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Posts posted by jubei

  1. they were deadstocks from the Paris store. He and I were both surprised at the amount of shrinking on the no.2, but my feeling is that they probably stretch out easier than the no.1s.

    The sizing charts on Hinoya say that no.2s will shrink up to 2 inches in the waist and no.1s will shrink up to 3 inches, if I remember correctly. In any case, I think you should be fine with your size. You got your tagged size, yes?

  2. edmond-

    I don't have a pair of Evisus (yet). But the pair that I had tried on at BiG was a No.2 and was quite clearly in a one wash state.

    Those 710s look good in that pic, btw.

    qwest- I should post some of my classic fit NDG Greys. The only thing with those is that they're sized S,M,L as opposed to the Indigo ones, which are numbered. With the NDG classic fits, I would say get true size for a "regular" straight leg fit (i.e. not too slim, not too baggy) and maybe size down 1 for a slim fit. I believe they're sanforized so they shouldn't shrink too much. They're cut very well and the denim is very dense and compact... a great addition to a denim closet, imo.

  3. God I would love to see Levi try this with Gap Inc. and get slapped.

    The Japanese companies should band together and share the cost of legal representation. One solid decision in their favor would set a precedent that could protect all of them. It might also keep them in business.

    I wonder where the case would be tried... there's so much in the ways of rumors and speculation right now. Superdenim is ablaze with panic.


  4. The XS series from SDA are their holiday limited editions (released around Christmas, hence the XS) They only do one run and that's it... and they're usually pretty awesome, like this one.

    the 25 would suggest that they've been around for 25 years? I wonder if that's true... because I've XS26, 27, etc.

    edit: beat me to it :)

  5. their runway stuff that show was styled very, very well.

    all part of the plan to getting back on track, I suppose.

    Btw, I tried on some no.2 2000s at BiG over the weekend (would've tried the No.1s if they had my size) I went down two sizes to a 28 (waist measured a little less than 30 and they were in a one wash state) and they fit A.M.A.Z.I.N.G

    Now to figure out my size in No.1... or maybe I'll jsut stick with No.2? who knows...

  6. Didnt the rivets get removed much later than the 60s?

    They gotta be from early 50s since the tag has LEVIS printed on only one side, lke u sed

    no later than 55

    I was always under the impression that they switched to bartacks in the 66 501. At least, that's what a lot of repros have on their 66 repro...

    In any case, HJJ seems to have provided an answer. Would love to see what Mr. Trynka has to say about these babies.

    And jwied, aren't these guys around your size? you lucky duck, you could rock a pair of authentic vintage Levi's!!! Plus, it looks like all of the shrinking's out of the way, so no surprises... I'm sure they'll stretch a bit, though if I were in your position I would give them a gentle rinse just to get some of the dirt, etc. out of them so that they're not too brittle.

  7. get Paul T on this! They look too well preserved on the inside to be super-duper old... the lack of identifying tags makes it tough. I'd guess (in my amateur opinion) that they're from the late 50's if not 60's from the arcs. But the covered rivets is throwing me off a little bit.

    Could they be repro samples from an outlet? I'm just shocked that there's no rust from the rivets on the pocket bags if they are truly as old as I think they are...

  8. I;m sort of weirded out by the name, but they seem to put out good stuff. Nothing super adventurous, though (which is porbably their greatest strength and weakness). I've not handled them in person, but I always lump them together with Fullcount and maybe Flathead when I think of repro brands.

  9. OT, but isn't sukiyaki considered a pretty luxurious dish in Japan? I remember watching some Japanese soap or anime (I think it was Great Teacher Onizuka) and he was flippin out over sukiyaki...

    just wanted to check my (pseudo) facts :)

    I haven't had sukiyaki in the longest time, that's some good eatin'

  10. Could be… but to move in a new direction is admired. I don't think they'll go the of, say, Yen Jeans, but they will probably create items that echo that repro look. Like a Japanese RRL. That would be dope. There's already a lot of bohemian type of clothing lines like Kapital, Omnigod, Pure Blue, Kato, 45rpm etc.… But a cool American heritage inspired fashion brand would be awesome.

    +1 to all of this.

    I welcome this, actually... I think the repro market is pretty saturated at this point and DD's are definitely a step in the right direction.

  11. handled it in person yesterday. Denim is definitely good stuff. I'd say that the hand is very similar to Samurai VX denim (that is to say, pretty slubby but not as much as PBJ) very stiff and dark.

    apparently, the designer is an American who has outsourced the work to Japan. Woven at the same mills as Samurai, Oni et al. Didn't try them on because, like you guys I'm not huge on exposed selvage, but apparently it's more of a modern fit (i.e. not so much of an anti-fit ass) Might be worth a try if you can try them on.

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