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Posts posted by FatCook

  1. Had one hour to submit an assignment online and my laptop decides to update the system

    Kept restarting cz "failed to update"

    Finally submitted with half an hour to spare


    also while on the topic, group mates who don't seem to understand the concept of "group work"

    seriously you're doing a postgraduate degree and already got marked down for the last group assignment which was just 7 days ago for the exact same reason, show some initiative

  2. why would people walk in on me in a locked stall?


    this was for a buzzfeed feature i did on 10 must-know techniques for public restrooms please like comment subscribe


    At first look i figured its one of those standing pee-stalls/booths (whatever they're called), but now that you mention it that would mean you are either freakishly tall or freakishly flexible.


    Probably stand, stare and clap if it was the latter


    also link to buzzfeed pls


    anyway, carry on

  3. ^yeeeah i'm part of the (apparent) majority that doesn't really want "WANG" all over my clothes and bags. i do like the duffle though as i've been looking for one when i travel but won't be backpacking—again tho the *ahem* "generous" branding really throws me off.

    that parka looks pretty decent but according to the GQ pricelist it'll be $199USD? can't imagine paying that amount for inevitably hype h&m shit tbh, unless the build is somehow a quantum leap from default h&m quality.


    Damn didn't notice the price list was up already. Agreed on both counts, although I have a feeling that it's still gonna be selling out fast regardless.


    Until then I shall be waiting with bated breath to see some rich azn dude with a wang shaped WANG beanie.

  4. Footy culture. There's something seriously wrong when people get excused for beating their SO's or any other person for that matter because they're a sports idol or something along those lines.


    Also, sure its a fine game, but if I wanted to see muscular dudes wearing tight polos and pastel short shorts grappling each other in their sweaty glory I'd go to oxford street instead.

  5. ^ damn those are nice. Kinda thought the white bits were fur lining at a glance though



    imo pretty neat, Puma x Mihara Yasuhiro MY-78 Disc Boot. Not sure about build quality though.


    Also, thoughts on Andrew McDonald?


  6. As of Tuesday, 9-23, I started training at a local specialty coffee establishment called The Wandering Goat, here in Eugene. It's a great honor to join The Herd. I look forward to this adventure as a barista. I have wanted this since I was in high school. Coffee has always been an important part of my life. COME ON DOWN IF YOU'RE IN EUGENE SOMETIME! I have long thought the Wandering Goat to have the best coffee's and baristas in Eugene. Currently drinking their Abyssinia blend, a wet and a dry process Ethiopia, tasting markedly of blueberries; my favorite WG coffee for manual drip.


    Cafe and Roastery website


    Kinda related, several months ago after running out of beans I decided to get a small bag of beans from a local roasting company going by the name Campos. When I mentioned aeropress the vendor just gave me a weird look and mentioned something about single origins being better for what I've got planned. 


    Fair enough I thought, but then again the single origins they sell tend to be darker roasted than what I personally prefer, and imo kinda feels redundant when at the end of the day all your beans share the same flavour profile after being roasted to oblivion. Thoughts? Is single origins better for drip?


    Got my "proper" set of beans now, a pack of Santa Teresa Cabana washed Gesha by Toby's Estate and a pack of Kopi Luwak I got from my visiting parents. After discounting the latter as a marketing ploy and multiple mundane/boring/straight up bad cups from some producers, was pleasantly surprised to finally get one that didn't suck. Medium roast, fairly uniform with large, fat beans. Apparently these were going for $30/100 grams but my uncle was given some as a gift and decided to share.


    Smells mildly funky but has some flavour qualities that remind me of good South American beans; fruity, kinda floral. Some flavour notes I've yet to be able to label but taste familiar. Need to up my game.

  7. Well , the jeans from Finisterre showed up today..I have to say they took it pretty far out imho. The denim feels light weight and soft.. Like a well worn in pair but are really dark with a herringbone pattern sometimes peaking through. It doesn't itch and you can feel the merino brushed inside, which is great for the next colder days .Straight fit but on the skinny side of that.. Looks like a normal pair from the front, the back is another story. They placed the pockets to the sides of your hip for easier acces with cold hands. I have to say it works pretty good and while i am typing this I can acces my pocket fairly easily. The pocket placement also meant swerving the side seam around. Finisterre placed the back pocket on that seam and also added an extra layer of denim on the back as an extra protection for sitting down on colder areas. Nice thought but I will see if it doesn't start to behave in a diaper kind of way. Would have loved to see some bigger back pockets though, my wallet (visvim) just about fits. I wil see if i can get the missus to take some fit pics tonite



    With all the cool details and functionalities you listed for some reason I thought it was a bit of a shame that these are not selvedge. Also, 10.5oz seems really light for a denim, especially if its meant for colder weather (?) I take that the wool is supposed to help in the insulation department?

  8. pretty sure someone's mentioned this/something along the lines before either in this thread or the last


    My fairly recent interest/obsession with clothing, how someone dresses, being fit, etc is most likely a thin veil trying to cover deeply rooted insecurities. Used to be that chubby nerdy kid, quiet in class. Grew out of it but social skills can use some improvements.


    Also, no superficial attempt I make will most likely give me the validation I crave beyond anonymous image boards and random forums with complete strangers.


    Gotta say writing all that down is kinda enlightening, feeling pretty good actually.

  9. lol you sound like a pushover


    i would have found a new seat since i'm both rude and not into being accosted on the bus


    lol yea, Asian culture of not calling attention to yourself still too much ingrained, working on it. also another shit I hate


    Also in my head I figured it's good practice to test my patience, mental health is one of the things I'll be looking at in my line of work down the road (health related profession). In hindsight it was stupid but eh.


    Lesson learned tho, next time be super polite and offer her my seat to boot (dude next to me offered her the seat first. smart bastard), or at least get the hell outta there.



    well how smooth was she


    crusty would be a better description

  10. Sitting on the bus window seat.


    Mid 40s/50 year old lady twice my size comes around, squishes me against the glass window.


    Not even 5 minutes in, looks me dead in the eye. "Can you move over love?"


    Politely squeeze maybe 2.54 cm of space I had left to accommodate her size


    Starts small talk then proceeds to tell me her entire life story throughout the ride.


    Find out she's getting off at my stop. Great...


    Turns out she's been to jail for asking random people money, asked me twice for money, is schizophrenic, demands I touch her arm to compare with how smooth my skin was, and asked me out (lol heck no)


    People on the seat behind me discreetly snickering the entire ride


    I could've sworn she peed


    tl;dr public transport sucks ass

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