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Posts posted by partytaco

  1. i've seen these...they have a split toebox right? doesn't nike have a shoe with a similar toe. i didn't realize these were for construction...how would these protect your feet for construction in any way because they are made of a spandex material right?

  2. i think what was meant is that he pinches the creases and them rubs the peak of the crease...i've actually seen kids doing this on the subway (no doubt someone from here) and it made me laugh because it looks like you're rubbing your dicks...i can only imagine what the members of the opposite sex must think when they see this....maybe that's what all the perverts on the trains are actually doing...just trying to get good creases on their jeans..whatever anyway i suspect this peak rubbing thing is responsible for most of the off looking wear i see on the "look at my jeans after first wash" posts.

  3. maybe i just have knobbier knees then most...but seriously i don't see blownout knees on other peoples jeans like i see on mine. i'm wondering if it has something to do with starching the back of the knees and then putting them on wet because it seems like the jeans i don't starch basically the ones that are unwashed don't have this problem.

  4. who the hell knows what it's going to be like in new york this april...it's almost december right now and it's really only been cold a couple days and today i believe it was 60degrees....where the hell is winter? i think it averages somewhere in the 50's around april.

  5. seriously i would return them. yes they will stretch alittle (these unwashed stf seem to have very little give to them in my experience) but when they hit water they will still shrink down 10% of the original new unstretched size and then you'll be left with something you'll never be able to squeeze into...you bascially bought a pair of pants you'll never be able to wash (or dryclean). i know you probably intended on not washing them for 6 months anyway but seriously do you think you'll have these jeans a year or two from now still in their unwashed state.

  6. i bought another pair of the 47' LVC because i liked the first so much...well one pair is LVC U.S. and has a single sided red tab and the other pair is LVC Europe and has a double sided...is this common or did they fuck this pair up? I've noticed other differences too in the patch leather and in the stitching color.

  7. sorry....i meant 45rpm on the uppereastside...anyway i went up there and i must say i'm sold on the cut of the janon or jonon jean. definently the most modern slim cut of all the 45rpm jeans i've seen. these are natural indigo hand dipped 25 times. the "denim master" (these 45rpm places are serious about denim/cotton which is nice you get a full explantion of all the features of the jeans from the indigo to the cotton to the type of material used for the patch...none of this atrium slicked back greasy haired cluelessness) said the natural indigo fades more uniformally and that you won't get the whiskers or honeycombing to the extent if at all that most of you like...so i guess if you're looking for a big time fade like you get from nudies or apcs i would stay away and i guess if you're looking to buy on a budget i would avoid this store at all costs because these will run you over $800 out the door and that's for a onewash finish. they don't offer distressing on these because of the nature of the indigo but they said they might be willing to give it a shot for a few bills more.

  8. i soaked them last night inside out for an hour in lukewarm water and they shrank down to a perfect fit...about 1 waist size and 2 inches off the inseam. they lost very little color to almost no color and some starch which is why i would guess the water was brown. thanks.

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