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Posts posted by wild_whiskey

  1. First off, go with whichever you already have the lenses for. If you don't have either, go with the D80 if you can afford it. It's a better camera. To be realistic, a D80/XTi comparison isn't entirely valid, because the D80 is using tech from the D200, while the XTi is using slightly upgraded tech from the Rebel XT. Something I love about Nikons that I miss dearly when using a Canon is the lack of a seperate finger wheel for aperture.

    IMO, go try em both out. If you like the Canon better... color me surprised. The D80 is quite a machine.

    Image color is not better on the XTi, at least in my experience. My co-worker has a XTi and we've done a lot of shoots where we both take pictures, and 99% of the time, the photos from my camera are used because the color representation and they are usually sharper as well (but I attribute that to a much better lens that can be bought with the D80: the 18-55 AF-S Nikkor), and the exposures are usually more on the mark as Nikons tend to have superior exposure meters. Again, this is my experience. I know there are a lot of Canon users here who would argue otherwise.

    Canons are great cameras, but in that $ range, the D80 is a better buy.

  2. Question for the photo experts here:

    I'm going to be taking some photos of Judo matches tonight for an ad campaign. The problem is that the setting (a gym) is less than helpful as far as lighting goes. Anyone with experience doing this have a few tricks of the trade they utilize?

    I thought of a couple things:

    1) Judo gi's are not shiny at all, so the flash wouldn't screw them up.

    2) I basically have the options of no flash photography on higher ISO's (which is unfortunate because these are going to be printed 20" wide, so I want as little grain possible), or.. lower ISO and a lot of camera raw work, or flash (I don't have an external flash yet, simply can't afford one).

    If anyone has experience doing this and there's something I'm missing here, let me know. I'd love to be more prepared for this.

  3. I know supertrash is the place to argue and talk shit, but in reverence, maybe we should be a bit more respectful on this thread.

    Quoting Pennglock from Styleforum

    The death-toll is likely to get much higher. I have a contact that's the head of the EMS department there. Here's the IM's he sent me on his way out the door...

    Him [1:52 PM]: I am on phone now with an ic that was there

    Him [1:52 PM]: He is saying they "black tagged" 31 on one floor alone so there will be probably close to 50 if not more DOA....

    Him [1:52 PM]: it is gonna be way worse than first reported

  4. Ahlvaroe, Idiocracy got so-so reviews. It could have been better, but IMO the concept and the characters were hilarious. Definitely worth a watch.

    DDML - I'm glad you liked TT. That one really slipped out of view for many people.

    Another really underrated Russell Crowe film is Proof. It's about a blind man who takes photographs of where he goes, so that someone else can describe them to him. Good flick.

    The blind man being Hugo Weaving, right? I really enjoyed that movie.

    also, Yiyi is an incredibly rewarding movie. Sweet, sad and beautifully done. Oddly enough, Issei Ogata (Tony Takitani) has a role in this movie as a Japanese businessman.

  5. Name off some movies that went under the radar but deserve to be seen. Don't flip out if someone lists a movie you and all your friends have seen. This isn't a discussion of what underrated means, just list some great movies you think other people might not have seen or heard of.

    I'll start. In an encouraging attempt to get you to google this stuff, I'm keeping it small.

    Tony Takitani (Japanese)

    Idiocracy (American)

    The World (Chinese)

    The Triplets of Belleville (French, Animated)

  6. The following deserve all the hype that they get and anyone who doesn't think so sucks:

    Pulp Fiction

    Reservoir Dogs


    The Big Lebowski

    In the Mood for Love


    Children of Men

    Fuck Garden State, Napoleon Dynamite, Kill Bill, and Fahrenheit 9/11, and Crash, and 300 is overrated but wasn't a horrible movie.

    Anyone who disagrees is wrong and has bad taste in movies.

  7. Meh; we'd never see eye to eye, but it's nice arguing it with you.

    I appreciate your opinion.

    That was entirely intended as a joke........hence the smiley face. ;)

    As indicated by my smiley I got the joke. :D

  8. Why spend $100 million making a purposefully low quality movie with nothing particularly clever or creative?

    I suppose you could ask 99% of hollywood film producers that same question, but that doesn't make it okay. Tarantino did something cool with his slot, Rodriguez just made a sort of tribute with no substance, just blood and guts.

    Guess I'm in the minority that I actually liked the second set of girls. IMO, you were meant to not like the first set very much. They're all somewhat annoying to an extent, but the second group are much more likeable (and hotter as well).

    If you think every black person who drops the word nigger every five words is making a Samuel J. Jackson impersonation, then... guess there's really no point in trying to argue that it was actually good dialogue, which it was. :) Maybe you were just too tired after the 2.5 hours of blood-spewing nonsense to appreciate talking.

