the criminalisation of homosexuality is also a particularly sensitive topic - there are many considerations, apart from not wanting to perpetuate the existing repressive global image of the nation, we are afterall rather dependent economically on tourism, and the pink dollar is undeniably an attractive incentive.

  2. Interesting. Is there a time limit? Does the law require you to progress to vaginal sex within, say, an hour, or can it be days, weeks, months or years later? And who monitors it?

    excellent question indeed:

    "Oral sex is a crime unless it is followed by penile-vaginal sex, Singapore's Court of Appeal ruled Feb. 21 [1997]. "the coitus of the male and female sexual organs" is natural and "unnatural acts" are permitted only as foreplay, the court said." RW/2696

    it is ambiguous with regards to time frame, but seeing as how we would be bentham's paragon of the panopticon, there must be some department overseeing this. i don't know. now i'm seriously afraid to comment any further on this topic. *shudder*

    i kid.

    what matters however, is that implicit in this legislation, is the criminalisation of homosexual activities.

  3. for fit and camel toe

    eh? really i don't think this is one of my best but thanks anyways.

    and you made me go zoom in on my picture and stare at my own crotch for awhile. i don't see no camel toe...

  4. whizkit - props for whipping out the camera at a wedding dinner! i actually chickened out on my recent attendance.

    man, that's a shame thomas. i on the other hand, had some pretty damn good fauxpanese for lunch.




    gindara teriyaki, sashimi salad, miso soup, fruits

  5. this is one of her better fits. i actually prefer her dressing like a woman/feminine vs. the hongkong maniac street shit... and no, she didn't give me a bj or anything for saying this.

    no i didn't, but can i?

  6. Why Doesnt Soepom Talk To Me Anymooorre. Just because I dont have pictures she makes me feel like an outcast.

    tsk dahling that's because i didn't see your post til AFTER my last post. must've gone up while i was waiting for imageshack to give me the damn links to my photos.

    but WHY don't you have pictures? i consider you a part of the cuisine team. you let me down man.

    cuz she's an elitist.

    yes i am. that's why you've hung out with me at my joint before.

  7. superBobo - blood pudding is definitely on my to-try list now. in fact there's this swedish restaurant i've been meaning to try out so i hope they serve it there. :)

    lunch at home:


    chicken curry, crispy prata, assorted fruit and veg



    coffee jelly reprise

  8. lunch today:


    steamed egg custard with clams, grilled mushrooms, miso soup, zucchini, rice cakes, shisamo (pregnant fish), mango

    mum's new dessert concoction:


    coffee jelly with kahlua (or some coffee liqueur), topped with a dollop of coconut cream.

    supper out:


    soupy prawn noodles. piping hot and very flavourful. uber comforting at the end of a physically and emotionally strenuous day of work.

  9. jwied creative combination of foods. sounds like it'll be pretty tasty actually!

    whizkit damn the lychees look so luscious. nothing like the real deal! although the sugary ones in syrup are great too.

    meader aha! i should've known blood pudding is swedish. as always, my swedish fetish manifests itself even when i'm unawares.

    family dinner out yesterday:







    chardonnay, scallop nested in crispy yam, sambal kangkong vegetable, black pepper crab, chilli crab (deep-fried bun not pictured), seafood mee goreng

  10. Damn soepom are you ovulating? All i been hearing lately from you is dicks, camel toes, and cunts. Not very lady like. Carry on.

    heh. you do realise the inherent irony ^? ovulation is *the* physical definition of female/lady identity.

    in any case, if that were so, then i must be ovulating all the time. my language is no less vulgar offline when i'm around people i'm comfortable with.

    but truth be told, i'm no lady. i'm really a transvestite. notice how i've always got a scarf around my neck in waywts? that's to hide my adam's apple. ;)

    saturday lunch at home (yay):


    mum's new experimental cold dish - mushrooms suspended in delicate broth gelatin. pretty successful.




  11. whizkit the bangers and mash look...deliciously phallic.

    eleven the orange jelly with peach (?) pieces look like perfect summer refreshment.

    jamolos i've never had blood pudding before - but after seeing that picture, i really wanna try some! anyone in singapore knows where i could find it?

    anyways this is the difference between eating out and eating at home; food cooked by some random underpaid stranger (re: japanese salaryman puke), and food cooked by lovingly laborious mother:


    seafood noodles in soup

  12. soepom,

    girly i'm sorry. you are becoming that thorn in my foot that i don't want to remove, but this just looks like a japanese salary man puke-session after too much alcohol and ramen (maybe champon).

    is that your way of saying that you love me too?

    come on darling, i get rep for having a cunt, and you get rep for being one. we'd be perfect together. ;)

    i absolutely agree that it doesn't look all too appetising in that picture. but damn, it's some seriously tasty shit. it's a noodle dish in spicy coconut gravy that almost all my visiting friends have come to enjoy. if some japanese salary man's puke tasted like that, i'd slurp it.

    how's that for erotic.

  13. i was so hunger after rehearsals that i only realised after we'd devoured everything that i'd actually FORGOTTEN to take a photo of the meal of chicken chop, satay, two hugeplates of assorted ngoh hiang (with the crispy prawn fritter), beef hor fun, and about 10 bottles of heineken...

    i mean, how can i forget something that's become such an integral part of my everyday routine??? it is a sign of how hard i'm being worked.

    i do however have a lousy shot of my dinner:


    katong laksa (but at bugis).

  14. sl*t welcome back home, and to the wayet thread! it's been a while but that last post more than made up for the absence though. niiiiice.

    and like Prof said the colours are amazing. i definitely agree natural light makes for the best photographing conditions. i seldom ever get to eat outdoors in the daytime though.

    dizzle keep up the culinary improvisation! and the past few posts have seen marked improvement in presentation too. thumbs up.

    whizkit you're fast becoming a real contender in this thread! that was a pretty damn aesthetic meal you had. you sure you don't have any colleagues who might date me?

    work is taking me away from the dinner table at home:



    i had all of the hokkien prawn noodles AND shared the kway chup (pigs innards and assorted braised objects) with my colleagues. not to mention a whole bowl that slippery soft flat noodle. at 12.40am. eep.

  15. heh sl*t - you see, i could have told you this would happen.

    i love you babe, but i can't be accountable for everything you post just 'cos you chose a nick bearing my name. i've got the hots for jmatsu now...so you're on your own hun... ;)

    p/s looks like bkk and club med was a blast!

    thanks for sortin' out the confusion thomas sweetheart, but i'm afraid i have to call our engagement off... there's someone else...

    anyways. scarf again 'cos there was a sale at muji and i bought four. i know i know. but they were all so nice i couldn't decide...


    muji scarf, topshop tank, apc cures, raf simons x cdg vans

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