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Posts posted by wild_whiskey

  1. England I don't see how your situation is counter to my position. I congratulate the fact that you worked your ass off to get where you are now.

    You paid a lot of your money for your own insurance, and a lot of money for someone else's insurance, no doubt. I see this as a problem, as do you. I'm not saying that the remedy is to pay more, I'm saying that instead of an entirely privatized system with a barely-there shit-tastic government-run system where you're required to pay your own insurance costs as well as taxes, everyone with an income should be shouldering the costs of health care (including yours) through taxes, and the government should be playing a big role in how these costs are distributed.

    If you have a government-mandated "bare minimum" system and then an expensive, high-profit privatized industry, there's going to be a huge disparity between the amount of people who have access to affordable, good quality service and those who do not, as well as a waste of funds creating unnecessary profits for people benefitting off the sickness of others. This is where we are right now. I am not saying the system as it is is a good system, and Im not saying that the wealthy should have to pay for the poor. I'm saying that everyone should take part in paying for everyone else. It's part of being a prosperous society to take care of each other.

    As for your grandfather, do you honestly expect to receive extra money from the government from a fund you paid into when you're well-off as it is? Where do you think the money that your grandfather has came from? Out of thin air? I'm certain he made more money hiring and utilizing the people who he's paying in SS taxes than he lost from paying into it. I see nothing wrong with paying into a system that benefits those who need it and also enjoying the benefits of a good economy that allows someone such as your grandfather to make enough money to be where he is. If you get to the point where you have enough money that you don't need anything out of social security, you should be thankful, not bitching about it.

    I can 100% guarantee you that you will not find a single person who would rather have a free surgery from a hack/inexperienced surgeon than a $1500 one from an expert.

    If you think this is what I'm arguing for, then I suggest you re-read what 'm trying to say. You think I want to just throw out the experts we have and replace them with low-paid government employees? No. Other countries have amazing health care with top-quality surgeons and doctors, and the overall cost is lower because healthcare is regulated instead of allowing 30-40% of a company's income to go into administrative costs.

    Many people in the US on the best health care they can afford still do not have the ability to shop around for options, because employers are constantly lowering the quality and access their employees get through company health care.

  2. I hooked up with my ex last night 3 times. Feel kinda bad since there's a girl I'm kinda seeing sending me emails telling me she's starting to feel attached to me.

    Fuuuuuuuck. Glad I'm gettin outta this country in a little over a month here.

  3. Basic care should be universal, but specialists should be up to the patient

    I kind of disagree with this, unless we have a different idea about who is a specialist. Are you talking about chiropractics and personal nutritionists, etc.? Because if so, I agree. But if you need a specialist because you have bone cancer or a heart disease that only a doctor with the latest French equipment can help, I don't think you should be screwed out of it because that's where people need help the most: on those high-cost procedures that will put white-collar Joe under a bridge in no time.

    Also, I agree that neither universally covered healthcare nor completely privatized healthcare are the answer. There are benefits to both. What's shocking to me is that people realize that privatized health care has cons, yet for some unknown reason, people are extremely reluctant to implement the obvious benefits of government-subsidized health care, which other countries in the world are enjoying the fruits of.

  4. Nah, I`m not in the Army. Wish I could get in tho. Wanna fuck up some arabs.

    Please, by all means, go beg and plead.

    Plus, they have the $350 a month I pay (as well as millions of others pay) towards "medicare"............none of which I've ever benefitted from personally.

    Listen: you're not invincible. You can continue on thinking, "why pay for other people when I'm not sick?" but someday, it's gonna happen and you're gonna need insurance. If it doesn't happen to you, just wait until your wife shits out a kid or your parents get sick. And you can bet that the HMO is going to do everything in their fucking power to deny you care because it's not in their best interest to actually expend resources helping your sick ass (or your wife's, or your kid's, or your parents'). The bonus of having government-subsidized health care? While you're paying for other people to not die in a gutter, other people are paying that same tax for you, too, so that multi-million dollar procedure for your mom's cancer is all of the sudden completely off your shoulders, because society is investing in your health monthly.

