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Posts posted by jubei

  1. great great great series... gives me fuzzy memories of watching adult swim in the summer of 03...

    gotta see the pillows live... do they have any other albums besides the OST for FLCL?

  2. So. I have a few odds and ends that I need to move out of my apt. Here's the deal:

    - Paypal Only

    - Shipping: For Con US add $7. PM me for other locales

    - If you want more details (pics, measurements) don't hesitate to ask!

    1) BNWT LVC Type 3 Jacket S/S 07 Small

    Tried on for all of 5 minutes in my apt. Not really my thing, it turns out. Currently sold out at Levi's website and Cultizm.

    Chest (Pit to pit): 18"

    Shoulder to Waist: 20"

    Waist: 15.5" across


    Asking $100

    Will also consider trades for Raw Denim (size 30 or therabouts)...


    2) 555 LVC 201... SHORTS(!) Tag Size 34x36

    Snagged these on eBay a while back but they never really quite fit me right. These were worn by the previous owner for a year and dry cleaned twice by him before he decided to butcher them into shorts. I gave them a hot machine wash to see if they'd shrink any and the size stayed pretty much the same. Was always thinking of getting the hem finished at BiG but never got around to it and finally decided they were too damn big.

    Other than that, the fade patterns are fantastic thanks to the previous owner's conservative washing. The jeans are all sorts of shades of blue (pics don't do it justice) Great for those lazy summer days when it's too hot to rock the raws and you still wanna show off your denim obsession (check the blue-green selvedge!) On top of all that, they're Valencia St. 555s, so you know the denim's top notch. One of a kind, that's for sure :)

    Waist: 16.5" across

    Front Rise: 12"

    Back Rise: 15"

    Inseam: 17"

    Upper Thigh 12.75" across


    Yours for $30




    More to come...

  3. 4osfh9z.jpg


    sorry to tell you, but that Batman trade is straight garbage... I borrowed from the libe thinking it would be like Hush pt.2, but it sucks a big one...

    The Civil War is stuff I've heard was ok, IC I thought was good. And I've heard that Ultimate X-Men has been good since Kirkman came on (Invincible is amazing, btw. You need to read that if you're not already)

  4. i dont know... i dont think anyone does outside of japan.:cool:

    OT, but I think the Evisu Flagship that's opening up on Greene Street this summer will be carrying them...

    this is a cool project indeed! I would've tried to squeeze in, but I can't wear jeans to works anyway... so moot point. Anyway, you'll need sideline cheerleaders, right? ;)

  5. The low yoke look is pretty popular in Japan, just not for many of the brands that get exposure on this board. Most of thestuff on this board is repro or repro inspired... in Japan there are tons of other brands, many of which have low yokes. I think ultra low rise jeans are a lot more popular in Japan atm, though. Go read Popeye or Non-No if you don't believe me.

  6. they do have pretty good looking distressed versions, if that's your thing.

    I like how we talk about distressed jeans like it's some sort of deviant behavior..."oh yeah, they have some of those kinky 'distressed' stuff. If you're into that. I'm not judging but..."


  7. as far as luxury goes:

    mostly like the high profile stuff, particularly Gucci, Goyard, Chanel... sometimes LV. The older stuff usually catches her eye more than the modern stuff, though she still likes the occasional modern piece.

    By the by, what's everybody's opinion here on Goyard? I'm not sure how I feel about them... the materials don't feel too much more different from LV, yet the price is a good deal higher. Is it all hype or is there a rationale for the price?

  8. Hey all,

    Now that I have a decent paying job, I'd like to buy my gf something real nice when I head to Paris with the fam this summer. Was wondering what some of the high lights of Paris Luxury shopping would be. I know that a lot of the stuff is priced at luxury prices anyway (boo to US-Euro exchange rates) but I hear there is a lot of good second hand luxury shopping near the Champs Elysses... anywhere else I should hit?

    I should note that she usually prefers unique, vintage items over new ones (hence the interest in second hand luxury good shopping) so any recommendations in that vein would be great.

  9. related story: I bought a pair of RRL slim fits last year but ended up selling them off because they were crushing my bladder... ever since I sold them off, though, I've always wanted a pair that fit because like many others have said the denim quality is right up there with all of the other japanese repros.

    So I bought another pair of slimfits (in my size, hopefully) the other day and am eagerly awaiting them...

  10. If I'm not mistaken, these "inconsistencies" are part of the vintage looming process. To create a finished selvage, the weft is through the fabric multiple times until the thread runs out. At that point (16cm in your case) a new weft thread is ited to the end of the old weft and it is relooped through the weave. A diagram to better explain what I'm trying to say (where the arrows represent the weft and the & = the tie):





    Most of the time these ties are snipped off before the product hits stores as part of the finishing, but in Evis's case, they're probably kept there on purpose as "proof" of their vintage looming process.

    I'm sure somone can better explain what I'm talking about, though...

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