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Posts posted by partytaco

  1. perfect little song for this board......

    Why don't you give me a fucking break

    One look at you tells me you're fake

    You've copied every fucking thing that you do

    So god damned worried who's looking at you

    Is it just a passing phase

    Or just another fashion craze

    You fool no one but yourself

    You're in need of fucking help

    Why be something that you're not

    Why be something that you're not

    Why be something why be something

    Why be something that you're not

    saw this band about 8 years ago when they did an unannounced "reunion" (used very loosely) show in detroit when o.p. was back in town for the holidays...pretty nice for the 10 people who happened to be there.

  2. was just there today on my way home from work. don't seem to have the big denim book selection they had awhile back....and yes no lightening denim buying guides left. remember new york has other japanese bookstores........hint, hint.

    I checked kinokuniya in Rockefeller Center in NYC and they do carry lightning buying guides, but the volumes they had were for hawaiin shirts and other things... where are you located at?
  3. you know i would have bought these too but since we don't see eye to eye on the "evolution" thread i'm going to have to pass. hahahaa.....wait maybe if you post some "pictures" of how they look today (before) and some "pictures" tomorrow (after) i can get a better feel for how they will age/fade and maybe i'll change my mind.

  4. you just did. all hail the denim king!!!!

    yes i understand that people still like apc/nudie and that it's a before and after "pictures" (i have no idea why pictures is in quotes) thread but come on you have to have been hit in the head with a hammer too many times....people are posting brand new pairs of jeans on here with almost no wear and saying oh, oh...well they look like they have wear on them when you look at them in the light coming in through my bedroom window at exactly 5:57am....please...enough. just save it for when you have something to show...

    oh and yes it's always been all about "pulling tail" my friend.

    Wow, someone is off their rocker. I didn't mean to offend with such vulgar words. You really need to get over yourself. I am sorry that not everyone can obtain 45rpm, samurais, fullcount et al, and not all people live in New York, so they don't have access to these jeans and they also like to try them on before purchasing. Not to mention some people still like Nudies and APC. I don't mind seeing people's APCs and Nudies on here. In case you didn't read the title of the thread it is "before and after" pics. So if someone buys their jeans they can post a pic after about 1 month of wear, then post 6 months down the line. It is the "evolution" of jeans. Hence, all stages of the wearing process. Who the hell are you to criticize someone for wanting to share what they feel is worthwile with the rest of us. And who the hell made you the denim king?

    And your nice little rant about the Europeans was quite beautiful. I feel so sad that these Europeans are pulling more tail than you, so you have to mask your insecurites by buying high end denim.

  5. honestly i would rather see a pair of regular stf levis than another pair of apcs of nudies. apcs in my opinion look cheap and i had a pair and they also felt cheap. nudies remind of all the euro bullshit i see hanging around new york (i know all this talk of closing/opening the boarders has a lot to do with people coming up from the south but seriously take a look at all the shit coming over from europe...the euro girls are fine but who keeps letting in all these bullshit eurodudes...DISGUSTING) and that pocket stitching is horrible not to mention their whole image. at least with the stf they have classic styling and really haven't changed that much since their introduction. they might not be super sweet selvage denim or be made with the finest indigos but hey they're $20 (on sale) and to me seem much like a much better deal then a pair of $150-$250 nudies or apcs.

    at least they're not all levis STF's from kohls...i'm fucking tired of see threads about that shit...like, who fucking cares! they're $20 on sale...who gives a shit if they're not the perfect fit or don't show any wear...!
  6. jealous? the jomons were a pretty much a gift from my employer and people asked me to post pictures because at that time not many people had seen these or knew how they fit and yes i have a few pairs of 45rpm jeans and i posted pictures of a pair of my sorahikos when once again i was asked and after from what i remember 8 months of wear...not two weeks after i got them when the first tiny bit of wear started to come through. as for all my money.....i wish i had some. i work a pretty blue collar job in one of the most expensive cities in the world. for me to afford to buy jeans i put other things i might want on hold and stay away from eating out for awhile.

