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Posts posted by wild_whiskey

  1. basicly, i need to change at tenoji to get to kishi/kanan (where my uni is).. so i was thinking of living there, but then i realises 5mins more travel would take me to shinsaibashi and that would be much more fun living there.. so thats probs what ill head for..


    I haven't gotten ahold of any actual Osaka Geidai students as of yet, and I asked my friend that question earlier and she said she doesn't really know of any cool places around the actual uni. But I'll let you know if I hear anything.

  2. Okay, well Tennoji is pretty far from Osaka Geidai.. minimum 35 minutes or so of travel and involves both subway and bus. Same with Shinsaibashi and Nanba.

    Shinsaibashi is really close to Nanba, and apparently its the coolest place ever. Lots of eccentric clothing stores, and was described as being "VERY OSAKA." That would be the place I would want to live, but it would take some time and money to go to school every day.

    Tennoji is the closest of them, and it's kind of urban, but not as cool as Shinsaibashi. As for rent, we had no trouble finding places under 35000 yen that had private bathrooms and kitchens, so that probably won't be a worry for you at your budget.

    Osaka Geidai is pretty far from Umeda. Nanba/Shinsaibashi is kind of in the middle between Umeda and Tennoji, but from what I can tell Umeda is not that cool of a place to begin with for youngsters. You could live in Nanba for around 35000 yen and be in the middle of the subway grid and around lots of cool shit. You might be able to offset the transportation price because of the rent being barely more than half your budget.

    Anyway, let me know if this helps or if there are other questions you have.

  3. the thing about these girls is that they're basically perfect in small doses, and that can be misleading.

    So true. I started up with a 17-y/o when I was 21 and was thinking it was fun and easy, then later when she started going through the same shit I was going through at that age, it made me sick to my stomach. Step backwards for the lose.

    Corrupt them, then leave them.

  4. I fantasized about the korean girl coming home with a bag full of Chanel and shit, then she wines and moans for a little bit because she's spoiled, then I fuck her and she makes me dinner.

  5. Yea dude, Jin is the shit. Nothing to do with being Asian, he's just a BAMF all around. Though it is cool they didn't represent him like a pussy because TV is already full of those characters, like you pointed out, miz. His wife is pretty bonable too. Not model beauty but the kind that could really turn you on.

    The thing I don't like is that Sayid is an Iraqi ex-military officer who is cold-hearted when he needs to be and isn't afraid to torture a motherfucker here or there. Thanks for feeding the stereotypes which are already bad enough.

    Where's the violin emote when you need it?

  6. really? awesome.

    think you could relay a few Q's to them about a good place to stay and if its a problem living a bit far from campus etc.?

    mate.. we should hook up when im out there. i wanna organise a few karaoke raves..

    The people that I know in Osaka in general feel that public trans is so developed and accessible that you should have no problems at all getting from one place to another daily, although it can be stupidly expensive. A friend of mine here in San Diego right now, normally goes to school in Osaka (not the art school though) from Hirakata (a close suburb) every day through public trans.

    I am fairly certain there are special student apartments for any given college that are discounted and are placed conveniently close to campus. The same thing seems to apply to many jobs for foreigners (such as myself, planning to teach english).

    I'll relay your question to some friends tonight and ask them specifically. Rent can be totally acceptable (~$500 / mo.) or ridiculous ($~infinity / mo.) in Osaka, I know that much.

    Karaoke raves I am DOWN...

  7. I'm graduating in about two or three weeks and then I'm going to move to Osaka, for God know's how long. Really no idea how long I'm gonna be there but I definitely want a change of pace. I kind of like the idea of things being uncertain at this point.

    Hopefully there will be some good design jobs for me when I get back.

    Healthwise I do a minimum amount of work at the gym to keep myself in a minimum condition. Considering some martial arts training in Japan since that's the place to do it.

    I just broke up with my gf of two years, unfortunately, and haven't really considered interests in anyone else for the time being.

  8. That Gonzaga kick to Cro Cops temple was the single most violent thing I've ever seen....awesome.

    I'm getting excited for Liddell v. Jackson.

    Who's your pick? A lot of people are predicting a Liddell victory. Personally I'm hoping he gets pummeled. He hasn't had the shit kicked out of him in awhile.

  9. anything you can do on a macbook pro, you can do on a macbook... pro is just faster and has a bigger screen

    Faster, bigger screen, better keyboard, and most importantly dedicated video memory. Worth the extra couple hundred bucks.

  10. I don't like Apple's smug attitude, nor the legions of people who seemingly buy them because they're just hip items. That said, they are pretty, they are actually quite good deals for the money when comparing specs with other pre-built laptops, and most importantly, they run OS X, and with it comes the best environment for adobe programs and general awesome-itude.

    I still keep a PC at home but I've gotten so accustomed to OS X, Windows actually does feel gimped to me.

  11. I think Helvetica is the single most overrated, pick-it-if-you-want-to-look-designy font. EVARRR.

    That said the film sounds interesting and I've heard it's pretty good.

  12. I wonder if the PBJs smooth out over wearing becuase they are a very loose weave?

    I've heard this as well, though in my experience this isn't necessarily the case. Of course all denim will smooth out and become more compact over time because of you sitting down all the time or being scraped on things, but the slubs on PBJs cause them to create some very cool fading patterns. The texture is reduced, but it still plays into how they fade. Those, along with the Onis and Duckdiggers, are my favorite jeans I've seen worn in because of the unique pattern in the fade.

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