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Posts posted by Artisandenim

  1. After seeing Roberts impressive efforts & results after one day , I humped off in a fit of jealousy to check mine...


    710's (6ish weeks) are absolutely refusing to show any signs of actually having been worn. I could hardly claim to have been battering them, but to be fair they have had a ten mile cycle, a 5 mile hike and nearly every day wear. These are gonna fight back I can see...


    5000vx 21oz (2ish weeks) have had a pretty soft time of it, but on closer inspection:




    My first ever consciously aware raw denim fade. Ok, so its little more than a crease on the left knee but I don't care - to me it counts! 

  2. Definitely interested in seeing some fit pics of the s0500! Whilst the idea of sizing up makes me panic these days, were I ever to bring my Santa Cruz Jeff Kendall (brave new world graphic) out of retirement, the comfort and freedom of movement a size up would allow would certainly be the only way forward...

    Mind you, little danger of that happening. One of the last times I took that bad boy out I ended up ripping the ligaments off each side of my ankle and damaging every other bit of it. Crutches for 12 weeks and the ankle still seizes up to this day if I sit still too long. Was never able to skate to the same level after that.

    Looks like you will be making things happen in no time with those.

  3. I love the way everyone's mind works here!

    Jeanius is worried about getting a lot 10 - doesn't want one, or at least needs to take into consideration the smaller cut.

    The conversation quickly morphs from 'don't worry you won't/can't get one' to, 'hmmmmm but if you did, where/how would you?' :-)

  4. Planning on ordering from 2nd on rakuten but they were unable to tell me the lot #. From what I've read lot # 10 runs small. Should I be concerned about receiving lot 10 or should the lot #'s be higher now?

    You won't be disappointed with the 710's I'm sure - there's a lot to like. And they go well with trainers..

    I think the only place you could get lot 10 from now would be a worn pair from this forum or similar, so no worries there. I got the 15th anniversary pair from 2nd and that's lot 16, it seems that most places are now onto lot 17.

    I've ordered from 2nd twice now, and although not simple it is quite a fun experience. I got free postage on the second order due to a deal on rakuten, they remembered me from my first order (they queried the fact I wanted the inseam a different length this time which I thought was good), and have offered me free shipping for the future.

    Pirates get a lot of love on here too, sounds like they are really good to deal with. Doesn't seem like they have your size at the mo, but word here seems to be that they will get you a pair regardless.

    The main reason I've been going with 2nd is that pirates supply them 'one washed' (again this is apparently negotiable) and although I know this shouldn't matter AT ALL, I like the palaver and 'ritual' of soaking and washing my jeans myself!

  5. Ouch - called out by cold storage!

    I promise you I meant no harm, no offence and certainly not a smack on the nose?! It was a lighthearted monologue meant to light a bit of a fire and get some decision making on the go! I

    Damn right I asked for help, but only after spending hours trawling this forum and this thread in particular, to narrow down my choice to the 710's. I then asked some sizing questions for that particular style and lot no. And was extremely grateful for the help, from both yourself and the others. I believe I said so at the time too.

    I was trying to point out something I learned almost immediately which is that this is an Inexact science and not to try to hard or expect an instant solution.

    It was written as one newbie to another in support and encouragement to dive in and that is how it shoud be taken.

    So there.

  6. Mate, I assure you I am in no way taking the piss when i say this...

    Look through this thread, then look through this forum in general. Everyone is searching for their 'ideal' fit, their 'perfect' jean. Everyone knows what that is, for them. No one can find it for themselves, let alone tell someone else what would be goldilocks for them. And even if and when you do find that fit, that moment of fading, when that pair of jeans is EXACTLY how you always wanted them to be, you're screwed 'cos they will carry on changing. Then you start again...

    I really don't want to get all zen about this but dude, the journey IS the destination. Seek and ye shall find etc etc.

    The whole point is that these are not a 'common' brand so how to compare?! These jeans will change, day by day, week by week and wash (if that's your bag) by wash. The fit and look you start with will not be the fit and look you have 2 weeks later and certainly not 6 months later. They are individual and will adapt (or not) to you.

    Make some basic decisions - high/med/low rise, loose/slim, straight/tapered, weight, arcs/no arcs etc. match your measurements as best you can, then make your best guess, based on this information and also the help from this forum. Then just f**king get involved and see what happens!

    And yes, I am a bit mashed at the mo, but I still think this is valid...

  7. Jeanius, couple of points.

    Firstly if it's a hip hop look you are after then you are in the wrong place. From what I've seen, Japanese raw denim is just not aimed at that market, or constructed with that image in mind (with the exception of those godawful evisu from the 90's).

    Secondly I'm guessing you have white sneakers. Bear in mind you are likely to get some indigo bleed onto your lovely crisp kicks, ESPECIALLY if you wear them no cuff style.

    3rd, the s5000vx is straight leg and is likely to hang over your heel if you leave them long enough to stack. Are you sure you would not be better off with a tapered style? I find these work much better with trainers...

    Lastly I will say that I my opinion the 5000vx are anything but tight. I sized down one from my natural waist and after soaking/shrinking I am still not completely comfortable with how loose they are, That said I definitely favour a slim style, so anything else is unusual for me. Had I gone tts there is no way I would have worn them as they would have been terrifyingly loose for me (but probably just a bit 'comfortable' for most people), so if that's what you are looking for...

    I suppose I would say that in terms of 'looseness' tts would give you the room you need (unless you have power lifters legs) but I don't think that the leg opening is going to offer what you want in terms of trainers. If you like I will take a pic of mine with trainers to give you an idea?

    I ordered mine from 2nd. No probs.

