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Posts posted by soepom

  1. bizzy i just realised that we both have the adidas promodel sleek both in red and green! hee! (no homo)

    whizkit only you can make hdb void-decks look so sexy.

    mike and felix lookin great boys. all set for berlin? have i said it before? i'm so terribly envious.

    of all the nights at work, i chose to wear this little. later it was rainstorming and actually really cold.


  2. the new english dandy

    this is insane, i was at pageone today and i saw this very book for the first time. i was browsing through it contemplating whether i should buy it for the ex. but decided against it in the end because he doesn't have the personality for those fits. and then i come back and see this post!

    too serendipitous. given what's transpired between us over the past few days jmatsu, this is frightening.

    that said, it's also strange that out of the few books i do actually own, among them are the fountainhead, the alchemist, oyster boy and the little prince. i've also read quite a number of the other books listed here. given that music tastes seem so diverse on sufu, i find it odd that our reading preferences seem alot more similar.

    since this isn't the favourite books thread, but the recommend-to-superfuturians thread. i'd say:

    Life on The Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet - Sherry Turkle

    The Internet has become a significant social laboratory for experimenting with the constructions and reconstructions of self that characterize postmodern life. In its virtual reality, we self-fashion and self-create.

    Turkle, 1995:180

    even though some of the observations are a little obsolete due to changes in the technology, it is still a seminal text for those interested in understanding online social interaction.

  3. my goodness felix... that cheesy lasagne-like thing looks so so delicious. the pasta looks like it's perfectly done, and that crisp brown top layer....mmmm.

    oh and have fun with the bunch in berlin ya! i am so fuckin envious. don't forget to take pics of what you ingest there ya.

    free dinner at gig yesterday:



    potato and leek soup, codfish steak with mash

    dinner out today:


    irish lamb stew with baked mash

  4. mum (sorry bout that picture ^, i know it's not your most flattering shot but i wanted to show how sexy you look in an apron) cooked lunch again:


    tom yum soup, fried rice with prawn and crab, thai fishcake, steamed fish in green curry (that looks yellow...) - great knifework - fish was excellently deboned.

  5. i think the fact that your mother can read english (my comments or "bark") is just super!

    i'd consider the position, but only if beastiality is legal in singapore...could i get a pic of your mom? give my regards to mrs. dong.

    mrs. dong:


    turned on jmatsu? i thinks she's right up your (back)alley.

    unfortunately, bestiality isn't legal...yet. but on this repressive island-state, what is?

    oh wait. i think hate is legal.


    thomas, can you *not* rep?

  6. baladoongdoong that food is simply fuckin mindblowin.

    plongin man you and whizkit both been having that katsu sandwich. i oso wan.

    dizzle your food looks okay really. maybe just needs some simple garnish like some parsley or random sexy lookin fresh herb. and plain elegant white crockery which you can get for cheap at ikea (i know i know...my mum doesn't use plain crockery...but that's cos she's got something for every style of cooking)

    which leads me to passant's question, yes the kitchen is quite roomy by local standards i guess, but the crockery storage extends beyond the kitchen. they've become part of the home decor...

    anyways, this is what happens when i'm NOT eating at home (albeit still an enjoyable post-work meal):


    fried noodles with otah (spicy creamy fish paste baked in banana leaf)

    fish fillet/ finger/ whadayacallit??

    spicy brinjals/ eggplant/ aubergine/ whatchamightcallit

    teh-O-bing siew dai (iced tea with less sugar)

  7. do you still live at home? when you decide to leave the nest, instead of putting your mother into a nursing/retirement home, would it be possible to hire her as my live-in cook?

    well, if my mum's lucky, someone will marry me and relieve her of her burden. otherwise, she'd be wanting to put me into some kind of nursing home when i'm old.

    that said, my mum told me to tell you that we are short of a watchdog at home - and if you like, you're welcome to fill that position. she says you bark loud so that's great for the job. she's offered payment in leftovers from our table.

    anyways, light lunch:


    prawns with garlic shoots, fried rice with crabmeat, steamed fish, mushroom tofu and kelp soup.


