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Posts posted by laxlife1234

  1. hey Lax, I went back quite some pages, or it might have been browsing the IH forum thread, shame they didn't work out for you - I thought they were good on you but I can understand it being a pretty opinion dividing cut..

    yeh found it, you had the heavies.. 1103EX!

    Yup! Those shits were seriously heavy. Honestly, they put my 634s to shame in terms of weight, lol. The looked good because most of the clothes I wore back then weren't too slim, but they were big enough that if I were standing up straight my legs wouldn't touch the denim at all as they were such a big cut (too big for a guy like me).

  2. I had a 1103ex in 36, and they were plenty roomy in the thigh.

    1103's are huge. I remember my pair, although it was possibly the heaviest denim I've ever owned. I'm a small guy, so I wound up selling them due to how big the were.

  3. Yup! That's the pair I got! I may taper them slightly since I remember when I had S5000s they were a bit wide, but that was also a size 30. Ill be sure to post up fit pics when they arrive.

  4. I guess I'm just not at a place where I want to share the photos I take with the world. I posted 10 or so for a college application portfolio, but even in the 8 months since then I feel like my work has progressed significantly. So much of photography is filtering. Anyone can take a strong photo, but in my opinion it takes a lot of care to create a series where each image compliments the others in an appropriate way. I'm honestly a little embarrassed by some of my old stuff, and would rather not have things I might regret on the internet defining the work I produce.

    On a forum where almost every post is in some way related to consumerism I didn't really expect discussing gear to be an issue. Krackrox, I've never seen you post anything of substance so I don't know why you take issue with me, but on a related note I purchased a Rollei 6003 Professional a few days ago so hate all you want.

    No hate coming from me man! If you're not comfortable sharing your photos, don't. Who cares if you spend a lot on gear? It's a hobby, just like cars. You don't see people who own 3 ferrari's racing in nascar... I for one love discussing gear, but I didn't think this thread was for the gear discussion?

    Personally I know a lot of my photos suck, hell, I still have yet to have a top 10. It's nice to post to forums to see what people think though, as well as so others can see your progression. I remember a few years back when I first got a T3i a couple of people basically shut me down, but I didn't listen to them as it's more of a hobby which has turned into something I can hopefully one day call a job. I still have a lot to learn though and I know I will regret what I've put out earlier, but at least it's a way for people to see the process as well as it takes a lot of time to really perfect the art.

  5. created a blog specifically aimed at my NYC street photos: highcitylimits.tumblr.com - I do my best to check out everyones blog, but I follow very few blogs (only ones that interest me).




  6. ^ Yup, same exact cut just different fabric. And depending on the size you get (I have 29's TTS) they will appear skinnier vs. a pair of 33's. It also depends on your body type, but go for the 2109s the slim cut is perfect imo.

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