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Posts posted by FatCook

  1. Finished my (hopefully) last exam this week, so no more formal subjects until I graduate


    2nd year is going to be all research and work placement


    Until then, I've 3 months off and gonna be cooking, travelling, visiting family, n all that shiz. After all the shit 1st year put me through this is a welcome change.




    Huh. This reminds me of junior high biology when we dissected squids. After all the butchering smelled something good.


    Turns out the teachers we're frying up calamari in the back with a portable stove for their lunch.


    We didn't get any :(  



  3. But wait, there's more!




    As far as I know these shoes are one offs (?). There's a few fits floating around the web.


    this pair apparently sold within 10 minutes after listing on their blog (extra points for those who can ID what this thing was prior mutation)


    Less weird are these anrealage patchwork jack purcells. Me like.



    Finally, don't think we have a weird leather shoe thread so here


    The old curiosity shop hog toe shoes. Clocking in at 90k yen.

  4. Not recognizing the face of someone you have seen eight times is a sign you lack empathy to the point of being a sociopath, well that or you should smoke less.


    brain broke a couple of years due to heavy medication

    a life gives you lemons so you choke on them and die-situation


    Thread living up to its name. For reals tho, sorry to hear that man.

  5. ^u gave up on i am a hero.  don't come round here no mor 


    Word, it's one of the best in the genre in years. Drifting classroom was cool too, pretty old school though. 


    Willing to give it another go, still flipping through it now and then when it updates. Hideo just seems all kinds of awkward tho



    Dragon Head


    Sweet, thanks dude


    Also, unrelated but saw this when visiting a toy/manga/game shop in Tokyo. Changed my lyfe.



    *edit: potentially NSFW

  6. I envy you.  A friend was over who'd never seen it and I couldn't find the damn thing so we watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.  He'd never seen that either and man I envy that too!!!


    Best thing I have to say is how they do the sound effects to make it more unsettling than what it really is. Pretty refreshing after all the shock horror and jump scares as of late.


    Also watched the Simpson's Treehouse of Horror parody after 

  7. Any good recommendations for survival horror?


    Been reading apocalypse no toride, decent I guess for the zombie apocalypse theme. Read I am a Hero but gave up after several chapters. 


    Biohazard (Resident Evil manga) was meh and scrapped as far as I know


    Also on horror general, Junji Ito apparently is pretty good but have yet to read up his works

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