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Posts posted by soepom

  1. ^^^was that tweedles' idea?!? :mad:

    no, in fact he was the first to see it, and express disdain for it. haha

    it was somewhat involuntary - haircut is part of the styling for my current project, so yeah, can't change it till we're done. and even then, it'll be awhile before it grows out. too short now to do very much to it.

  2. whoa you guys doing the cuisine team proud! special mention to plongin, felix, whizkit, dizzle for great pics! heartbrokensoulshakened congrats on the switch from phone to camera - now you gotta hold your hungry hands steady so we get clear shots of the yummy food :)

    and welcome to our latest addition to the cuisine team - backinthetrees, who's going to be our resident cuisine team anti-hero (in his own words)

    mum made omelettes for brekkie:


    1. no feelings (for anybody else)
    2. no deposit
    3. no return
    4. no alarms
    5. no surprises please
    6. no shirt
    7. no shoes
    8. no woman
    9. no cry
    10. no technique
    11. no dogs
    12. no fear
    13. oh no!
    14. no image leeching
    15. no hardcore porn
    16. no neck blues band
    17. no retreat
    18. no surrender
    19. no wash
    20. no deal
    21. no time to lose
    22. no time tolouse
    23. no thanks
    24. NO! NO! NO!
    25. no shit
    26. no free lunches
    27. no way
    28. no doubt
    29. no kidding
    30. no rest for the wicked
    31. no dumping
    32. no parking
    33. no loitering
    34. no solicitors
    35. no negativity
    36. no future for you
    37. no future for me
    38. noob.

  3. soepom, cuuuute. what the show?

    thanks, it's this one:


    you look like you're from mainland china!

    well, it *is* a mandarin musical. the only things from that ensemble that belongs to me are the scarf and dunks. the hair is mine too...but it feels alien.

    if i had things my way, i'd have gotten hap and bizzy to dress the cast. alas...

    will post some of the other fobby costumes as we go along.

  4. hap i need the dough too.

    dizzle have the meals in the photos been prepared by you? if so, good job! you seem to be improving with every post :)

    felix that place of mee goreng tells me that your german ass is in town! plongin said you'll be leaving this evening though. crap. can't believe you've come from halfway around the world and i didn't get to see you.

    anyways some catching up to do...

    from mum's kitchen the past few days:


    roasted porkribs with caramelised pineapple and assorted vegs.


    beef tajine with pasta

  5. hey guys... i've missed y'all too. not been posting as regularly 'cos the schedule's been hectic, but i've been keeping abreast (and an eye on) of what's happening in the sufuniverse.

    nevertheless. it's national day. only our 42nd year.


    and yes, i'm fond of this country. if nothing else, for the food.

  6. for those in singapore:

    is there any place to get good sausage/eggs/mashed potatoes type of breakfast? preferly decently price thou

    i remember there used to be a breakfast counter at the botanic gardens (at the main lobby) - run by the same people in the les amis group i believe, served great food at a fraction of the price at the restaurant. not sure if it's still there though.

    PS cafe at dempsey road also has wonderful breakfast. a tad pricey, but the ambience and food is niiiice.

    werners oven along siglap road serves good sausages and mash all day though :) also has an adjoining bakery selling lots of fresh bread/pastry.

    actually, im not a good person for breakfast recommendations - i'm seldom even awake before noon normally. heh.

    anyhoos, requested for mum to make a simple dinner today before rushin off to work:


    chillis (from our own garden!) stuffed with salmon, tomato and seaweed omelette, steamed dumplings, grilled mushroom, grape peach and cucumber salad.

    mum said there was a fireworks theme in the way the food was laid out, to commemorate national day...

  7. about to concuss and crash into bed but just needed to say:

    YES, plongin you is in the cuisine team. so add it to your signature wuncha. in fact, anyone who is fond of food, and posts some nice pics of em, is welcome to be part of the cuisine team.

    mis you're back in town? i'd say let's do a mini-meetup, but i'm so insanely busy these days... if you don't mind some late night shisha or something, would be nice to hang.

  8. soepom has been out, bumping into the rest of the world. twas nice seeing you and your girl plongin. come to think of it, you're another renegade- where are your food pics!

    cuisine team, buck up! *cracks the whip-ped cream*

    whizkit those szechuan pics are saliva-inducing man. you're doing a great job, i think i can retire from the thread soon... heh.

    but till then...

    aunt sent some yummy food to our place yesterday. let's just hope the culinary genes don't end with my generation:


    lunch today:


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