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Posts posted by wild_whiskey

  1. File a claim ASAP. Paypal always protects the buyer and not the seller.

    This reminds me of a thread I read on a Honda board a couple years back, this guy sold some HIDs to some kid. Shipped em out, and then the payment was retracted, so the seller was out $400 or so. This thread was some 25+ pages long, all these guys tryin to figure out what this kid was doing. Apparently he worked at a restaurant and used a credit card and checking account info from one of the customers at the restaurant, who disputed the charge with paypal and got their money back. Eventually the guys on the board figured out where he worked, his home address and phone number and called him up, scared him into sending the lights back.

  2. This movie was neo-con propaganda, a modern Birth of a Nation. The biblical overtones, latent homosexuality, advocation of chauvinism, race war, "freedom is not free", anti-democracy, pro-fascism. Holy shit. I think I was in the complete wrong state of mind when I saw this movie. Beyond all the political, sociological, and philosophical themes that I objected to, the dialogue and story were terrrible!

    But all that could've been ignored if that action had been done in a groundbreaking way. Instead, there was theft from the matrix, gladiator, braveheart, sin city, amongest others of recent times. This is such an amazing story in history, and I really think it could've been done better. I've heard that's not very faithful to Miller's original comic, other than stylistically.

    I find it to be more anti-America if anything. The Persians are more akin to modern Americans than they are to modern Persians.

    One huge rich country invades the smaller countries to abuse their natural resources and offers bribes to their leaders to get them on their side. Who does that sound more like to you? Iran, or the US?

    You tell me. The religious thing didn't bother me as an atheist and the latent homosexuality is IIRC fairly accurate, as actual Spartans did not encourage homosexuality in the same way as the Thebans.

  3. i fell in love with them, and actually considered paying retail for them at one point. not just because they're gorgeous, and (imo) well constructed, but because honestly, where the hell else would i find boots like that? GAP?

    This is exactly my sentiment when it comes to justifying expensive purchases. I see something I want, sometimes I can explain why and sometimes I can't, but the point is that I can't get it anywhere else, which is why I end up parting very quickly with my money. IMO it's as simple as that.

    I was reading an interview with Jean Touitou where he was talking about the difference between the Asian market and the Western market, and said that in general, Asians do not try to justify purchasing things. If they see something they like, the buy it. If they can't afford it, they buy something else or save up to buy what they want. It's not so much that any given item has to have a minimum of quality or provenance or foreskin involved, just that it's there, it's what you want, you can't get the exact same thing anywhere else, so buy it.

  4. It was awesome so long as you take it as a kind of satire of itself and movies of its kind.

    You can't take it seriously. If you do, you just ruined it. Here's an awesome review:

    The movie “300” is rated R for “RAAAAAR!” and is about as inspirational as “Field of Dreams” multiplied by “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” plus infinity.

    High school football coaches who show this to their players before games are guaranteed to win 55-0. Should opposing coaches show the DVD to each of their teams before the matchup, a rupture in the space-time continuum will occur and the game will be declared a tie…

    Director Zack Snyder alternates between sepia-toned

    slo-mo and kaleidoscopic blasts of fever-dream adrenaline with scenes that look like they were cut with Ginsu knifes by teppanyaki chefs hopped up on Red Bull.

    The Spartans are a super-human elite squad of lumberjack pirates who were trained by the the great-great-grandpa of Chuck Norris’ paternal ancestor. A prologue explains that from the age of 7, Spartans are forged into die-hard dynamos of fury who can kill with their bare hands. It was either their forced sojourn into wilderness that makes them that way or that they played violent video games.

    They battle the millions-strong army of the Persians, which includes wave after wave of easily disposed screaming maniacs, followed by black-hooded elite Delta Force Persians who are like zombies – gotta take their heads off or impale their hearts if you want ’em dead.

    The Persians also trot out gimongous armored rhinos and war elephants that got kicked out of the zoo for being too big and angry.

    Sparta is led by warrior King Leonidas (Gerard Butler), whose idea of a strategic troop surge is to round up a few of his buddies and stomp out on the battlefield for an eight-hour slaughterfest, with a snack break to munch an apple while watching his lackeys rake up the corpses.

  5. hear hear...