    Even if you think that having privatized health care is simply the best economical choice, I think you're still wrong. I know for instance that in Switzerland, you can get $200/mo. healthcare while in the US (and pay no extra taxes as expats don't pay them), have a $1.2m yearly cap (with no lifetime usage cap) and go to *ANY* hospital and a free flight home to rest if you need it. I understand the idea that if you're getting government-subsidized healthcare the quality will probably drop, but here's an example where you get a choice which hospital to go to, a benefit that even higher-priced US insurance companies do not offer. I am not sure how much of domestic health care is paid for by the government in Switzerland.

    Another reason this is becoming more important is because many important employees are getting completely boned out of health care. Health care for teachers in California is constantly getting worse and worse over the years. I'm still on my mother's health care (have about 3 more weeks officially as a student here) and I've seen it go from mediocre coverage to worse to completely shitty.

    This isn't about partisan politics, because everyone gets sick and everyone's going to need help at some point in their life. The argument is not about helping the poor people who need help, it's about providing affordable health care to everyone (yes you benefit from it too, even if you haven't had an illness yet, you or someone who is reliant on you one day will) without a ridiculous amount of administrative money sinks which you pay for in privatized HMOs. Half of all bankruptcies are caused by medical costs alone.

  5. I checked this thread cause I knew this was gonna show up. It's definitely not worst. Her style is somewhat run of the mill as far as things go, I could expect to see 39 girls dress like her at any semi-indie art opening or show around here, but does not at all belong in this thread.

    Is she gonna be another Soepom, where she gets major rep for being an attractive girl, and then huge backlash because she's getting so much credit?

  6. The stupidest thing to me is that the main defense for the American healthcare system is, "Well I don't think the government can be trusted with healthcare, they're too corrupt." Yet statistics show that monetary waste is MUCH lower in government-run programs than in corporations. An example is in the Postal Service compared to Fed Ex and UPS.

    Yuck, it's just a big mess and it really blows my mind that people seriously defend the US healthcare system like it's a beacon of working capitalism. I don't have a single friend who can afford to pay for their own healthcare. It's just ridiculous. I'd take a small dip in quality of treatment if it meant I could actually afford to go to urgent care.

  7. I have a 14 line suit. They come with some interesting details, but you have to pay extra to get em finished off. They leave one of the button-holes on the front as fake (so you can get it converted to 1-button, or change it's placement and get a real buttonhole made), and one 3/4 of the sleeve buttons are functional as well. I suspect this is so that if the sleeves are too long, you can take the bottom button off and have room for shortening them.

    As for fit and fabric, both are great. The trousers are the best fitting pair I own.

  8. pixies aren't emo

    i refuse to accept that

    Not sure how old you are but I was in about 6th grade and pixies were pretty huge amongst anyone interested in music, and "emo" was the new buzz word.

    For the record, I think Fugazi is less emo (by current usage standards) than Pixies, but I'm pretty sure they were both lumped in, before the word "indie rock" started getting used. :)

    Woot I just got the "welcome to the dark side" comment. I finally got circumcised.

  9. How can you not know who Fugazi and Rites of Spring are?

    AFAIK the original "emo" bands were Fugazi, Pixies, Rites of Spring, Weezer and I belive Les Savy Fav was considered emo as well.

    It's been more than a few years though.

    Interesting to me to hear that Dashboard and Death Cab are what's considered emo these days.

    And I agree with OMC - emo girls are sloppy bitches who shop at urban outfitters. Fashioncore girls are the rail thin sluts with tattoos, and vastly preferred to the former. At least that's who I remember things from when I was into the scene a couple years back.

  10. i wanna be your dog

    if you aren't air drumming when scott asheton comes in, i feel really bad for you

    Oh shit, you're so right. One of the best song intros ever. Ashamed I didn't mention it

  11. Thanks very much for the comments.

    The shirt is actually OBEY. I was shocked that I actually found something I liked in a skate shop... I visited my parents for the weekend out in suburbia and only brought one shirt with me that I had already slept in for two nights, so I was desperate for some clean clothing.

    The jeans are corpus.

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