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Posts posted by FatCook

  1. Met up some friends who went to an event held by the accrediting body for my profession.


    Apparently one of the main take away messages was something along the lines of "opening up opportunities in other fields for our profession" and "diversifying skills to improve employability"


    Translation: I've spent about 6 years and counting now studying for a profession that might be super saturated by the time I graduate next year, + the very real possibility of there being 0 opportunities. 


    I guess on the bright side my bachelor's degree is fairly useful and I can use that independently for work, but not exactly the road I want to go down.


    On another note, I gotta work on how I feel about my oneitis. It's pretty toxic. At one point I'm happy and fine then I see hints of her with her ex/presumably current bf which brings me to a bad place, weird cz I thought I was over this but apparently not. Doesn't help that we didn't really address a lot of things the last time, and currently doing this awkward friendship thing where we both try to be casual about it. Just cutting off everything is not an option, and I don't plan to run away from this.


    In the meantime trying to occupy my mind with other things like gym which is sort of therapeutic. Copped a few things this month too but gotta watch out for that brief gratification and focus on the real issues here + work on myself more


    Sorry for the ramblings, just wanted to write it down I guess. /blog

  2. Personally find these more appealing in terms of Broken Homme, providing they have your size in stock of course



    Other than that, yellow contrast stitching on the first reminds me too much of Dr. Marten's so the Ronnie Fiegs get a vote by a hair. Lesser of two evils.

  3. Took a visiting friend to a quiet bar on his last day here. Towards the end of the night had a chat with some random du.


    Somehow the convo quickly turned into him basically apologizing on behalf of Australia on how they treat foreigners.


    He proceeds to go on this monologue on how "white people are basically idiots" (his words)


    Apologized on behalf of Schapelle Corby and how she's an idiot (wut.)


    A brief rant on "If you work hard and study hard here you are basically one of us!" (loled cz I've been a resident for at least 16 years)


    And other stereotypical, border lining racist statements while trying to apologize on "how racist his culture is" (also his words) 


    Pretty sure he was sober, and also pretty sincere on his comments.


    Best thing was I was half drunk and trying not to laugh my ass off while my friends listens to his full monologue.


    Weird night but shook his hand before I left.

  4. I worked for a medium sized production office that got shut down earlier this year after the owner sold the company for an insane amount of money.

    At our big goodbye party he sat down with me and a couple of my co-workers and he started trying to relate to us. He said, 'I sure wish I was unemployed, I would spend every day just relaxing around the house, and having espresso on my veranda. I'd finally have time to do more yoga. Really, you are all super lucky to have so much time for yourself." 


    I was the only one who was sober and actually listening to what he was saying. It was a dark day. 


    your (ex) boss sounds like a massive prick


    either that or he was drunk

  5. Pants, not shoes. Jan Jan has an in-house tailor, seems like a safer bet than any tailor in Queensland


    Should do a new thread


    "Shit you do for your jawnz" or something along those lines. That's pretty dedicated

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