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Posts posted by partytaco

  1. i don't knwo if they have a wide variety of sizes at the levis stores or online...seems to be only 30x32. "what goes around comes around" on w.broadway had a lot last time i was there. if you don't live in nyc you could probably call them and phone order. they had most sizes and multiple pairs in each size

    where did you get these? or do you know where to get some + some more info about fit?
  2. yes they are overdyed. i was under the impression that they were just black sulfur dyed but upon reading up on them i found out why they fade blue then white. the color on them reminds me a lot of the really dark blue/black you see on unwashed LVC or Lee Japans. went to the 45rpm store to get slim sorahikos changed my mind to regular sorahikos but ended up walking out with the blacks. too much good stuff in that place makesit hard to make up your mind.

  3. i don't know if this helps but i had a bootleg lee jacket that said LEG (all caps) instead of Lee on it. a friend of mine picked it up in France for me.

    I think you were at my thread. here is the link.


    You also can see that there's no vintage lee with big E. but the talon 42 and the pockets rivets look real to me. You better find more info before selling them. people may think it's a fake or sth.

  4. not bad. those really are some of the nicest distresssed jeans i've seen. fading looks pretty realistic. i wonder if the natural indigo on those only faded like that because it was done by hand.

    I REALLY could go for a pair of those distressed umii. Maybe they'll be my present to myself for making the 6 month no-denim mark
  5. Anyone have a pair of jeans from this brand? From what I have seen and heard from the few people I have talked to in or from Japan these guys do some of the best reproductions on postWW2 era clothing out there.

  6. i think the leg twist on my sorahikos looks good with most well worn "vintage" styled shoes. I usually wear Clarks desert boots or desert treks, converse, or engineer boots on the colder days.


    here are my desert treks with my 45rpm "ass bongos"

    can you provide a picture of the your jeans with the sneakers? for some reason i'm finding it hard to have my overdyed sorahiko's to go well with any of the shoes i have. it seems as though it's partly due to the twist in the leg so it falls on the shoe oddly. i don't think they look quite so hot with my clarks wallabees or my prada sports, and definitely not with converses.
  7. i thought all you kids with the wild colored supreme nike dunkers and oversized $100 limited edition gold and silver silkscreened shirts were called "streetwear kids".

    i would have liked to see

    studio d'artisan (soon i guess)


    full count

    the flat head


    cane repros


    different warehouse

    and not just the denim but the shirts, sweatshirts, etc....

    What would you have preferred to see? Are "streetwear kids" wearing Samurai and Sugarcane??
  8. I do find most of the sugar canes equally as tacky as the samurais however this is a samurai thread so i only mentioned them. it was actually a combination of both the samurais and all of sugar canes that i'm not fond of that made me dislike blue in green. i was pretty happy when i heard about a store stocking japanese denim in new york but after stopping by and seeing it was all the denim i associate with what the streetwear kids like i was pretty disappointed. and i guess it was that trip to blue in green where i noticed just how rediculas the samurais are with their wacky samurai flasher cards and super hairy/slubby denim. disgusting.

    and yes everything isn't as loud as evisu....yet...but in time...well maybe....who knows. it does kind of seem like they are drinking from the same well.

    wow, how'd this thread turn into a "Are Samurai's over?" thread.

    I disagree. I don't have a pair but, everything isn't as loud as evisu. The patches are no big deal, half the time no one can see them because you have a belt on. Also, what's wrong with having some fun with the patch, SD has pigs!

    Also just because they have dragons on their pocket liners doesn't make them tacky. I think Sugarcanes are tackier at times than Samurais. They always have funky pocket liners, patches etc on their "limited" edition jeans. So I would think you would dislike SC more so than Samurais.

  9. i'm sure they are great jeans but the path they're headed down just reminds me too much of evisu who i also think still produce a few great jeans however most of their stuff is just a little too "look at me". sometimes this is what needs to happen to a company to keep it afloat though and i understand that...it has to change it's image or maybe it's time to progress past reproductions and the old man jeans and get a foot in a new market like well hiphop denim or style denim or fancypants or whatever they call it. nothing wrong with that. i mean it worked for GM and cadilac. it's fine. sorry to be such a pain in the ass.

  10. it's natural to get defensive about something you like...i expected this. i used to think this brand was okay but the more i see of them the more they annoy me. they always seem to have some flashy limited edition jean or some rediculas marketing ploy....i'm pretty sure they had a model with gold rivets...just seems like a company like evis/evisu that started off making repros but is starting to get a little carried away with the extras.....silver selvage.....i guess if these were comparible to cars or suvs or whatever i would say they would be an escalade.....lots of things to ooohhh and ahhhh about.

  11. are my the only one who thinks samurais are kind of cheesy and are just a bells and whistles denim brand?? unnecessarily heavy denim, gold rivets, thick stitching, overdone selvage lines, corny flasher cards, printed dragon pockets. in my opinion these are the next evisu.

  12. i feel like the thigh is the same and i always thought the thigh on my sorahikos was kind of slim but the new slims have a very slight taper unlike the straightleg standard Sorahikos. i'm going to get mine this weekend i think and when i do i'll post pictures and then everyone on will say they all look the same like they always do. i was considering some Studio D'Artisan sd-103s but after trying on the Sorahiko slims and then seeing how nicely my old Sorahikos faded I figured why bother. Oh and thanks everyone for the compliments.

    hmmm. are the sorahiko slims considerably slimmer than the current sorahiko cut?
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