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that old gigantic BW dinosaur hoodie, which cotton apparently has dibs on. yahoo japan no-show.
the white one with the multicoloured dinosaurs on it?

grail status for me too.

would kill for even some spare fabric

i think there was also a crewneck with that same fabric btw

Haha, I thought of mentioning that in here actually, just to sleep in or something...

But, my friends, stop looking for a hoodie, it doesn't exist! Never has, never will. There was a crewneck wich had a printed front panel and one of the sleeves, back and the other sleeve were white.

There was also a mosaique style light knit, wich among other patterns also had the multi coloured cartoon dinosaurs.

And then there were the silk dress and I believe skirt with the dinosaurs stitched and embroidered on, both on black and white, and there was also a bag made in very limited quantities like that.



And while I'm at it I'd like to add the massive oversized white hoodie/dress actually, with pierrot face on it...

edit: It actually also came as a very heavy jersey tshirt, I'll settle for that, again, to sleep in I guess...


Probably my two favorite collections of them; S/S 02 & F/W02

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well the one jacket that's been in my head for more than a year now is also hanging on a doorknob in its dust bag, thanks to soepom. the junya reversible wool jacket/nylon bomber from the motorcycle collection. so i guess the only grail piece i had in my head is now attained.

but indigo-dyed items, particularly those from 45rpm and kato, are still very much would-like-to-haves. part of a personal fascination.

as well as old bless things. knitted eram shoes, bless no.10 scarves, bag A, B, and D. etc

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so its maybe not very sufu, but for me lustworthy is a single drop dead brilliant bespoke suit, something from norton and sons or english cut in a modern cut that you can just wear into any room and instantly look like you own the place.

something like cary grants suit from north by northwest (not that i could wear it like cary grant but this is supposedly lustworthy :o)

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on the subject of extinct things, i would like to add this bernhard top from 2000/2001. i would want one in a grey heather hoodie.


as worn by faye wong. KRIAAAAAK.


add: and this jacket thing. since we are talking about extinction (ie, faye wong). jurgi persoons maybe? oh and i dont mind wearable bless make-up too. for shit and giggles.

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the fw07 balenciaga chanel-on-steroids tweed jacket.


usually out of my reach price-wise (retailed for more than 2k) but I should have realized I wanted it like 2 months before I started coveting it... and I could've copped for 500 freakin dollas on sale.

it now goes for at least 1k on ebay which is more than i'm willing(able) to pay for it :(

one day it will be mine.

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the fw07 balenciaga chanel-on-steroids tweed jacket.


usually out of my reach price-wise (retailed for more than 2k) but I should have realized I wanted it like 2 months before I started coveting it... and I could've copped for 500 freakin dollas on sale.

it now goes for at least 1k on ebay which is more than i'm willing(able) to pay for it :(

one day it will be mine.

i thought you did... since you posted in yes/no if i remember and the dominant answer was yes.

when i was in ny in march i saw 4 different women wearing this! it's dope though.

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I went to the balenciaga boutique to try it on that time mass... I needed to see if it would look good on me. it was on sale there for 1200 euros, which is pretty insane. after I decided I wanted it there weren't any more left at the barney's sale and I lost an auction on ebay for it :(

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^ is soepom your grail? lol.

I used to be filled with lust for the old-school cloak collections. For a leather jacket that fit me well but wasn't exactly sufu-hyped. And most definitely for anything in my Asymmetric thread (that I hilariously titled ASSYmetric styles): http://www.superfuture.com/supertalk/showthread.php?t=45790

For the most part (and in rather unusual ways), most of my grail pieces/aesthetic-needs have been fulfilled too. Congratulations for achieving the same Tweeds!

On my sale thread (the jackets one) you can see I own one of my most HolyGrail jackets from Heidi's last Dior days. It's something I searched for like 8 months before finding it serendipidously at my local Dior outlet. I doled out tons of money, I felt on top of the world, this jacket is sexy to me... it's one of those things I would wear even if it were to be considered wildly out-of-date and tacky by those around me.

Sadly it is not my size. And it holds a special place in my closet, easily viewable every morning I wake. Everytime I work out I dream of fitting into that jacket. I've contemplated framing it up. I will be very sad if it ever leaves me.

Aside from that, the only thing that get's me drooling nowadays is less wardrobe oriented. I dream of having a living space of my own with minimal decoration, eclectic yet functional furniture that would last forever and the kind of architecture that would bring droves of art/pop/design magazines come knocking.




These are the kind of fashionable yet untouchable dreams that cause me sleepless nights and fetus-position-inducing-despair.

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servo, i'm pretty sure that necklace isn't raf, it just looks similar. i think all of them were coated with enamel.

You're right. That one definitely isn't now that I checked info again but I've definitely seen something extraordinarily similar on Y!J a long time ago - maybe they both just dyed theirs gold? If that's true they are my kind of people.

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I mean, it's not technically fashion, but in my opinion, its the pinnacle of a certain type of "fashion"


Olympic White 1961 Gibson SG Special, as used by Pete Townsend of the Who. Essentially it is the most lusted after piece of anything in my mind. It boils down to the aesthetic appeal and instant imagery that can be derived from a guitar like that. It's the SG contour paired with the pure snowy white finish, the silver hardware giving it that hard edged gleam, the beautiful rosewood fretboard giving it a shadow... If you asked me, its the equivalent of finding that Raf necklace in an old thrift shop 40 years from now. It just holds an infinite lust worthy value in terms of what it stands for. It's an iconic piece of art, an amazing choice of equipment for any player, one of the most timelessly crafted artifacts of the guitar-age, and it just holds immense weight of value in my opinion.

Sorry to get off topic for a second. I've been thinking about this guitar for some time.

Guitars aren't fashion, they're better than that. They are everything...

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