  8. One of the things that has really impressed me since getting involved here is the sense of community from such obviously diverse characters from all ages, backgrounds, walks of life, preferences etc.

    All sharing knowledge, information and opinions for no other reason than a passion and interest in the subject. I have also seen brand ambassadors singing the praises of other brands, and small businesses recommending and supporting other small businesses. Iron heart even has an 'other brands' thread on its forum for chrissake!

    With this in mind, does anyone else think it is shady as fuck that Son of a Stag are having a discount and beer day on the same day as rivet and hide are due to (albeit unofficially) open their new store on the other side of town? I may have to revise my opinion of them as that just feels a bit snide to me...

    I work for a multinational corporation (the teenage me listening to the Napalm Death song of that name would be in turmoil if he could see me now) so am absolutely no stranger to backstabbing competition practices, but was naively hoping that something with such a shared interest would be at least partly free of this need for greed.

    From the little research I've been carrying out, it really seems to go against the grain of the healthy and open competition between, for instance, the 'Osaka 5' and the general spirit of things in a specialist arena. I.e. You compete by your product choice, your knowledge, your unique specialist skills, your service, the pride in what you do, not by trying to tie the shoelaces together of a new competitor before the race has started.

    Or maybe I'm just older and more sensitive than I thought and should slow down on the beers on a Saturday eve. Whatever. Just throwin' it out there...

  9. Thanks for that Danny.

    Yep, been there, got the t-shirt for the fire safety/hse regs hoop jumping required to validate a premises pre open...

    Will see what I can arrange - would be well chuffed to be part of the 'beta test' !

    More power to you mate, it's a good thing you're doing.

  10. Hi Danny, hope all is going well with shop fitting.

    Do you have an eta for opening? I keep finding excuses to postpone my next London trip but I think the truth is I'm waiting for your shop as it's right round the corner from my London gaff...

    Can't put it off much longer!

    Looking to try some railcar, hiut and pure blue japan. Particularly keen on the pbj polo too.

  11. Yeah, should be fine John.


    I'm a month into my 710's. I warm/hot soaked them twice and machine washed (on hand wash setting, no spin 40 degrees) once, mainly to get as much shrink out as possible before hemming, all in the first week. Line dried each time.


    The first soak made all the difference, the next soak and wash did little or nothing really and I doubt i'll bother in future. My waist measures 30", I went for a tag size 29. The waist measurement progress:


    New, pre soaks etc - 29.5

    after all soaks/wash - 28

    now (4 weeks later) - 30


    ps Max - those are F'ing amazing. Excuse my ignorance but which are they?

  12. Right, that was an effort... I'll put up measurements/fit pics etc as soon as, but initial reaction to the s5000vx 21oz;

    First thought was: damn those legs look big. I'm thinking right away that I could've (perhaps should've) sized down one from the 710's which were already sized down one from my natural waist. There will be no gentle soaking for these bad boys - they are going straight in the machine.

    The denim - while obviously thicker - already feels softer than the 710's and I'm really not sure if I'm disappointed with this because I'm a glutton for punishment, or pleased at the instant comfort!

    These have me in quite a confused state if I'm honest. They are clearly beautifully made and I like the detailing (red/silver selvedge, arcs etc) but I think I'm still batting for the 710's at the moment. As long as the sizing works out after a wash (I had my worries with the 710's at first too - totally down to inexperience) I think i am going to really enjoy figuring out which I prefer and why.

  13. Brad - your summers aren't that bad: Look at me rocking a t-shirt and shit!


    Admittedly that was a (very) long time ago...

    Max and Cold Summer - that's fair points about the tight weave/personal taste.

    I reckon I can manage the 19oz ok just from being a stubborn b'stard.

    It's the 21oz i'm about to collect that i think might be the final straw (thread) as it were... They arrived at the parcelforce depot this morning and seeing as i'm working the next 6 days straight i've decided to go and pick 'em up. I've also decided to further terrorise my 710's by making the 10 mile round trip on my Cannondale. This is probably a really stupid idea 'cos it's just about to pour down with rain, which apparently at the moment is chock full of dust from the Sahara. Should make for an interesting cold wash...

  14. this is a x post fit pic of my s710xx (15th) from the 'what are your jeans doing today' thread. 


    Coming up for a month old now and worn every day, even if only for a couple of hours in the evening after work...


    Got my 5000vx 21oz arriving (hopefully) tomorrow and i'm pretty excited 'bout that. And yes, I am aware that just as summer starts is a daft time to break in something weighty,but pah. Sue me!



  15. aHnrBzl.png


    Well, it would have been rude not to.


    Please note the mawashi geri for added effect.


    (side note: this does not clearly illustrate quite how far the ground drops away almost as soon as you take off. The kick was probably more to do with sheer panic at being some 40 feet above the woodland at that stage...)

  16. Found some interesting outcrops:




    Which I was pretty sure my Sams wanted to see closer, so...




    And then finally reached the top.


    The magnificently and most appropriately named:




    Also, while walking back my wife spotted something. Basically an old piece of rope with a branch stuck through it. We were hard pressed to decide whether or not it was a 'Darwin Trap' but both decided only an idiot would go anywhere near it!

  17. Decided that my new 710's needed a good bit of breaking in, so took advantage of the weather in England on saturday and dragged the Mrs off for a day in the Cheshire countryside.


    Headed to the sandstone trail - basically a 35mile ridge of sandstone that splits the Cheshire plains.


    Enjoying the view on the way up:







    Cue random fit shots...





  18. Thanks Max and B - that's what I was hoping to hear!

    Orders placed.

    These three will be my 'control pairs' - different weights, cuts and cotton. Once I've had some fun with these I can start thinking about widening my brand diversity!

    (And annoying you all with questions about them too..)

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