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Posts posted by FatCook

  1. is it wrong that i think those look disturbingly like clarks?




    viberg does several boots in a similar silhouette, but not side zips unfortunately



    Most side zip lace ups I could find are combat boots with a bigger/more bulbous toe

  2. shit i hate:


    racist white girls on okcupid who ignore a brothers pm.


    seriously....its painfully obvious these women are either practicing or nonshowing racists. i've literally sent over 100 pms to various women, of all races(i use that word for the purpose of this post ONLY, as i think we all know that this point race is a social construct.) and not a single white girl has hit me back?


    wasup with that? i guess its true after all even now in obamas america POC have it 100x harder than their white counterparts.


    it just kinda irks me that most dont even respond with a 'no thanks, you arent my type' i just get ignored....


    only a couple have even responded at all, and there was only one that seemed kind of interested but tbh she was a bit overweight.


    why do you sound like a butt mad tumblr girl?



     social studies



  3. cant expect an australian to comprehend anything other than flip flops and billabong shorts

    Considering how bad retail and sales tax is here can you really blame us? (10)



    Also, signed deux but what is up with the "petitions you might find interesting" feature? Kinda cheapens the idea imo.

  4. im a 6'3 strong white aryan male with a neo nazi haircut and i still get the "heyyy how u doin" bullshit at least 20x a day.dealing with assholes is part of leaving ur house. walk down a busy street at night and roided out club dudes will cross the sidewalk to alpha smash their shoulder on you. nasty brownmen roaming around in packs looking to fight you. 


    Probably mistook you for someone else


    extra points for accuracy



  5. I keep finding stuff people buy off Y!Jp or Rakuten and trying to flip on Grailed. Shit's hilarious, although half conflicted on calling them out or just respecting the hustle and see how it goes down (so far been doing the latter).


    Even more so with the said person defending it on the recent purchases on a notorious image board  about 2-3 weeks prior claiming it to be a "grail cop" or something along those lines

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