  9. I understand this. Problem was, neither I or any of the 6 people I went with cared about the girls who died in the slightest. In fact, the whole first half of "Death Proof" was so senseless, that I completely forgot it even happened when the second set of girls were introduced. With the second set of girls, the outrageous overracting of the black chick and the New Zealander made me not care if they died either; so I had no emotional connection (neither hate/dislike or like) and was just waiting for something interesting to happen; when it did happen it wasn't even that interesting/exciting to begin with. Anyway, it seemed like two entirely separate movies within one movie. So there were a couple plot twists......you don't know who's going to die and when? And? The whole first movie is filled with this scenario. It doesn't make it "good." There are millions of other factors that make it good, but this isn't a reason to call "Death Proof" a good film.

    Point is, you don't need to spend 45minutes "developing" a character for an audience to be able to relate to whether they like/dislike/care about them. A good scriptwriter can make you feel a strong connection with a character in less than 5 minutes.

    Lastly, they could have at the very least played "Death Proof" first. You watch all these insane previews and the gorefest which is "Planet Terror" and then you're winded down to an INSANELY slow moving 'car' movie.......um? Bottom line is, if "Death Proof" was a single feature, released on its own and you paid to watch it, there is no way in hell you would recommend it to anyone.

    Okay, I'll bite.

    I enjoyed Project Terror and I got some great laughs out of it. Personally I felt like it dragged, however. It seemed completely endless, and with no character development whatsoever, I had absolutely no interest in the people, just in zombies getting blown up, and even that can get tiresome. The Weinstein brothers picked up the B-Movie shtick, and some $100 million was spent on this film but nothing about it surpassed actual 70s b-movies, where the budget is less than .5% of theirs. I just never really had an interest in what happened to the characters.

    Where Rodriguez was making an homage to B-movies of the 70s, Tarantino was more interested in picking up fragments and aesthetics of them and making something entirely fresh and new. His movie turns from chick flick to horror movie to chick flick to epic car chase so incredibly smoothly, you never even see it coming. Death Proof uses some basic elements of B-Movies but only as an infrastructure to introduce his characters (which I found endearing, though you may disagree), and showcase the best stunt work I've ever seen in a movie.

    IMO, Project Terror is a C-, Death Proof is a solid A

  10. I liked Death Proof much better. Planet Terror was well done but it didn't bring anything new to the table. I don't believe I've ever felt such blatant satisfaction as I did at the end of Death Proof in a movie before.

  11. Pride fights will still be on seperate cards and billed as Pride FC.

    Rules are not changing AFAIK - for pride, yellow cards are still in, elbows are still out. Not going to be in the octagon either.

    Allowing elbows is IMO, the dumbest rule of UFC. Too many cut stoppages from random elbows. Take em out. I wish that they would instate the yellow card rule from Pride into UFC. Sanchez/Kos would have had to pay out there pockets from all the yellow cards for that snoozer of a "fight."

  12. Never, ever, ever wear a tie without a jacket, or a sweater. There's never an excuse. Even if you're on Jil Sander's runway.


    The dude throwing the sign with the gold shoes does *not* look "COOL AS FUK." I thought that was sarcasm at first when I read that.

  13. The Dismemberment Plan - Emergency & I

    Enon - High Society

    Spoon - A Series Of Sneaks

    Yo La Tengo - I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One

    Manitoba - Up In Flames

    The Figurines - Skeleton

    The Microphones - The Glow, Pt. 2

    The Microphones - Mt. Eerie

    Les Savy Fav - The Cat And The Cobra

    The Shins - Oh, Inverted World

    Broken Social Scene - You Forgot It In People

    Red House Painters - Songs For A Blue Guitar

    Sufjan Stevens - Michigan

    Deerhoof - Apple O'

    The Notwist - Neon Golden

    Destroyer - Your Blues

    The Unicorns - Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone?

    ...and you're set. These are all the necessaries that came off the top of my head.

  14. - D-bags with a set of turntables who find it necessary to critique everything the DJ is doing. I don't care if you're a DJ. Everyone's a DJ. Shut up.

    - D-bags who take control of the keg and try to get cash and act like they're the shit, even when you're best buds with the host. If you don't know the hosts friend's, don't act like you own the place.

    - People who come with drama already brewing. Especially annoying if they're your friends are all they do is mope and look shitty. Then of course, you have to tend to them, and all they do is complain about their ex macking with some other girl. SHUT UP GO HOME.

    - People who pick up the guitar and start playing endlessly. Everyone can fucking play guitar, you're not special, no one wants to try and guess which Modest Mouse song you're playing.

    - People who are fakers. You can sniff these people out pretty easily. Fuck em. Don't talk to me if you've practically scripted your conversation. You know as well as I do that our interest in each other only goes as far as how many drinks we've had. Don't act otherwise.

    - Guys who are lost puppies and follow you around to get you to introduce them to girls.

    People that rule:

    - Guys and girls that surprise you by being laid back and easy to talk to and don't act awkward.

  15. Cell phone fades are absolutely necessary if you have a cell phone and you keep it in your pocket. Stating the obvious, sure, but see what I'm getting at? If you change the way you go about your daily business because you're afraid of an unfavorable fade, you're a tool.

    The best fades are one's that reflect your life. I sound like a spokesperson for Nudie when I say that but shit, think about what you're doing when you think "Oh god no! Not my whiskers!" and stuff your phone in your manpurse.

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