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Posts posted by FatCook

  1. More on balancing under and over extraction, so sometimes I'd get a cup that is a tiny bit more astringent at the back while some other times its just straight up in your face. I've had really good versions of coffees brewed with some of the gear I have and that's my benchmark.


    Aromas generally have been fairly underwhelming for the most part instead of the floral sweet smells of the really good ones.


    Flavour wise, a good part might also be from my unrefined tongue, I can pick out chocolate and citrus notes no problem but when it comes to more complex flavour profiles I'm not that good at labelling them. Same reason why I'm no good with wines atm.


    Current doses I've used looking at videos, tutes, and recipes I'm currently ranging between 15-18 grams per 255 mL depending on how strong of a coffee is needed. I've played with some temps, between 85 up to 93 Celsius and currently I'm setting it at 90, will bump up to 92/93 again sometime soon to compare. 


    Also, out of curiosity do you play around with variables with different beans? It seems like a concept that makes sense considering how different the production is like for each beans.

  2. Thoughts on the baratza vario? I've been considering an electric grinder for ages, but honestly won't get one probably until I get into full time work post work.


    I've got a Hario mini doing all the grinding work for my manual brews. Currently got an aeropress, syphon (missing the filter atm so it's just sitting there), french press, Vietnamese drip (was a gift, not sure how to work it tbh), and a chemex 6 cup + cone on its way from massdrop after I broke my 3 cup model.


    How bad exactly are fines in affecting final brew? I'm trying to figure out if I'm messing up in temps, pouring rate or it's straight up water quality.

  3. ^ that's what lube is for mayne


    Real talk tho its rare for me to meet up a girl around that age who is not pressured to snag a dude and settle down.


    Doesn't help that with Asians it seems that someone's marriage/dating life is everyone's business. Your parents, uncle, auntie, grandma, grandpa, cousins, family friends and the family dog are all asking "who are you seeing now?" Seeing my older cousins getting the treatment was super cringe worthy 

  4. Yeah, I find the M fits kinda tight on me not to mention accentuates my nips, not a look I go for especially using it as a basic tee.

    Shoulder fits perfectly as well. The only L that fits kinda larger than what I liked was a sprz NY T shirt


    All of this was bought over while in Japan, so unless they have size tag differences elsewhere idk


    Edit: also on that note would their colab pieces be consistent across all branches (as I would assume) or vary like their other basic stuff?

  5. Anyone can comment on the sizing for their +J collection compared to their standard sizing? More specifically the down vest. Currently i'm an L on supima, heat tech, and generally most if not all of their tees. Normally wear a size M, chest 38, Ht 5.8 Wt 65kg. Would you say I'd be looking at an M or an L?


    I'd personally prefer to try on in store but to be honest I don't really believe that Australia uniqlo will be stocking up on colab stuffs unless someone can show me otherwise, so I most likely i'll be proxying from Japan

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