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Posts posted by partytaco

  1. drink in the park along the river on the cambridge side. i can't remember the parks name but that was always fun, cheap and never closed (unlike the rest of boston which is bed by midnight) and the cops never seemed to care. boston sucks for going out at night.

  2. i'm thinking about selling...

    45rpm Jomon. Size 29 waist. Hand dipped, natural indigo. Worn maybe 10 times. No visable wear. unwashed. offers (remember after taxes these sell for around $800US. see the pictures on the 45rpm thread. i don't think i've worn them but maybe twice since then)

    Lee 101z 1952 Edwin made. Size 30x34. One warm soak. Worn once in the house. $200 (paid close to $300)

    LVC 501xx 1947 size 30x32. worn for about a week. very little wear. unwashed. will sell for $100.

    pm me if ineterested.

  3. "cars don't have a chance?" no not at all. i can see how a ton and a half of steel with 200plus hp wouldn't have a chance against a 12lb bike with a 160lb non-meat eating rider.

    "fixed gear for life" and it was mountain bike for life laste year and before that skate for life and before that 10 speed for life and before that bmx for life, etc..... next year it'll be segway for life.

    buy yourself some breaks and get a couple gears and maybe a bag of weed and a steak. all those things make life just a little more fun.

  4. i think all the Buzz Ricksons are. They have a color similar to my Jomons but that could just be because the Lees were always a different shade (kind of purplish) of blue than the Levis of that time. I've never seen any of the Levis/Ricksons for a comparison in the different Buzz Rickson Lee Levis models.

  5. anyone have experience wearing in a pair of buzz ricksons. im suprised these aren't as popular or as talked about as the sugar canes. anyway i've had my 1942 lee repros for about 4 months now and i'm just starting to wear them frequently and they seem to be fading pretty quick. if anyone has pictures of a pair of well worn buzz ricksons post them please.

  6. does anyone know the url for the lee japan website where it lists and shows pictures of all the different edwin made vintage reproductions. are there any rakuten sites that have them?

  7. $. I own two pairs of 45rpm jeans so i know what size I take so why not try to get them cheaper overseas? If I did have any problems I'm sure they would be more than happy to help me here at the New York locations. As i've said before their customer service is excellent and they are more than happy to repair any rips or tears in any of their jeans for FREE.

  8. wow those look a little odd and maybe just a little off. higher rised maybe. how old are they? maybe they just haven't broken in yet. i do remember not liking the fit of mine when i first got them and they kind of rode up my ass but 7 months into them wearing them just about everyday i think they have relaxed and fit perfectly. one of these days i'll post pics.

  9. 6 Pair.

    45rpm Sorahikos (1 wash)

    45rpm Jomon (1 wash)

    Buzz Rickson 1942 Lee 101-b

    Lee 1952 101-z (Japanese Edwin made)

    1947 LVC 501xx (deadstock)

    1971 LVC 646 (deadstock)

    The Sorahikos and Ricksons are worn the most.

    Edited by partytaco on May 10, 2006 at 08:11 PM

  10. i have similar holes on the backs of the knees of my sorahikos which i don't starch and were obviously not raw because they don't sell them unwashed. from what i can figure those holes come from crossing and uncrossing your legs while sitting and the holes near the hem come from rubbing up against your shoes at the laces and the heel the two points where the most friction occurs. btw for those that have 45rpm jeans they will repair all holes for free at either store. one more reason why i will stick with this brand over any other.

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