  8. mis - i've been eating so much better because i've been eating home more.

    my mum's been on a roll. she's thrilled that i'm photographing her food 'cos she gets to document her masterpieces. it's ostensibly a win-win situation... but don't we know it's easier to take a photo than cook up a storm. *diabolical laughter*

    seriously though, i've been brought up to appreciate whatever food that's been put before me. i try not to leave any leftovers whatever it is i'm eating. it's just out of respect for the work that's gone in to preparing the food.

    anyways lunch today:


    steamed crab (man it was big) on glutinous rice, and salmon sashimi roll with mayo and tobiko, red dates tea

  9. heh passant, why don't you mail me some animal crackers, and i'll send you a rice dumpling - you might need to reheat it a little before consuming though... beef noodle is nice anyways.

    aha! eleven, it looks like everyone is joining in on the whole gou qi zi/ goji berry/ wolfberry diet!

    lunch at home:


    shisamo (pregnant fish) with wasabi mayonnaise, chawan mushi, cold tofu with kelp and floral rice cakes

    mum: actually chawan mushi is pretty healthy, it's only one egg for our two portions here

    me: ya, but what about the tobiko on top of the chawan mushi? and the pregnant fish? we're talking about thousands of eggs ma...

    dinner - ee i ee i oh:


    i love the good ol' double cheeseburger. minute. and i love soggy fries. really!

  10. 565427160_c1ae8ab98c.jpg

    alright. so in this country you can actually get goji berries in your drink as well - iced goji berry tea. tasted pretty alright, but as usual, i didn't eat the actual berries.


    you know how sometimes you crave some crappy food. well, this fit the bill - chee cheong fun (rice noodle roll) with "sunset egg" (i thought it oughta be sunny side up... but nevermind) and luncheon meat. reminds me of primary school canteen food. nice.


    my friends had mango and pomelo on shaved ice. i've tried it and it's refreshingly yummy.

  11. typographiend and mike - food's lookin sexy!

    heh Originatek, wait till you see what i had to drink for supper this evening.... will post picture in another message. too many pics today...

    it's the duan wu jie dumpling/dragon boat festival soon.

    for those who've never heard of the festival - it's to commemorate some patriotic chinese poet called qu yuan from hundreds and hundreds of years ago, who threw himself into the river because he couldn't bear to see his kingdom brought to ruin by evil court officials. fishermen who heard about his drowning set sail to search for his body, and rice dumplings were thrown into the river in the vain hope that the fish would consume the dumplings instead of the poet's cadaver.

    anyways. so here's what that humble rice dumpling has evolved to today:





    it's nice to catch my mum-in-action. ingredients include: glutinous rice, chestnuts, lean pork, dried shrimp, salted egg yolk

    the final product:


    desert was mocha jelly:


  12. passant the chocolate kitty cracker is so cute! do they come in other animal shapes too?

    rirawin so what was the outcome of that first 'experiment'? i think a handful is insufficient to produce much effects. goji berries are an acquired taste - i didnt use to dig em either, but i've really grown to enjoy the herbal taste. i like the flavour in soups and with herbal chicken...but i still don't eat the actual berries if i can help it.

    anyways. as always, mum pulls off a literally beautiful meal:




    dragonfly motif sushi roll, and shrimp wanton in clear broth. (bamboo leaves from the garden, also lovingly cultivated by mum)

    delicate tastes, crisp clean colours and refined presentational aesthetics.

    i know you've been secretly reading this thread mummy - happy father's day, to the woman who played the roles of both mother and father to me. i could never thank you enough.

  13. heh plongin that was light considering my USUAL appetite. come lah, we go buffet...i'll show you. ;) besides, i meant 'light' on the palate and not so much light voluminously.... hee.

    anyways... teatime:


    home-baked apple cinnamon muffins with vanilla tea

    old skool potong ice-cream (jagong / sweet corn flavour):



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