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Posts posted by jubei

  1. You're wrong im right. Next?

    Evisu's are even more repro styled than other jeans... have you looked at the fits on Rakuten? They've got a huge anti-fit seat and flare out quite a bit... look at Cheep's pics in the DD+1 thread. They're anti-fit on him and he usually fills out anti-fit jeans pretty well! (granted, they're raw, but I have a hard time believing that they shrink THAT much)

    So, you're the one who's wrong, actually.

  2. Those look really nice! and the price is just as sweet... I swear, I think I'm going to try and restrict my leather shoe buying to vintage from now on... there's so much good stuff out there. I love my Hanover oxfords now that they're all broken in and comfy ( and now that I've got another pair of nice work shoes, I can wear them out and beat them up a little bit more)

    It really is one of those things where "they don't make 'em like they used to"...

  3. 78- Don't give up on the X-dudes just yet!

    Astonishing X-Men redeems all of the shitty stuff that has happened in X-Men in the past 10 years! There are 3 trades out right now and I promise you'll gobble them up so fast that you won't know what hit you...

    At first I was skeptical of Astonishing because I'm not really into Joss Whedon stuff (Buffy, Firefly, etc.) but he writes the X-Men really well. It's a slimmed down roster (strictly focuses on the core 6 members) and it's sort of in its own continuity so you don't have to worry about reading the other books for context... plus, it picks up right after Morrison's run, so you'd be picking up right where you left off.

  4. DC is working him pretty hard. Did you read 7 Soldiers of Victory? The first half was great but the end kind of petered out. Maybe because I just don't give a crap about Mr. Miracle. He's currently writing both Batman and All Star Superman. Both are good but All Star Superman is just amazing.

    To add to this: DDML, have you read his X-Men run? it's pretty out there... and like a lot of other stuff he does, it starts out with this huge, great ideas and then sort of falls apart at the end. It was recently collected in an omnibus volume (which means that you might be able to snag a bunch of the trades on eBay for a good price)

  5. the Optic Nerve series is pretty much the only comic i read. can anyone recommend stuff in a similar vein?

    There's a whole bunch of indie-romance books out there, but the only one I'm really familiar with is Blankets by Craig Thompson. I'd love to read more stuff in the genre, but only the well-written stuff... after a while, some of it starts to get a little too emo for my tastes...

    I think Love & Rockets is another popular one. And many people have enjoyed Strangers in Paradise, which just ended recently.

  6. I'm sure there's some place that sells the ED47 in Japan, but it's probably easiest to get it in Europe.

    There might even be some places in the US, but it seems like any Edwin dealers here in the US mostly get the Japanese line or some weird export mdoels that aren't really all that great.

  7. you know what, I actually know that they are European Model (bc I own a pair, haha)They're made in Italy... I bought mine from royal cheese in France (www.royalcheese.com)

    I think Edwin Japan still has a bunch of pretty cool stuff though (and it should be easy to find) But if you're looking at those price points (and I'm assuming you're looking for a modern cut jean) why don't you consider omnigod or johnbull/sewing chop? do a search for both of those terms in the forum to see what I'm talking about...

  8. jiomotori-

    I don't know if you know this, but the SC 66 has a notoriously large hip flare... I was considering the SC 66s for a while, thinking that they would be slimmer than the SC47s, but that's not really the case. Sugarcane cuts are truly vintage in that sense.

  9. nice to meet some of you at BiG... wish I could've stayed longer, I had fun talking shop with Gordon and finding out what some of the more notorious posters looked like in real life

    yeah, and who was that rockabilly dude? he looked like the closest thing to a non-internet denimhead I've met in real life, lol


    Oh yeah, btw... BiG things in store for SAMURAI this fall... those who went last night know what I'm talking about...

    I'm sure the pics will explain nicely...

  10. you know what: if you totally remove A&F from its context here in the states, they actually put out pretty sturdy garments... I buy the occasional work oxford from there from the clearance section (but only the now defunct Ezra Fitch stuff, no visible logos + slim fit) better than Gap or most other mall fare.

  11. I was under the impression that the 2005 was slimmer than the 2000 as well.

    I think that the 2005 is the 2000 with a zipper.

    The 7000 is considerably slimmer ( nearly obscenely low rise) but I think it's made in China denim (could be wrong about that)

  12. I could see it more as a part of a museum than an art gallery necessarily... and it might carry more weight if you included stuff from other cultures' indigo useage (India, Southeast Asia, Japan come to mind)

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