    as for cutting some slack...what the fuck..."the evolution of jeans" thread is one of my favorite threads on here and it gets pretty annoying when everytime i see it's updated it's some kids apcs or nudies with almost no wear...these jeans are getting to be pretty common place and i think by now we all know what they look like new or after a month of wear so please post them in the "new purchases" thread and then don't post them again for 6 months. easy enough?

    partytaco, maybe you should cut people some slack. not everyone has the kind of money that you obviously want people to know you have, always talking about your 45rpms. not to mention, i've seen you post pics of your jomons with very little wear, so isn't it a little hypocritical to be ripping on people for posting their 2 month old apc's?
  7. awhile back at my work i had to call in some guys to haul away a gigantic old safe that we no longer used....anyway so i finally after a lot of bullshit got this hauling company to come get it...so they get there and the main guy (the owner i guess) is fucking huge and covered in tattoos my favorites being "eat pussy or die" above his upperlip, about 5 swastikas (one on the side of his head) or various other white pride markings and a whole lot of drawings of naked chics but not tasteful naked chics....like girls masturbating..insane...i couldn't help but feel bad for the two young black kids who had to spend the entire day driving around with this guy going from buisness to buisness and probably getting raped inbetween.

  8. yep, hate em. i lived in burlington vermont for awhile and i definently got my share of longboard exposure but it wasn't until i moved to new york that i saw my favorite longboard happening...some yuppie piece of shit who obvious was having his first longboard (or anything with wheels) experience (on 7th ave near 23rd st) lose control of his board causing him to fall and his board to go into traffic (and it moves pretty quick on 7th ave) and get hit by a passing cabbie who then stopped and yelled obscenities in some language unknown to me at the fallen rider who got up and made some stupid face while he grabbed his board and all the local youths laughed at him. street justice.

  9. have we seen enough apc and nudie yet? every time i see that this thread has been updated i check it and it's a pretty good shot that it's going to be yet another pair of apcs or nudies. now i know i am once again going out on a limb here much like i did with my anti-samurai post but now that these jeans have all but gone mainstream (hipster mainstream that is) can we finally cut down on the number of barely worn apcs and nudie posts (if they're old and have a pretty nice fade....let them slide)...i mean seriously who here wants to see page after page of 2 month old apc/nudie? pretty boring. show me the goods....studios, full counts, mccoys...something interesting...please.

  10. best overall: marlow and sons on broadway in williamsburg.

    best cheap (under$5): vietnamese sandwich shoppe on elizabeth between broome and mott

    best burger: either burgerjoint in the parker meridian, shakeshack (hate to say it) or snackie on grand in williamsburg.

    what more do you need??....cheap, nice and burgers.

  11. usually a pair of 50's or 60's 501 levis (sold all these about 5 years ago when i moved out west...miss all my true vintage jeans but i needed the money)

    my favorite shirt was a real Negative Approach shirt I got from a member of the band who had a stack of them sitting in his basement for 20years...wore it to rags and usually a pair of all black chuck taylors. ahhhhh...the mid 90's...going to see shitty hardcore band after shitty hardcore band.

  12. where in vermont? i lived there for awhile. have you been to the big barn in st. albans (i think it is) that is stacked with vintage clothes for sale? got a nice pair of 60's 501's there for cheap and a bunch of levis (some big E) western shirts for cheap. burnington actually has a couple decent vintage shops too.


    i just washed my apc NS after about 6-8 months or so.

    but where i stay in vermont for the summer tehre is a little creek runnign behind the little summerhouse

    and i tied the jeans to a tree adn set them in the water, i put rocks in the pockets to hold them down

    and i let them sit in a running stream for about 8 hours while i was away at mass moca.which is pretty amazing btw

    ill try to get some pics once theys start shaping up/.

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