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Posts posted by Cucoo

  1. Hooray, new conductor jacket fabric! I was hoping the style would come back, I love the jacket but want it in duck or something similar. Will have to think about the hickory one but a plain colorway would be more versatile... 

  2. My 20s are getting their 2nd wash (3rd if you count initial shrink wash) today too, just chucked in with a bunch of other stuff, since the shrink should be taken care of after the 2nd (60°C) wash. I was tidying up our cellar compartment today, my wife and me both have a bad habit of taking useless shit and just putting it in the cellar - out of sight, out of mind - I'm talking cardboard boxes, busted electronics and general stuff and things you can't just throw in the garbage but have to take to a recycling center. So every 1-2 years I have to take off a day from work and clear all that shit out. Was getting a lot of dust and grime on my 20s so I wasn't even looking for an excuse to wash them ;)

    My wife is ecstatic that I finally got rid of a pair of speakers she loathes with all her being :D 5-sided pyramid speakers in black piano finish, I got those before we moved in together and while my wife grumpily accepts that a man needs a decent stereo setup (and stealthily appreciates that we don't have to only listen to tinny bluetooth speakers in our home) those speakers weren't negotiable... very low WAF (wife acceptance factor) :D I promise they looked cooler before gathering dust for 15 years!

    (I'm using Imgur for pics again until Sufu sorts out that annoying upload errors.)


    Also got rid of some leftover stuff from back when I was in buying 70s hifi equipment for cheap on eBay. Almost felt bad about it but who needs an humongous tape deck these days, and the Pioneer reverb wasn't even working... totally would have kept them if I had the room to display them somewhere though ;) 



    All in all it took 3 trips with the car loaded up like this :D


    And here's a shitty pic of my 20s this morning, featuring crusty Puma's that are on strict "dirty work" duty by now.




  3. 22 hours ago, mandel9000 said:

    I was going to post a little update, but I get an error message when I try to upload photos from the good camera

    I'm having the same problem lately, I thought I was insane because no one else was mentioning it but glad to know that it's some board problem.


    9 hours ago, Uncle Karl said:

    Thank you for updating the list! Actually the number of Japanese participants is still increasing. I am pursuing it. I will contact you as soon as I understand! !

    I thought the list was pretty fixed by now? What's the end date going to be if people keep joining for months after the contest started :D 

  4. 2 hours ago, volvo240thebest said:

    I still haven't tried yet to order straight from taobao, still use yoybuy. Please help and explain, is it now possible to order direct and have the parcel sent from the seller to every address outside China?

    Yep! It works like this: Taobao has warehouses that collect (and combine!) orders that you then can release for international shipment. I haven't used it to send to my home address since I use a forwarding service with a Hongkong address (HK counting as international since Taobao is mainland China) that will forward to me with all duties paid so I don't have to deal with customs and will receive packages within 3-4 days since they use DHL Express. You can put in your international address once you make an account with Taobao:



    I haven't tried international shipping through Taobao itself but it should work just fine, I'm not familiar with the delivery companies they offer though. Here's the tracking info for my last order:



    Here's the form where you enter new addresses:



    As I said, I haven't tried my actual German home address, maybe there's more fees involved with customs when a parcel leaves China for Europe compared to for HK. Still, you don't have to pay Yoybuy for their outrageous conversion course (since your card will be charged in the actual yuan amount) plus their additional fees...

    The forms are somewhat terrible to navigate since Chrome auto-translate will sometimes fuck things up so you have to reload the site but once your data is put in you're set. Ordering is as easy as putting into cart, paying for items plus delivery to the overseas warehouse - once it arrives there you'll pay for international delivery and have the option of consolidating various deliveries beforehand.

  5. Happy new year everyone

    Celebrated at friends' a short walk from our place, took the car there last night and left it

    Good excuse for a walk to clear the head from last night's alcohol and gunpowder fumes

    And an imitation of bartle style photo dump of landscape and shadows

    And trash from fireworks









  6. Can't rep Wham but get better Volvo!

    Made a last stroll over a few of the Christmas markets in town today. It used to be that 23.12. would be an evening for going out big time, meeting up with tons of old school friends who are back in town over Christmas - now that we're all older and/or parents we just had a few grilled sausages and mugs of mulled wine to safely be home by 19:00 :D  

    I don't know how my wife does it but with the way she holds the phone when you ask her to take your picture to show to those internet denim weirdos she always screws up the proportions :rolleyes:



    Here's a few impressions of Christmassy Regensburg. As usual the weather, after a few cold days in early December, got back to pretty mild in time for Christmas, so no snow.





    Since it got dark it's all just shitty phone potato quality... 

    This is the "official" city Christmas tree (town hall to the right, seat of the Eternal Diet of the Holy Roman Empire on the left)



    Glimpses of the cathedral



    This market isn't the most beautiful, but the largest of all the Christmas markets around town. It's horribly crowded and terrible to navigate with a kid in a stroller, but there's lots of great (mostly sausage-based) food.



  7. 10 hours ago, volvo240thebest said:

    fit seem to be improved. no more knee bags! and that's exactly the inseam length I'd like for my pair. Is it a single cuff?

    ditto, my wallet keeps falling over the pocket when sitting, very often, and I don't use a big wallet. Same with the phone in the other pocket. It's annoying, I should send Inoue a dead horse head.

    Thanks, yes, fit is very pleasing overall.

    It's a small folded cuff since I wanted to show off the insane hem roping. The length is manageable, I just prefer my cuffs to sit right on top of my shoes with a small break when I'm standing ;)


    9 hours ago, volvo240thebest said:

    Well yes, the Ape is the official Italian peasant vehicle.


    I loved those things so much as a kid. Somewhere there is a photo of me exactly like this one from when I was 7 or 8 years old :D I remember a vacation where one was always parked on the way from the apartment to the nearest panetteria and I checked it out every morning when my dad and me got breakfast. 

  8. 20+ is just insane, no?

    Here's mine after an initial 40° and a 60° wash after 39 wear days. They definitely lost more inseam and they're definitely not at my desired post-shrink length by now - if they didn't look so comparatively slim I'd be really bothered by that but with the way they look a smaller cuff is fine. Patch made it through the 60° wash just fine, only the stamped numbers suffered.

    The other thing bothering me is the tiny back pockets, my wallet keeps sliding upwards between sitting and standing.

    Don't get any wrong ideas though, I'm still enjoying them very much :) The denim feels like it opened up a bit more after it hit water a second time and the indigo loss is simply unbelievable at this early stage.


  9. All the cool kids do it so I gave mine a wash today, too :) Here's two pre wash pics since they're still drying. I'm blown away how there's a phone fade on the left butt pocket, I don't sit on my phone and only put it in that pocket when standing or walking around, I have never gotten a phone fade before :D I bet those jeans will be plain white in 18 months.


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