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Posts posted by jubei

  1. and just to add to Miz's sentiments:

    I don't think there's anything inherently wrong at all with Lebron rocking DD's. As a matter of fact, I was kind of flattered that he sought them out to the point where he asked Warehouse to extend their size run; he obviously likes the jeans enough to wait for them to be produced.

    Plus, I dno't believe that there should be any rules about who's "allowed" to wear what. If you think about it, fashion is all about taking influences from other places and re-appropriating it...

    Back on Topic: handling and trying on PBJs at BiG made me appreciate my DD's much more. DD's feel light for a 15oz jean, but definitely feel sturdier than PBJ's stuff and are almost as slubby. Plus, the decorative stitching and the color depth... I fall more and more in love with these guys over time.

  2. stopped in at BiG over the weekend. According to Gordon, the latest member of our DD Appreciation Society is Basketball Superstar Lebron James.

    Apparently, he's having Warehouse extend their size run to 38-40 to accomodate him. I asked Gordon about his inseam and he said that he's probably "only" going to take a 36-37 because he's going to sag them so low.

    Just thought I'd share :)

  3. what jeans was your gf wearing?

    and btw, that pic reminded me of some article in a video game magazine where this guy was going to go play tic tac toe against the chicken in Chinatown... and to pump himself up, he stood in front of a wall of peking ducks, so that he'd have the smell of death on him.

  4. I was in a little earlier, like 3ish 4ish. too bad, would've liked to meet you in person. I'm probably stopping there again some time soon, pm me next time you're in town.

    lol, I had a marathon jean fitting session... tried on like 6 or 7 different things. I can never spend less than an hour there.

  5. tried on the 008s today at BiG... I would reccomend sizing up at least one, if not two. These guys run try to measured size, but because of the low rise you will probably need to size up ( most low rise jeans acutally meaure larger than tagged size... in this case they actually run to tag size)

    and the 008 denim is very interesting. Pictures make it look lighter than it actually is in daylight. These guys are pretty dark still, but not the same inky black-blue that most raw denims are. seeing these next to the 007s was also pretty interesting, since those are practically black (and the white selvage pops out so much!)

    Only possible complaint is that the denim doesn't feel like it could stand up to really hard wear... I wouldn't do a lot of housework in these guys. fit is very nice and modern, though.

  6. it can mean anything. There's nothing in that description that says that they're vintage looms, just that they're Japanese...

    in any case, I'm not really trying to knock their product. For all I know, they could be great jeans. After all, LL Bean has a long glorious history as an outdoor wear outfitter... so it wouldn't be unheard of for Land's End et al to put out some high quality stuff.

    I'm just skeptical of their positioning and how they seem to be trying to get in on the selvedge craze... though, to be honest, if anybody should be cashing in it's people like Land's End, LL Bean, Eddie Bauer, Filson... I suppose we'll find out how good their stuff is when those free swatches come in.

  7. ^ beats... look back one page :P

    and coleslaw, those worn in Mccoys look great! But I'll bet it took forever and a half to get that level of wear on them...I expect the same from my DD's

    looks like that guy does a lot of kneeling down?

    edit: and btw, Gordon desrcibed coleslaw's patch as being "Marvel comics" inspired :) I like it, it's a different take on their patch art while remaining pretty true to their designs.

  8. I think everybody needs to remember that selvedge isn't necessarily an indicator of quality... anybody can produce fabric with a finished selvedge. The whole point of us blowing cash on Japanese Denim is that the smaller manufacturers take more time in developing high quality fabrics (and by quality, I mean colorfast, thick, and slubby to varying degrees) than the big guys.

    Selvedge is pretty, but it shouldn't be the only thing you're looking for in a pair of jeans, imho...

  9. they'll probably break in real well... one of the things I miss about school is getting to walk to class in JEANS!!! I got some pretty good fades on my ED-47s two years ago from just walking around and living in them. Now I'm a corporate lackey, under the thumb of the business casual code... thank god for casual friday :)

    [just needed to vent :P]

  10. (btw...does the fuzz die down a bit after a while? they sort of look furry right now).

    denim "fuzz" goes away over time with wear and abrasion... my SC 47s were quite fuzzy before and the fuzz has now disappeared along the thighs and seat, but I still have a bit on the shins and other low abrasion areas.

    Most modern jeans lack fuzz because of factory "singeing", which basically involves ironning the jeans so hot that the fuzz burns off.

    Now I'm not sure on this, but I think fuzz could also be an indicator that a denim is ring spun... anyone care to chime in and correct me?

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