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Posts posted by laxlife1234

  1. ^ IMO I would definitely return them and wait for a 28. It isn't a horrid fit, but a size down would really help. Hell if you got a 27 you would be able to stretch them out to your size (they just would be uncomfortable at first). 

  2. ^ Oh wow, gotcha. Considering that they fuck them up I'm not running the risk, even if my photos are bad if in fact I do get a keeper I would be absolutely infuriated lol. 


    Can't say I love it yet, it's very fun to use though, but still waiting to get film developed from it. 

  3. Yeah I used one of those articles as a model - or maybe one on photo.net.  The problem I've run into is when you go up to the photo desk you say "Can you send out this film for me?" and then they say "We don't process film anymore."  Or something to that effect.  None of the walmarts near me have the photolab anymore for whatever reason.


    And yeah, if I had a flat top scanner I would probably use it, but at this point I'd rather pay for drumscans or throw down the money for a really nice negative scanner.


    Oh, well I'm going to try it, if I can't get them to do it I guess I will have to wait for breaks when I'm back in NYC or if I can find a dark room on campus. 


    I personally love my V600 and for the price I got - $150 brand new it was a bargain. Right now my film pictures are pretty shitty so I really don't have a need for an expensive scanner, but I also don't want to pay even more money for getting my prints scanned since I know that they aren't of any really good quality. I'm excited to use MF though as I understand the quality of the film grain/sharpness of the negatives is amazing. 

  4. I've tried getting walmart to develop 120, but haven't really gotten them to make it happen.  Maybe it's better outside of cities, but I've never had luck in DC, Baltimore, or NY...  Dwayne's has always been a pretty cheap ok option, but if I really wanted to print stuff I'd have to get it rescanned.  I need to pick up an imacon this year.


    From my understanding you can't ask them cause they have no clue what 120/220 is. This may be of some help, unless this is what you have done: http://blog.timesunion.com/chuckmiller/can-wal-mart-develop-your-120-film-yes-but/2333/


    If I can't find a way to get my film developed at college I will just have to wait until I go on my breaks and just drop it off then. I'm guessing you don't have your own scanner though? I have a V600 and it's a great investment imo. Scans come out really clean and depending on how sharp the actual negative is I can get some great quality scans. 

  5. I'm actually at Penn State now. I'm hoping to have access to a dark room here to learn how to develop my own film as it would save me a bit of $$. I also understand there's a way to get walmart who sends it out to labs to develop 120/220. Otherwise when I'm back I'll definitely check out one of those, thanks for the recommendation. 

  6. Actually no, just got it a few days ago. I'm actually leaving for college tomorrow, so I only used it on 1 shoot but I kinda screwed up half the roll of film since I was having trouble with the camera but I'm excited to see the results if and when I can get the 120 film developed.


    For some of the shots I also used my Elinchrom Quadra Ranger pack but I just sold that and because I traded my sigma for the mamiya I may buy the sigma again now that I have the funds. As for the 5DII it's hands down my favorite camera, everything about it is amazing imo.

  7. Lol. Maybe I'll just get a black bar. Seems meaningful. 


    Anyways the biggest thing to me is that I get an amazing artist, not some dude in a tattoo shop that sells bongs (or that's at least funniest/best advice I've gotten from a tattoo artist so far). If I have to pay a premium price I will have no problem doing so, especially if it's going to be there the rest of my life. But my original question was just out of curiousity... I guess it really only applies to the people that get shit quotes like 'let it go', or obnoxious crosses. 


    I will say I'm a fan of the work that (10chars) tattoo artist does, love the shading/simplicity of it. 

  8. Whatever, I still classify my 18 y/o self as a teen since I still make some stupid decions. And I'm waiting till I get a bit older so I don't regret my decision - my decisions are usually impulse anyway, so I figured if I wait and I still actually want it then I wont regret it. 

  9. Yes, that is like opening pandoras box. Anyway, my two cents (and I'm generalizing): There are only two types of tattooed people.


    A. Those who don't know shit about tattoos or artists and got something they try to squeeze some meaning into, like zodiac or chinese lettering stuff. Mostly these are the only tattoos they got and they got them cause they wanted something "really cool, reflecting my struggle or achievement, remembering my loved ones" or just wound up with what seems likely, like their date of birth etc.. Most of those tattoos are crap.


    B. People who love tattoos and mostly get many of them. Some with meaning, some with the sole purpose of pleasing their eyes only (which is enough "menaing" to me). If they are well thought of, they will make you more happy than Type A. At least, if you don't follow trends or do sth, just cause your current idol has it.


    Knowing you, Jacob, I give you the advice of my latest tattoo artist. He complimented me on waiting till I was 28 (two years ago), as this is the time when you got some cash and know where you stand in life. The motives and artists you pick then are most likely well thought of. For example, I would not advice getting throat and hand tattoos at the age of 18-25. Even if Oli Sykes makes you think it's cool.


    My opinion only.


    Gotcha. Thanks man, I'm to say the least not like every other teen though.. Right now what I want (which will most likely be different in a few years) is a half sleeve on my left arm - enough that if I wear a short sleeve shirt you can see it clearly, but if I need to cover it up I can easily do so. I like browsing this thread for the pure inspiration and most of the stuff posted in here is well done and good work. I figured over the next two years or so that I would just strictly do research and if I still feel the same way in two years about a tattoo as I do now then I will get one. I do have the artist in mind for my first tat though, maybe it'll change but I met him about a year ago so I am definitely thinking this through lol.


    Gotta figure out what I really want though and I'm just trying to find tattoos that interest me to some extent. 


    This guys video is what inspired me to get a tattoo and I've keep watching it every so often for the past year and a half: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bearandyeti/4027491253/


    Ah, man…don't open that can of worms. 


    Haha no one needs to respond anymore then, I definitely don't want to start a whole debate. 

  10. Just out of curiosity, how many of you guys get tattoos for a certain meaning? I'm looking into getting a tattoo within the next two years (yeah long time away) but I don't know what I should get and if it should have a meaning or not.

  11. was just there Fri,  right after dropping off a couple of jeans @BiG to be hemmed.


    if you're taking the subway,  trains A C E 1,  get off @Canal.

    it's in TriBeCa_     235 W Broadway, New York, NY 10013


    Ah, thanks man. Yes I'll be back in the city on Monday for a shoot so I'll go in early and hopefully make it there before. 


    And I guess a WAYWT reflected in the mirror. 




    H&M, Nudies (cut up into shorts), Vans

  12. As the brokers would say, East Williamsburg. When I made my way out, it was just good old Bushwick. Where are you living Quoise1203?


    Pardon my ignorance but what is the address of the liquor store? I'm always in the city but I've never been and never even heard of it.

  13. ^ Agreed. Although I wouldn't go so far as to not buy SG products cause I still love them (plus ordering something not in your home country is always more of a hassle). 


    Anyways coming back to this thread inspired me to take some evo pics on my 2105's, been about 2 months since my last update. I think they have about 7 months of wear? Not too sure... but now that I'm going to college they'll be beaten up over the next year. 







  14. I ordered from Star-foot the day the sale was posted here and still haven't gotten a finalized cost with shipping. Pretty much expecting my order to be cancelled too, but haven't heard anything yet.


    I ordered  mine I think 5 hours or so after the link was posted. It may also depend on the size cause most people aren't a 28, but I'm also waiting for confirmation (still....). If my order is cancelled, oh well, if not that would be great. 

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