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Posts posted by soepom

  1. you wont be so proud when you all get diarrhea tomorrow.

    appreciate the concern robi but you worry too much. we're azns. our stomachs are built for good food.

    the food pics just keep getting better and better you lot. dizzle, plongin and whiz my homeboys! munchcrunch up and coming!

    ddohnggo food looks really delicate and beautifully presented.

    mrip looks like you boys had some good fun!

    rirawin steamboat is classic family gathering fare for singaporeans! hope you enjoyed it young man.

    alrite enuf talk. all that effusive gibberish just because i miss you guys here.

    back to one of my favourite places for one of my favourite dishes:


    tangy salad with marinated mushrooms


    the thing i came for: kaki bacon yaki - oyster baked with bacon and spinach. orgasmic.


    tofu cheesecake

  2. plongin, food looks sexy

    the yellow things next to the garlic..

    what's it called in english? i only know its name in korean. thanks :)

    i think you're referring to the gingko nuts?

    lunch party at friend's:


    starter: tuna salad with cheese baked on crackers



    black pepper crab, chilli crab, fried bee hoon, prawn paste chicken wings, deep fried dory fillets, prawns in soy and onions, double-boiled chicken soup with assorted funghi, choya, white wine, red wine...

  3. haha great pics rirawin. just looking at them again reminds me of the racket we made at mustafa centre.

    Great pics! how did you like Koop? theyre from my hometown actually.. and their second record is really good. very scandinavian jazz sound.

    Koop is one of my favouritest acts! I think I was among the very few who knew the lyrics to every song they played last night... strangely enough though, when I was in stockholm, none of the people I spoke to knew of them.

    Anyhows, like I said, I definitely have a Swedish Fetish. heh.

  4. look who dropped by to play with our balls!



    tweedlesinpink, rirawin, defiance (soepom taking the photo with her puny canon ixus 70)


    size does matter. dslr lens comparison=the new penis envy

    sorry whiz - we passed by the location on our way to supper after pool so we went in for a look - but we religiously stayed only on the astro turf 'cos we promised we'd do the proper group waywt only with you around!

  5. yep. analog should definitely join our hangman game! would rep if i could for right answer, and for cool hangman smiley!

    avantser that looks like a fabulous and interesting meal!

    treated to a posh cantonese dinner tonight:


    double boiled peanut and pigstail soup


    vegetables in superior broth with wolfberries and dried scallop


    roasted porkrib


    vanilla ice cream with persimmon sauce, sweet potato pastry


    super smooth sweet beancurd

  6. yes. i is back.

    mum is outta town - but thankfully i have friends who are great cooks too!

    house party:


    stir-fried beef with bittergourd, roast pork, roast chicken, asam fish with ladies fingers (sour and spicy curry), sambal prawns, stir-fried vegetables



    ang ku kueh (traditional glutinous cake stuffed with red/yellow bean paste), fruit salad, really tasty sticky date pudding (butterscotch sauce not pictured)

    post-lunch entertainment:


    many great rounds of magnetic hangman - we were stuck at this for a good half an hour... see if you can figure it out. it's a fairly obscure word...but cuisine related.

    _ E S _ _ U N

    letters already guessed: R I T O H B A Y

  7. lunch:


    really tasty roast beef sandwich with tangy sundried tomatoes

    drink and chit chat:


    asuki freeze (soy bean milk blended with red beans and crushed ice. really really good)



    beef goulash, salad


    tokyo chicken soup (whatever that means?)

  8. how do you spell LOVE:


    i ate up the Os and Ms too early though...

    official post-show celebratory dinner:


    cold platter


    roast chicken


    deep fried garoupa


    two-style prawns


    baby abalone with sea cucumber and broccolli


    dessert was chilled sago with mixed fruits

  9. fabulous food you guys. it's nice to see that the thread's got a life of its own now hehe.

    been so impoverished in the good foods aspect of my life recently but all that will be rectified soon i hope.

    end-of-run dinner!


    thai-style steamed fish, sambal chilli kangkong (spicy spinach), stir-fried house special tofu, deep-fried dough fritters stuffed with fish paste


    crispy cereal prawn


    uber-tasty champagne pork ribs

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