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Posts posted by Artisandenim

  1. Slimmer that'll the 012's? Damn. Going to have to be careful here. Think I really need to try a pair.

    Quite disappointed - always considered myself a bit of a chancer but apparently when it comes to denim my Goldilocks zone is a tad narrow. Anything looser than an s5000 or slimmer than a 710 and I'm getting antsy...

  2. Liking those a lot B. How are you finding the fit on them? I've just reached my limit in slimness with a pair of PBJ 012, but still really interested in a pair of the s003jps....seeing yours is doing nothing to change that!

  3. Thanks a lot mate, i'm really pleased with it! Being on the slim side of slim it can be a bit of a knife edge choosing tops - an inch too far one way and it's like you're trying to be all 'G' stylee, an inch too far the other way and it's teenage rent boy... Seriously though, it is nice to find a complimentary cut in a smaller size. 


    The jeans are dry now (hot soak hour and a half) and have definitely become somewhat snugger but seem to be relaxing out quickly. Just about to take them for a cheeky ten mile cycle (or until the skin on back of my knees wears out whichever comes first) to speed things up a bit.


    Fun fact one: They lost hardly any indigo in the soak (most pleased with this), however when i rinsed them the water coming out was straw coloured.


    Fun fact two: I found this more amusing than I should have and am suitably ashamed;



    Spelling mistakes aside, this is constructed beautifully with a real attention to detail and i couldn't be more pleased with it.

  4. Hey Slavo. 


    Yep def a bit tighter on the thigh to my 710's - nearly 1/2 an inch smaller post soak, i'm hoping they will stretch out a bit. If they stretch out to pre soak measurements at the thigh they will only be .2" smaller than my 710's which is not an issue to me. Apart from that, lower rise is a big difference but mainly it's the aggressive taper - raw they go from 11" at the thigh to 7.2" at the knee, then stay that slim all the way down.... My 710's go from 11.2" at the thigh to 8.2" at the knee then 7.7" at the hem.


    There's no way around it - these are a much more 'modern' cut than a lot of raw denim I have seen, so you need to be sure that's your bag.


    The denim though is out of this world, the hue and texture are really something else.

  5. These are my new PBJ X-012 - hemmed by Junior at Rivet & Hide in 10 mins while I waited. FYI the colour difference is due to the Jeans being fresh out of the bath after a soak. Well pleased with both the service & results.



    Yes, I did keep the scraps. No, I don't know why...

  6. Finally decided to be unfaithful to my Samurais and chose PBJ to cheat on them with.


    Went for the X012 as I have not seen (or felt) anything quite like them. Admittedly still pretty new to this but even so.. Got them from Rivet & Hide on a day trip to London yesterday and picked up the polo while there too. Brilliant shop.


    They have just had a soak and are currently drying in the garden, if anyone is interested will happily post before/after measurements for these (tag size 29). Had them hemmed to a 34 in anticipation of 2" shrink - give or take 1/2 an inch or so.


    Can't wait to get involved with these!


    The polo fits amazingly too and the texture of the cotton is really comfortable against the skin.




  7. So, finally made it for a visit yesterday - a six hour round trip on the train (engineering work delays) was well worth it! The shop is truly amazing, everything from the floor, to the racks to the stock (obviously) has clearly been extremely well thought out and considered. Also worth a visit just to see the Steel Feathers that were apparently their first sale that are hanging up... Insane evo.


    Juinor was a great help with advice and sizing, not to mention extremely patient and tolerant with my indecisiveness. And was honest. Always respect someone who will say 'those are not right for you' knowing it will cost a sale, although to be fair a suitable alternative was very quickly found. Was on his own at the time but made sure every customer was given the help and attention they required.


    Topped it all off by hemming my Jeans there and then, as he knew I had a train to catch in a few hours. Was happy for me to watch the process and clearly took pride in his work. I actually think the end result was neater than the original hem (I will put up some pictures in the PBJ thread).


    I will no doubt be returning on every one of my trips to London. Danny, hope you are having a productive time in Japan, sorry to have missed you but I look forward to meeting you next time. You can relax knowing the shop is in very capable hands!



    Very happy with my purchases and the Mrs likes them too.

  8. Would just like to say a massive thank you to the guys at Rivet & Hide.


    My (considerably) better half is currently in London and I asked if she would pop in to their Windmill st store to check out a couple of items on my 'to get' list.


    Not only was she hugely impressed with store design and aesthetic, she was genuinely amazed at the quality of the items in stock - we might just have another convert!


    What really made all the difference though was the help she received while there. I received photos of my wife in the store (taken by Junior I believe - cheers mate, you're a great sport) who had been having lots of fun trying on some of the items I had asked her to look at. I don't know how you managed it guys - usually on the very rare occasions I manage to get her to try on a pair of jeans she wont even come out of the changing room, let alone pose for photos.... Admittedly this is the first time she will have come across denim of this quality in a shop as opposed to the usual designer brands we have previously been used to, but still.... It means the environment must have felt totally relaxed and comfortable.