    What do you feel is the most trad behavior for farting in public? For example, in an elevator, you release 1, a stink but silent, like a withered raccoon corpse, what is more fitting - an apology , or a fanta?

    LOL, the green bar is reputation? Damn I must be hated. Been here for almost 3 years and I've got about 4 pixels.

  6. Kiya, does all this add up to quick deterioration too? From my experience, quick fading means quick destruction.

    in my experience it's difficult to differentiate between pairs that are just fading quickly, and pairs that are flimsy in their quality. If a part of the denim is faded, it means that it's been scraped enough to take off some dye. If it's busted, it means it's been scraped enough to actually break the fabric. So I wouldn't say the two are mutually exclusive, but there are cases where the dying method will cause the dye to scrape off easily, even when the integrity of the fabric isn't being compromised.

    I'll echo the above sentiments - they are solid jeans.

  7. I heard that a felled inseam does help prevent twisting. It made sense to me (folding over the seam on itself before sewing would provide a lot of reinforcement., but could be wrong.

  8. I don't hate UO, I just rarely find anything there I would buy. The only time I buy something there is if it's a trend I wanted to pick up on but missed out for economical reasons or whatever, and UO has their lower quality, cheaper mass-produced version of what I was looking for a year or two later.

    Pretty good place for that, not good for much else. I do hate the way people make signs there though. There was a sign on a dressing room door that said, "this dressing room is quite broken-esque, but still rather lovely," and had swirly calligraphy all over it in black sharpee. Smacks of teenage d-bags trying too hard to be a part of a subculture.

  9. WW-

    When I bought my basic straights Mami from Somet told me explicitly that they only used un-sanforized denim. As you say, they don't shrink or twist, leading to a discussion of the effects of sanforization on denim. I'm not sure where those posts ended up, but they are around here somewhere.

    Maybe they only use originally unsanforized denim, then they sanforize it? :D

    Perhaps Mami misunderstood what you were talking about, or it was a typo or something, because they're definitely sanforized. You can tell the difference between sanforized and unsanforized denim, even without comparing sizes. The somets I've seen were way too even and ...symmetrical (hard to describe what I'm talking about) to be unsanforized.

    Besides that, unsanforized denim will *always* shrink, to a certain extent. And they will always twist as well. If they aren't twisting, then they aren't real denim, because the twist is caused by the bias of the weave (3x1). The only case where they wouldn't twist is with a felled inseam. I didn't check if they had a felled inseam or not when I saw them (it's a tad bit weird to pull up the hem on someone else's jeans). I should be getting mine today so I can check later.

    Also just checked, and BiG has it on their website that they are in fact sanforized.

  10. The black macbook is a serious deal in terms of bang for your buck - the major deterrent is that it doesn't have dedicated video memory, which is why I'm going to be paying the extra for a MBP. That and the MBP product design is better IMO, and the keyboard is superior, which makes a huge difference for me since I'm on it 4+ hours a day.

    An important note is that RAM for Apple laptops is *way* cheaper after-market than it is when you make the original order. DON'T PAY EXTRA for memory from Apple. In fact, I'd say the quality of 3rd party memory is much higher. I paid an extra like $200 or so for an additional 256 mb of RAM (keep in mind my powerbook is 3 years old), and later upgraded it to 2GB for around $200 total.

  11. Hey guys i know this is stupid but I dont know which pair of jeans to buy next. I am looking at Eternal 811's and 45 rpm sorahikos. Any suggestions anyone? Feel free to tell me

    They're considerably different. Eternals have a straighter leg, are a bit slimmer and have a very different dye. They fade quicker and have slubbier, more uneven denim that fades very well in vertical streaks.

    On the other hand, Sorahikos fit more comfortably, and are sewn together beautifully.

    Your options are: a flashier pair of jeans with more 'character' over time, or a more basic style with perfect execution. Obviously you can't lose.

    Another benefit of Eternals is that you can buy them from BiG and support the biz, get free hemming and really friendly service in case you need to exchange sizes.

  12. i mean like 30 somet straight vs 30 pbj 005.. so i guess somet straights are slimmer

    also, the somets are not sanforized but don't shrink ?

    They are sanforized. They do not shrink or twist. a 30 in Somet vs. a 30 in PBJ, the somets are going to be slimmer, for sure, but the waist is also going to be bigger. Doesn't bother some people (I personally prefer a looser waist).

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