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Posts posted by FatCook


    brief update on this, as it turns out brotherbridge and rolling dub trio are sister brands, which explain the similarity. RDT's are available in CXL vs BB's which seems to be the more standard pullup (and $200 less :ph34r: )

  2. Short notice but I'll be flying over to Bangkok tomorrow and staying till Wednesday, will only have 1 day really before flying back to SIngapore. Staying at 4 seasons, planning to check out central world and possibly central embassy mall to see rocket coffee. Don't know if I'll have enough time to check the art & culture center. Any other recs for food/shops in the area and general stuff to do?


    Hi everyone, i think this is my first post, i was wondering if anyone in here can help to find out about these very cool pair of riding boots.

    i have this picture from the epicurialist.tumblr and would like to know about the label and if there is a name to this particular style of riding boots, if anyone could help, i would really appreciate it.

    P.S i have tried to add a link but it appears broken

    the link below will take you to page, so you can see the boots im talking about.

    Thanks for the help.

    Link below




    If you haven't, try out superdenim. Chances are someone has/knows something which might be similar to what you're after. I recall some insanely tall lace ups posted there before  


    *edit: found em




    God, has it been a while.  Time for an update.  Apologies on the lack of...anything.  Been a hectic few months working graveyard and seeing the sun in only spurts.  

    Being a freightworker has its perks, though.  All the guys I work with are constantly amazed that I don't come limping out every morning.  Custom made, says I.







  4. I was leaning towards RDT, been drooling at em for a while now but couldn't really justify the expenditure. Also really digging that sole and toe box shape, as I've been after something chunkier recently.


    Still throwing up ideas. Another contender are locking shoes, what I presume to be footmonkey's house brand if I'm correct.



    Had the pleasure to visit their Ueno shop mid last year, but time was limited so couldn't really browse much.

  5. was browsing the cookbook section of kinokuniya when this dude came over and flipped through some book going "WHITE! SPACE! WHITE! SPACE! WHITE! SPACE!" with every flip then left.


    After he left went over to see what was that all about.


    Piled high at the end of that rack was several stacks of kinfolk magazine.

  6. does anyone have preferred/good coffee joints they'd like to point out?


    After being back for the n'th time I'm giving up on the whole western style caps and lattes, "celebrity" chef opened cafes and rape prices


    So I'm gonna just straight up ask if there are preferred joints for kopi C and kopi O? Toastbox is always reliable but not sure what there is beyond that.

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