    She had a really fun & interesting visit and this goes a long way to making my new found denim obsession much easier for her to understand (and perhaps even share).


    I will be there myself next week and am looking forward to it even more now.


    Thanks again, much appreciated.

  9. This is how they fit now (thank you Mrs Artisandenim :-) )









    I muck about with cuffs/no cuffs depending on which footwear i'm going with. And no, I never wear my T shirt tucked in...


    Hope this helps.


    @Robert Langdon - Cheers dude - I think we come at things from different angles but similar perspectives!

  10. Mate, have a look at page 677. I am a 30" waist and my 710's are a tag 29 like yours. I have put measurements pre and post soak..

    They fit - as In shape to my body - much, much better now, but honestly now they have 'relaxed' again they are not that much smaller any more. Another wash could well take them back again, but wasn't too keen to try that just yet.

    A hem also makes a huge difference to the way they sit. I had mine hemmed twice before I was satisfied, I needed to wear them to see how they worked. I favour slimmer fits too and if it was me I would size down, but as Max and B_f said it might also be an idea to check out some lower rise styles. I truly love my 710's but if I could change anything about them it would be a lower rise. I think a fair few slimmer dudes under 6' would say the same...

    I think if you size down your fit would be closer to airfreds, but it is important to bear in mind your physiques and size are different which means so will your fit be.

  11. Oooh this is interesting, I'm going to join in...

    First thing I'll say is I thought the fit of my 710's was frigging awful when I put them on raw. After a couple of soaks and washes (and a few weeks of wear) the fit has improved almost beyond recognition but size.... Although they shrunk with soaks/washes, with the exception of the inseam, everything else has gone back pretty much where it was. So (purely from my experience which I will be the first to admit is not much) although you can rely on a better fit, if the size is wrong to begin with the size is wrong.

    Totally get where you are coming from Robert, but there is a difference between 'anti' fit and 'doesn't' fit. Some people like it and can get away with it if the rest of their style is complimentary, but judging from fishtacologins well fitting t shirt (that's a compliment) that's not his style...

    Having been in the situation of agonising wether a particular fit and size is right, the only thing I will say is: do you feel f@ing ace in them? Do you feel comfortable in them? Or do they feel a bit weird? Do they make you feel a bit self conscious? If it's more the former then f everyone and rock your style. If the latter swap them.

  12. Bonus pics of 5000vx at the gig. Luckily I wasn't too drunk to take some decent pictures....







    7pSqioV.png Oh.


    Luckily this actually helped me fit right in - I heard someone say "blokes so wasted he's taking pictures of his legs".


    Then I blinded the band by trying to use the flash and had to leg it.

  13. Straightarrow - I think you are going to divide the crowd with those! Boot cuts are generally a love/hate thing it seems... From my point of view, although I couldn't rock em, I think it's great to see a pair being worn properly and as intended.


    It is also genuinely interesting to see a less worn cut and I think you carry them off well. Looks like there is going to be some really unique fading and development with them, if the current creases are anything to go by.


    And yes, I expect an old smartassed Irish cowboy hippie would have been made most welcome at the gig - more so i suspect than an old smartassed English chappie like myself :) . Really good atmosphere though and the music wasn't half bad, if not my usual cup of tea these days.

  14. Had my 710's hemmed by Michael at the denim doctor in Manchester. Really nice bloke, had a good chat and he advised some interesting shops to go to while waiting. I wouldn't say its quite as neat as the hemming done by 2nd before they were sent to me (or 2nds hemming on my subsequent 5000vx), but no complaints really. Especially as pointed out earlier he is not using a Union Special. He needed 3 hours to do them, so take that into consideration if you visit, and call first as I think it is only him there that can do it.










  15. I'm at a little welsh hippie gig at the moment straightarrow. Not my usual scene and while I don't think I could personally rock the cowboy boot/boot cut look, you would go down a storm here dude for sure!

  16. skinheads.jpg


    Not quite the look I was aiming for Mr Friedman...


    I'm in no rush really, just enjoying the ride at the moment.  I'm also really pleased that they are behaving so differently - it's what makes this interesting.

  17. Ooooo that's harsh b_F man, harsh... Ha!


    But a fair point... When I look (closely) at the two, it's clear where the 5000's are going to fade, there's some action happening on both the out/in seams, crotch, hidden rivets etc, and if I had a better camera you can even sort of see where the combs and whiskers are going to end up. 






    The 710's though..... nothing at all!




    Lets face it - i've given them a go - walking, cycling, dragging them up sandstone cliffs, hell even rope swinging!


    In a way though, I aint even mad... I really like the 710's as they are. I'm almost tempted to get another pair to batter the crap out of and try and hold these in place for a while.


    Or maybe i'll just go to the charity shop and ask for my other jeans back.  :(



    edit: Also please note the thoroughly majestic left knee of the 5000. Fade friday here I come.

  18. Bugger. As somewhat of a eurosceptic this puts me in a decidedly awkward position.

    Does this mean to claim my fade I need to eat straight bananas and start drinking 4/5ths of a pint?

    Quelle dilemma.

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