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Posts posted by soepom

  1. and other weird shit that chinese eat...


    che zai mian (noodles traditionally eaten by rickshaw-pullers. basically an assortment of whatever.)


    soft-shell crab on hotplate, vegetables


    duck noodles, crispy pancake stuffed with...more duck


    cereal prawn


    the highlight of the evening - chou doufu (literally 'smelly tofu' - deep fried fermented tofu. i was expecting it to be a lot more pungent but i think this version was made milder to accomodate local palates)

  2. whoa i've been so behind!

    mis that is some insanely awesome shit you've posted. looks like someone was ravenous!

    whizkit that all-duck feast is fabulous. i was thinking of it when i bought my new graniph tee today. heh. show you next time.

    sl*t i is want nu yawk pies too. incidentally the musical i'm doing now is set mostly in new york. and the finale song is "singapore pie"...


    (half-eaten) morning glory salad with stir-fried beef


    dry vietnamese vermicelli with pan-seared fish fillet


    lemongrass honey drink, sour plum soda

    drinks after...


    BIG drink...


  3. i love pics of people with their pets. solistik's one was awesome, nice one too ryegb.

    b i z z y the dress-minivest-jacket layering is smart-quirky-wonderful!

    hap looking spiffy as always

    i know i look sulky, but it's really just the sun in my eyes...


    work is awesome, but the work gear is gettin me down. i wanna wear my jeans...

  4. nothing to do with your post, but...

    you're courteous and we appreciate that.

    even though you consume like 4.5 meals a day, as a courtesy to other sufu members/viewers you seem to keep up your figure and don't look like a fat fuckin slob.

    you're creative and i appreciate that.

    even though you dish out like 450 insults a day, as a comfort to this particular sufu member you seem to always find new ways to keep up the hater image whilst slipping in a subtle compliment.

    whizkit it looks like you had a very nice birthday lunch. :)

    lunch at home:




    steamed crab, mushrooms, fried rice, prawns in herbal soup (yes... goji berries), papaya salad



    rocket thosai, mango lassi, iced masala tea

  5. diamonds, something about that pic feels very scandinavian. anyways, lookin pretty as always. ;)

    bizzy that is such a rich shade of blue. wonderful picture.

    lucky cloud, can't rep but very clean and crisp. the 'stache reminds me of a muppet...not that it's a bad thing at all! :)


    m)phosis tee-dress

    argentum custom belt

    april77 colordrive

    agnes b laceups

  6. what is the difference between supper and dinner?

    well in singapore, dinner is what comes after lunch. it happens anywhere between around 6pm to 8 or even 9pm on average. supper, is the meal after dinner. which usually happens anything from 9pm to 4 or 5am.

    it's all relative anyways if you ask me. i wrote a sociological term paper on mealtimes before. but unless you're really interested, i won't bore you with it.

    lowrider - yep that was teochew mueh. comfort food indeed.

    light dinner:


    popiah (spring roll with radish, egg, crispy fish bits, sweet sauce, and some other tasty secret ingredients)

    massive supper (beer not pictured):


    char kway teow (fried flat rice noodles, with chinese sausages and cockles)


    barbecued stingray (looks awful cos i only remembered to take the photo after it had been mauled by 5 other people)


    chicken satay (kebaps) with ketupat (malay rice cakes)


    fried carrot cake


    barbecued chicken wings

  7. the thing is...how is it a catfight, if i haven't even seen the post in question, nor had the chance to respond to it? someone needs to update me too!

    that said...



    totally got pwned by big black furry feline meanie with green eyes.

    insomaniac - thanks that's very sweet of you. but i'm not so sure if i'm really up there on the list... my top three nicest sufu members are tangerine, mike lowrey, and jmatsu. (digi you're close behind...hee)

    sidney - if i go down, then you'll be short of one person to take you around singapore when you do get your ass down here. so, you better start doing whatever you can to sabotage the adversary.

    exxmiss - i don't know what it was you posted, but perhaps you've misunderstood the satirical nature of self-imposed fobbiness.

  8. people people... you should know better by now, that the wayet thread is NOT the place you wanna visit if you're starving and have no immediate access to anything that might satisfy your voracity.

    takeout dimsum lunch, re-presented at home:


    supper after work:


  9. been away on a short work trip:


    khao pad krapao (thai basil fried rice)

    lunch at a new friend's, the authentic baan aarya



    angel hair pasta withs squash and bacon

    clams in creamy white wine and garlic sauce

    salad with sesame oil, balsamic vinaigrette and mango dressing

    caramelised fruit with creme fraise

    supper quick-fix for the hungry acappella group courtesy of mum:



    swedish meatballs (a la ikea), assorted deep fried finger food

    coffee jelly

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